

In a world where multiple bloodlines and abilities exist, Tian was born with a rare combination of the destruction and creation bloodlines. As a result, he possesses incredible powers that could change the course of history. But with such power comes great danger. Tian was marked as an abomination and cursed by Heaven, so he must navigate through a dangerous world filled with powerful beings who seek to take his life. As the story unfolds, Tian must decide who to trust and who to kill. But the journey won’t be easy as he faces powerful enemies with their own unique abilities and motives. Will Tian harness his full potential and overcome these obstacles, or will he succumb to the dangers that lurk around every corner of the universe?

Ghostvillain · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
60 Chs

Chapter 35: The beast king.

As he was flying backward, he felt a sense of danger from behind him, he quickly recall his spear and thrust it backward. A metal sound rang out as his spear and a fist collided, it was the kethakor that attack him.

Tian was thrown backward again, while the kethakor took four heavy steps back, and with each step it took the ground tremble.

Tian immediately recovered his body in midair before launching another blow at the wolf, who leapt on him unexpectedly. With a loud crashing explosion, his fist broke the blood moon wolf's guts, and it was tossed to the ground.

He was not given any breathing room, the serpent lung itself at Tian with a powerful poisonous attack that carry a devastating corrosive power. Tian used his space and time way to disappear and emerge behind the serpent, he thrust a very powerful spear attack at its head, " Nova star strike".

Kaboom, the serpent was thrown deep into the ground with an earthquake explosion, then Tian throw a fist behind him immediately cause another attack has arrived behind.

bang…bang…. bang…. Kaboooom.

Tian fought fiercely on, his muscles straining with effort as he battled the massive beasts. Sweat dripped down his face, mingling with blood from his wound, but he refused to back down.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity of fierce combat, Tian emerged victorious. The four beast lay at his feet, their bodies battered and broken, their fierce spirit was nowhere to found as they stare at Tian with fear and terror. He stood there, painting and bleeding, but triumphant.

As he surveyed the carnage around him, Tian felt a sense of pride and satisfaction fill him. He had faced down some of the deadliest peak creatures in the land with only half his strength and come out on top.

As Tian stood victorious amidst the aftermath of his battle, a low growl echoed through the forest. He turned to face the source of the sound and froze in terror at the sight before him.

A massive tiger was walking closer to Tian, with its thick, white fur and piercing blue eyes, it was cleared that this was no ordinary tiger- it was a beast with the bloodline of the legendary white tigers.

its fur was so pure and white that it almost seemed to glow in the fading light, and its muscles rippled under the surface as it prowled forward. Its fangs were long and sharp, and its claws gleamed in the dim light.

but despite its terrifying appearance, this tiger possessed a regal grace that could not be denied. Its movements were fluid, and every step it took seemed to echo with power and confidence. Its eye were deep and intelligent, and they seemed to hold wisdom beyond what any beast should possess.

What surprise Tian was that this beast aura was actually above the peak ascension realm level and it was close to the next level that is above the mortal realm.

The tiger examined its domain, and seeing the other beast sprawled on the ground, it let out a low growl, as if condemning them for being "useless."

Tian realize that this is the beast king since there was a golden rune that says "KING" on its forehead.

The beast king towered over Tian, its sheer size alone is enough to intimidate even the peak expert of this world. It's low growl sent shivers to the beasts and Tian could feel a terrifying aura pressing down on him, this aura was endless and too powerful.

this scene make Tian remember the first he met Lord Mo Su, and he couldn't help muttered to himself, " doesn't every expert in this world love to intimidate the weak with there aura?".

But despite the aura on him, Tian stood his ground, staring defiantly up at the Beast king. The tiger increase the aura and its pride erupt out like the tide, however all this energy was targeted at Tian.

The ground beneath his feet explodes, and his feet sink into the earth. "You shouldn't have done that". Tian raise his head and stare deep into tiger eye.

suddenly, a power beyond anyone imagination erupted from Tian body, and this power come with a pride and arrogance that even the Heaven will be furious about. This is Tian bloodline power, which was provoke by the beast king prideful aura.

