

In a world where multiple bloodlines and abilities exist, Tian was born with a rare combination of the destruction and creation bloodlines. As a result, he possesses incredible powers that could change the course of history. But with such power comes great danger. Tian was marked as an abomination and cursed by Heaven, so he must navigate through a dangerous world filled with powerful beings who seek to take his life. As the story unfolds, Tian must decide who to trust and who to kill. But the journey won’t be easy as he faces powerful enemies with their own unique abilities and motives. Will Tian harness his full potential and overcome these obstacles, or will he succumb to the dangers that lurk around every corner of the universe?

Ghostvillain · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
60 Chs

Chapter 8: secret soul realm


"Where I'm I?"

Tian woke up to realize he was in a very dark space; everywhere was quiet, and the space looked scary, but he felt peaceful and comfortable In this dark space.

He tried to move his body, and surprisingly, he felt no pain; he looked confused cause he was severely injured, but now he couldn't feel any wound or pain, and his body looked perfect and healthy.

He sighs in relief before giving more observation of his environment.

It was deadly quiet here, and every word of his echoed through the space; this confusion and sense of loss continued for a few hours until a portal with golden violet color appeared right in front of him.

The appearance of a strange portal surprised him, but then he felt a calling in his heart, like something that belonged to him was behind the portal waiting for him to retrieve it.

He hesitates a little and observes the portal a little before he notices the golden violet color, which is similar to his blood and eye color; with this, he concluded to enter the portal, but still, he raises his guard, preparing himself for another round of battle before stepping into the portal.


Tian was surprised by his view after stepping through the portal.

In front of him was a world of its own; the sky was black with a violet color moon illuminating the sky, and below him were three different paths leading in 3 directions; the path on the right led to a magnificent forest that had a vast garden that stretches for many miles away, this garden was large, and there was a barrier that divides this land into six different sections, the space in each section was so big that they are world of there own and in each division were another type of herbs planted in them, a powerful life force was being emitted in this region.

The right path leads to a land with mountains of different sizes, and he can feel solid other energy coming from this path.

He was speechless seeing these two different lands, but he found it hard to understand what was going on around him but felt comfortable in this space; in fact, he had a feeling that felt like home, then he stared ahead of him.

Distance away from him, he saw a huge black 9-story pagoda with blood-red runes around it, an aura of destruction and darkness was emitted from it, and the pagoda gave off a feeling of unbeatable and unrivaled mysteries.

While beside this pagoda was a sizeable golden castle, the castle looked simple and majestic, and it gave the feeling of peace and creation; it had a massive Golden Gate with an image of two trees on each side of the gate.

Seeing these two buildings, Tian felt comfort in his heart, and he started crying cause immediately he saw the complete view of this world, a simple message appeared in his mind.

"This secret soul realm was created with great effort by all 9 of us; it belongs to only you, everything you desire is here, and your words are laws here".

A rough voice rang out in his mind; even though he knew these nine experts created him to go against all laws and orders of heaven, which sounded like he was a weapon, he still had no hatred in his heart for them.

Firstly he receives their love, honesty, and effort; secondly, they gave their lives to protect him from heaven before and after his birth.

Thinking of all this, he made a vow in his heart that he would destroy heaven one day.

Tian regained his thoughts before walking toward the castle ahead of him; he chose to enter this place the cause of its creation aura.

Cause it makes him remember the warmth he felt from the woman that pushed him to the portal when he was born.

When he arrived in front of the castle gate, he realized how exquisite it was; then he pushed the gate open and was surprised by what he saw.

The inside of the castle was much larger than that what the outside view portrayed; it was so big inside, with a garden of different flowers on the right and left and other houses around that were all linked together; he saw some buildings, and each building has a different word on them that describe there uses.

This building includes alchemy, weapon smith and runes and formation workshop, and another tall building with a three-story tower with the word library.

He was speechless and happy for all he saw, especially after seeing the library, cause that's what he needed most.

Yes, he needs knowledge of the world and everything around him. He doesn't want to be an illiterate in this world. He finds himself, so he needs all the knowledge he can get.

But before going into the library, he wants to explore this castle first, so he takes his time and explores everything in the castle except the buildings that have alchemy, weapon, formation, etc., on them, and that is cause he has no idea of everything there.

It took him a long time before he finished his exploration. He was surprised and realized this was a home created for him, and he had everything he could desire in this home. Every expert would kill themselves to obtain half of the things in this castle.

After he was done, he took a deep breath to calm his heart down before walking directly to the library building.

Upon arriving in front of the building, he can feel the air of knowledge surrounding this building and walks in.

He arrives on the first floor of the building, and what welcome him is an old library filled with different sections of books; each book is well arranged on other tall and ancient wooden shelves, and it's surprising how they look clean and undamaged from so many years.

There are different classifications of books in each section, so it's easier for anyone to find whatever they are looking for easily; one area has cultivation techniques and skills, another has an alchemy section, a weapons section, etc., and there is a section that has the knowledge and mysteries of the cultivation world.

Seeing this section, Tian immediately rushes to this section and starts browsing through the books there.