
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

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70 Chs

Meeting Red Part 4

"My name is Red"




Several minutes before.

Red could be seen standing in front of the man that he threw to the ground. Red looks around and sees more people coming out of the boat.

When he looked closer he saw mana constantly being used by one man.

"I don't know how much mana one is supposed to have since I constantly get mine replenished, but I don't think one could use that much mana constantly."

Red left the body of the root creature that he was controlling and returned to his flower body. Once he returned to it he created five more delta creatures.

[Host have given Root creatures these following skills Soul eyes, Specter hands, Specter body, Digestion, Petal storm, and Flower field]

[Will the host confirm these selections]

"I confirm these selections. Also why did you say that system you usually never said things like that?"

[It was an order from your world master to operate like this now]

"So my world master is able to command the system even though we aren't in his world. Sigh* how much power do these world masters have anyways?"

Red then looked back at the battlefield and saw the root creatures that he ordered to go to the beach almost there.

"You five go to where the rest are at" upon receiving the order the five began to run to the beach.

Red began to watch what the people on the beach would do. He saw a guy jumping off the ship with a spear in his hands charging at the root creature, only for him to get stabbed by the roots that were underneath them.

He then saw a girl telling everyone near her that the Root creatures were made out of roots. This action caught Reds attention and led to the discovery of blessings.

He then saw a student walk into the forest which when he saw the mass of root creatures yelled and passed out in fear.

"Why did this kid walk into the forest even though they knew that there were monsters waiting for them?"

Red ordered the creatures to come out of the forest and attack the people on the beach.

Red's plan was to overpower them, find the leader, ask for the leader to take him to the mainland, while having a hostage, the girl, and it would all work out.

Everything was going smoothly until "Huh? Why is she holding a rock in her hand? That isn't going to kill my creatures since they are numerous and have hard "skin," unless it has to do with her blessing. Probably should take precautionary measures just in case."

When Red saw the girl throw the rock at one of his Root creatures he made one of his roots come out of the ground and catch the rock. But when his root touched the rock it turned into dust.

This sight shocked and confused Red for a couple of seconds until.

[Host has been tamed be Female Human Elizabeth]

[Now sending jolt to host]

"Wait what?"

He was hit by a shock of pain that made him feel like he was dying in the most gruesome way. His soul felt like it was being chained up and his physical body felt like it was caged while also being hit by something hard.

And it wasn't just him who felt this, all of his root creatures that he had made also felt this. Those who were at the area where the rock turned into dust fell down and became a pile of roots. And those who were far away fell onto their stomach while spazzing out.

A couple of seconds later the feeling that Red and his root creatures felt was finally gone.

"My body and soul feel different. System showed me my Stat window."

[Stat screen will now be shown]

Name: Red

Race: Petal Flower

Title: The Demon of the Forest, Servant of Elizabeth Barnes.

Level: 11 (91/100 exp)

Soul: 500/500

Strength: 72

Speed: 72

Magic: 130

Defense: 65

Skills: Telepathy, Soul eater, Root mastery (10 Max), absorption (6), Soul eyes (passive) (3), Root duplication, Specter body, Specter hand (1), Root Creature (8), Skill share, Digestion, Petal storm (1), Flower field (1).


"What is this title Servant of Elizabeth Barnes?" When he checked his Stat page he saw a new title given to him.

The title made Red a bit confused "System I don't remember telling someone I was going to be their servant."

[This is due to the item Instant Taming Rock that was thrown at one of your body parts]

"Instant taming rock I don't remember getting hit by a..." Red then remembered that the girl he was going to capture threw a rock at him and when he tried to block it using his root it turned to dust.

"Wait, does that mean I'm a tamed creature to that girl!"

Red was about to go on a rampage until he thought of the benefits of this "If I'm her tamed creature then that means that I should be able to go to the mainland with her. Hahaha this is one of the best opportunities for me to ever have."

Red began to laugh wildly as this new plan came to his mind.

"But first I must become a very strong tamed creature and make her feel like she hit the jackpot."

Red then opened up the skill store and began to look over it.

"Ok I should find something that makes me feel either safe to be around or dangerous."

Red then began to scroll through the skill store and found a skill that he was looking for.

