
The Demon Alpha's Revenge

Bounce was just right years when his parents and pack was massacred. He was just too young to survive on his own but yet he did. He carried the pains of his parents death for hundreds of years. He made sure to become as deadly as the devil himself. His revenge quest was shakened when Jessy, one of his enemy's daughter was brought to his pack by his pack member. She caused him lot of troubles. Both to his heart and body. It got to the point that he begin to feel that he betrayed his parents for his heart but it seems he couldn't help it. will he then abandoned his revenge quest and follow his heart or will he ignore his heart and follow his revenge plans. All questions will be answered in the book. Enjoy

Xterian_69 · Fantaisie
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34 Chs

The idea of the bargain

All these messages run through my mind as she looked at me with her lust filled eyes.

"But I'm an enemy" I told her.

"My body doesn't know that" she said.

She was buttoning her blouse already. Revealing her fair skin.

"Don't" I said to her.

"You can't back away now" she said with a frown.

" If I had known I wouldn't have agreed" I groaned.

This was an headache for me. I'm in the middle of a dilemma. I can't reject her neither do I know if I would regret after I do this. I've always tried to avoid things like this.

"I intentionally didn't tell you because I know you won't agree" she said dropping her dress to the floor.

My goodness, she didn't have a single clothing underneath. She was so prepared for this. This lady is my undoing. I'll do this and regret later. I moved closer, looking at her nice tits.

"Fine let's do this" I said and grabbed her for a deep kiss.

I planned to be very rough with her that she would regret asking me for such request. She moaned with satisfaction on my lips and this got me so high.


"I think I'm getting obsessed" I said to myself.

" Yes you are" Storm replied me.

I haven't seen Bounce for days now. No will even tell me his where about and that was drying crazy. They claim they don't know and I think that's all a lie. I really miss him. I miss him so hard. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Me knowing his not out there gave me reasons not to leave my room.

"Jessy" I heard Bella's voice.

Bella whom I would have been happy to see, was now so irritating to me. It's not s if what she did is none of my business but I couldn't help but see her as a threat. If the truth be told, I should be happy that she's an enemy of my enemy and that should make us friends but I felt betrayed. She's part of the people that told me a lot about Bounce so I couldn't believe she will betray him with all that appraisal of him.

"Are you there?" I heard her voice again.

" "Yes I am" I managed to reply.

" Are you alright?"

Her voice showed concern but it didn't move me. I just wish she would go away. I don't want her to disturb my peace. I'm already in a bad mood I don't want her adding to it.

"Are you sick?"

Her formally sweet voice now became annoying because I think it could all be a sham, just to lure me. I know I'm acting like a fool right now but I can't help it. I can't help that she's the Beta's wife and she's planning evil against the Alpha.

"You can't be so sure Jessy. You didn't hear her in full" Storm mocked me.

" I know but I can't help but feel disgusted" I said with a pout.

" Jessy?" She called. "Are you really sick?"

"Oh she's still there" Storm said.

" I'm not" I replied.

" Well I came to call you out for dinner. You've not been out all the while".

" Yes I prefer to be left alone" I said bluntly.

" Okay then. I'll send Fillia to bring you your meal" she said and left.

That's good. She didn't try to persuade me to come out. Later Fillia came knocking at my door.

"Come in" I grumbled.

She came in bearing a large tray of food. I wondered how they treat me like a princess. Well I like food and it's a good thing they give me a lot. I'll stuff my stomach and try to forget about that handsome devil of an Alpha. I then noticed that there was a smile playing on her face.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked.

At least something to distract me from thinking about that man.

"My little brother" she replied with a grin.

"What happened?" I focused though still eating.

" There's this little girl close to us that has always been showing interest in him. She had once told him but he ignored her. So yesterday was her eighteenth birthday and she invited all neighbors including my brother. So at the party, she made him a bargain" she paused.

" A bargain?"

" Glen....."

"Who is Glen?"

" My brother".

" Ok".

" He had always wanted his personal trainer to be sir Mitchell. He admired the man so much but because of our caliber, he wouldn't get a single chance with him. This made him quite unhappy but there was nothing he could do. So at the party she made him a bargain that if she could get sir Mitchell to accept him as a trainee, he would give her a kiss..."

" All that just for a kiss?"I snorted. " So childish" I thought.