Tian's eyes sparkled brilliantly; his right eye went golden and rotated a blue lotus flower with three petals, while his left eye turned deep black and had violet runes circling in it. Two dark-golden horns with violet runes surrounding them sprouted on his forehead, along with a long tail with sharp points and enormous wings. His scales, which were dark gold with violet runes on each scale, covered his entire body.

" how dare you, be arrogant in front of this Lord?, now bow for me". Tian said out loud, but this is not Tian voice, it was like a destructive devil voice, coming from the end of the universe.

this voice rang out through out the entire demonic beast region, and it send shiver down the spine of every demonic in the whole region, even the beast king standing in front Tian was no exception.

All the beast in the whole region bowed down, even the king swallowed his pride and bowed his head to Tian, its like none of them has the will to against this command, the King become tamed in a seconds.

Now Tian was standing up in the sky with his wings flapping the air to keep his balance, while he looked down on the whole beasts.

Tian return back to his fake form and fainted, before he started dropping down but the tiger caught him gently before the land on the ground.

The king briefly observed Tian before turning his attention to the princess, who was standing far away in safety. He let out a little sigh. "Get up everyone; until the Lord awakens, I shall be carrying him away. Guide the Lord's visitor to a secure location and see to it that you provide them anything they require. Additionally, be ready for impending changes to the entire world. The four animals, who were now staring at Tian in dread, heard the tiger speak to them in human language.


" Will young master be okay?". The princess asked Lucien who was standing behind her, cause she became worried after seeing the the tiger king taking Tian away to who knows where.

" Yes young lady, none of the beast here pose a threat to young master, moreover Buck and the others are still with him". Lucien replied and there was not a single worries on his face.

The four beasts appeared in front of the princess; they bowed to Lucien. "We will be taking you to rest until the Lord is awake.

But the princess was still wary of them, so she looked at Lucien, who nodded his head to her before she climbed on top of the elephant.


Two days later Tian woke up in a small pond, filled with pure white liquid while there are some small particles shining like the stars in the liquid. He realized that this liquid contained abundant energy and his body was absorbing them naturally to strengthen his body.

He sat up to check his surroundings and he was surprise to see the beautiful garden that surround him. The pond he was sitting in was in the middle of a beautiful garden, filled mountains rare herbs and fruit, this are all the rare resources that the humans will go crazy and kill each other for.

at one corner of the garden was a stone bench with table, and a middle age man can be seen sitting on it, while at another corner was a lady with nine tails, tending to the flowers around the garden.

The fox lady drew Tian attention as her nine tails was swaying behind her like a cascade of flame, her eyes, a bright amber, seemed to twinkle with mischief and intelligence. She wore a small smile on her lips as she continue to tend to the flowers. Her movement were graceful, almost ethereal in nature, as if she was not truly bound by the laws of the mortal world.

Tian used the universal heavenly eye on her and he see that she has the " Celestial Moon Fox bloodline". Immediately Tian made up his mind to make her his maid also.

" young lord, you are awake, why don't you join me here ?". The middle age man sitting on the bench invite Tian.

"Huh, who are you and where I'm i ?". Tian asked the man with a calm expressionless face.

"young master, you don't remember me?". He asked

Tian took a closer look at the middle-aged man, and when he noticed the golden rune on his forehead, insight struck him. "Oh, so earlier you were the enormous tiger". Tian spoke just before getting up and going straight to the bench to seat down.

" Young master, let me pour you a drink". The middle age man stood up to pour Tian a drink. " this wine was brewed from hundreds of herbs and hundred of fruit along with the star-moon spring. I'm sure you will love it". He explained to Tian as he pour the wine for him.

Tian did not mind, and he drank it in one gulp. The man wanted to warn Tian to drink it slowly because the wine contained too much energy, but he was too late.


Suddenly multiple explosion rang out within Tian body and crack appear around his body, Tian quickly started circulating his cultivation techniques which help him to absorb the energy faster, he also directed some to his soul to absorb.