[Aroma: The user is able to send any kind of smell in the air that will make nearby targets feel safe or in danger. Cost: 4 soul coins]

Seeing how cheap it was, Red instantly turned twenty souls into 4 coins and bought the skill.

[Host has bought the skill Aroma]

Red then began to look for a skill that allowed him to heal others.

[Healing flower: when the user uses the skill, the host will shoot out a seed out of their hand and when it hits an injured target it will begin to bloom and absorb the mana in the air and turn it into healing magic. Cost: 50 soul coins]

Seeing the cost Red had doubts if he should buy it, but when he scrolled around the next healing skill was about 200 soul coins which if he calculated right would be 1,000 souls.

"Yeah I'm going to buy this one."

[Host has bought the skill Healing flower (1)]

As Red was about to leave the skill page something caught his attention. Well two things.

[Try your luck with the Skill wheel]

The other thing was a skill.

[Root body: The user will create a body that is made out of Roots. The skills of the user will be duplicated into the body, allowing the host to use any of their main body skills. If the body is damaged it will auto regenerate itself by using the root body's mana. Cost 20 soul coins]

Seeing both things, Red was intrigued. "What is the Skill wheel?"

[It is a new function added to the system thanks to your world master. If spun the user will have a chance to get a skill]

Hearing this Red was happy to hear this. When he looked at the price of it it only cost him 1 soul coin to spin.

"Ok I'll first get the Root body skill then spin the wheel."

[Host has bought the skill Root body]

Red then looked at how many souls he had.

Name: Red

Race: Petal Flower

Title: The Demon of the Forest, Servant of Elizabeth Barnes.

Level: 11 (91/100 exp)

Soul: 130/500

Strength: 72

Speed: 72

Magic: 130

Defense: 65

Skills: Telepathy, Soul eater, Root mastery (10 Max), absorption (6), Soul eyes (passive) (3), Root duplication, Specter body, Specter hand (1), Root Creature (8), Skill share, Digestion, Petal storm (1), Flower field (1), Healing flower (1), Aroma, Root body.


Seeing that he only had 130 souls left hurt his heart and soul. "This is the price to pay for a plan to work out I guess."

Red then looked at the wheel and bought one soul coin and spun the wheel.

As the wheel began to spin he felt anticipation in his body for some odd reason. When the wheel began to slow down he could see skills that were expansive such as Demon roots, Dragonic flower, and Reality break.

When the wheel finally stopped he saw a notification pop up.

[The host has won skill Mana absorption]

Seeing this skill Red was confused at first "Systen what does it do?"

[Mana absorption: The user is able to absorb any nearby mana and turn it into the host's own mana. This includes spells or magical auras]

Seeing this Red was happy since this fitted perfectly with his new skill Root Body. "Thank you my world master for adding this new function."

Red was ready to spin again and when he hit the button Red received a notification.

[The wheel can only be spun once a week]

Red was dumbfounded at first but then remembered the skills he saw on the wheel.

"Yeah if I somehow got a ton of overpowered skills some gods would be curious."

Red accepted this and was finally ready to show himself to his "master."

As he looked at where she was he saw her surrounded by people who he guessed were congratulating her or thanking her for what she did.

He then saw a person walk up to her and it was the same person who was using mana constantly. As he watched he saw her put her hand in front of her and as if he was next to her, he heard "Please heed my call and come to me."

As if his body was telling him to do something he formed flowers out of one of the dead deltas that he just recently made and gave the skill flower field. As the bundle of flowers were being made he saw roots flowing out the newly made flowers and he felt something along the lines of having a new arm or body part that he could perfectly use.

He then used his new skill Root Body. A mound of roots could be seen forming where the flowers were at and he heard a muffled voice. "Hey, what is that?" Red then used the skill Telepathy and began to talk to everyone around him. "You call me master."

A small pause happened and a couple seconds later he heard a muffled voice. "Uh, yes, might I know the name of my future ally.

Red didn't speak and was caught in a dilemma "What should I say to her. Should I tell her my real name or should I make a fake name? I could use the name Revenant and tell her that's my name. But what if she figures out my lie, ok calm down Red just calm down. She won't hate your name thanks to the new skills that you just bought."

As Red calmed down he began to speak "My name is" he paused for a bit "My name is Red."