" Yes ma'am. My brother thought it was impossible so he boldly accepted the bargain. To everyone there shock, she handed him a hand written letter signed by sir Mitchell himself indicating that his training starts very early the following morning, right there at the party" she said laughing.

" You can't be serious" I almost shouted.

" I am ma'am. I even saw the letter".

"But she had always know he wanted this?"

"Yes maam. Everyone around knew that was Glen's dream".

" He must have been so surprised" I asserted.

" Of course. Being suprised was an understatement. He was definitely shocked. When his friends were telling him about how he looked, I couldn't help but to laugh. That girl is so smart. I wondered how she had gotten so close to sir Mitchell to make him agree" she smiled shaking her head.

" Well that's the power of love" I said with enthusiasm.

" I wish I had such boldness. Like the girl is not even ashamed in front of those crowd even my brother was".

" Your brother kissed her?" I asked as if I was surprised but I was excited.

"Of course. Do he has a choice. He has to fulfill his own part of the bargain. He came home with a very grumpy and shy look but deep down he was so happy. I don't know about the kiss but I'm so sure about the letter" she said.

Just then an idea popped into my head.

"You can't be serious Jessy" storm said to me with an alarmed look.

"It might work".

"We are talking about the demon Alpha here not just a random boy. Are you planning to get us killed?" She shouted.

" C'mon be calm. Why must you think of death all the time" I scolded her.

" That's because all you do is to take deadly risks but this is far too risky" she complained.

" I know he can be touchy but..."

"Ma'am are you all right?" Fillia asked me.

I know it's because I stopped talking all of a sudden.

"Yes I'm fine" I said with a smile.

After Fillia left, I kept pacing and ruminating on what I will use for my bargain o how I wi get that grumpy man alone.

"Jessy are you serious about this?" Storm kept asking me.

I don't know how I could be more bold than my own wolf. She's just to fearful yet strong.

"Don't discourage me. At least when I get home it will be a nice story to tell" I said with a childish smile.

" Not if you are dead" she said.

"Stop saying dead" I snapped at her.

I stopped pacing and moved to the wall to relax my back. The way it felt doesn't seem like it is a wall. I walked away from it and looked at the place. I then knocked at it, then it gave me a sound as if knocking on a wood. I did it again to be sure, it was still the same sound. This got me grinning.

I sure know that the next room that will be behind this door is Bounce's room. I then start to look for how to pull off that thing that covered the real door. Then I found it. I gently removed it and this reached to me the nicely carved door. I'm a guru in picking locks so I did my thing and in no time it gave way and now I have access to Bounce's room.

His smell hit me immediately I entered and it soothe my aching heart. I had expected his room to be so decorated with his love for jewels but nothing was overly done. Aside his nice bed, everything else was just so normal.

"That man is so confusing" Storm said and I agreed with her.

I laid on his bed smiling happily like I was given a candy.

"What if he catches us here? Storm asked.

"Here comes the scared girl" I mocked.

"I fear for my life Jessy" she said with a frown.

"Well he's not around so relax" I said insouciant.

Just as I was done with my words, a door that I later discovered it was his bathroom opened. I sat up we looking at each other. He was all naked.

"Goddess this is so tempting" I couldn't help but stare at that well built man standing right in front of me with not a piece of cloth on. That so enticing.

"What the hell are you doing in my room!!" He growled.

Well that growl brought me back to my senses.

"Now I'm so dead" I said in my head.

"At last you got us killed" Storm said blocking me off herself.

I knew I had to do something, else Bounce will make sure to bury me alive but his body was distracting me big time. I couldn't help but to lick my lips. I didn't have a word to say, so I just stared at him. I think he forgot he was naked but my looks sure helped to remind him. He then went to his closet and grabbed a towel to covered only his lower body. With the look on his face I know I'm getting him so angry.

"You better start explaining the reason you dare to step into my room without you been invited, else you will regret your action" he said with a glowing eyes.

Now I'm so scared. I wish I had listened to Storm. I won't be in this predicament. Now she ditched me. I cleared my throat as if to say something but at the end I didn't, since I don't know where to start from. So just kept staring at him.

"Get yourself together before I rip your head off" he said in his alpha voice.

If I don't do something now I sure know death is inevitable. So I used the bargain. This was time for me to get what I wanted. The fear of my life made me so shameless. I threw him the bargain but he wasn't even faze. Well that didn't make me to give up. I tried all my best possible at last I won. It wasn't as easy as I thought but then I still did it.