

In a world where multiple bloodlines and abilities exist, Tian was born with a rare combination of the destruction and creation bloodlines. As a result, he possesses incredible powers that could change the course of history. But with such power comes great danger. Tian was marked as an abomination and cursed by Heaven, so he must navigate through a dangerous world filled with powerful beings who seek to take his life. As the story unfolds, Tian must decide who to trust and who to kill. But the journey won’t be easy as he faces powerful enemies with their own unique abilities and motives. Will Tian harness his full potential and overcome these obstacles, or will he succumb to the dangers that lurk around every corner of the universe?

Ghostvillain · Fantaisie
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60 Chs

chapter 30: Maid Song Bao.

After Maria disappeared, Tian was left alone, so he went to take a lovely bath and submerge himself deep in the pool to let go of all his worries, it is only in this soul world he feels the most comfortable, so he let go of all the worries in his heart and embrace the warmth of the cold and warm pool.

After 30 minutes, he came out feeling considerably better than before. He then exited the water while wearing a long, black robe that exposed some of his chest, and spent the remaining time cultivating and training.

after spending twenty days in the soul world, Tian aura becaume much more heavy, because he has make considerable improvement in this twenty days, then he disapear from the soul world and reapear in the imperial room given to him.

immediately Tian appear in the room he called out for the maid, and he told them to bring him the best food and wine they have in the kingdom.

after waiting for twenty minute, the door to his room was open and surprisingly to him, it was not the royal maid that came in, in front of Tian was standing princess Song Bao, wearing a red long gown, which is a masterpiece of intricate embroidery and delicate lace, hugging her curves in all the right places, she is tall, with her golden curls, falling in loose waves around her shoulders, and in her hand was a large serving tray which hold all the foods and wines Tian has asked for.

she walked in and started serving Tian food on the table right in front of him, without greeting or saying a word to Tian, but her did not stop staring into Tian eye, like she was trying to peer into Tian soul and see all his secrets.

Tian did not mind this at all, infact he was enjoying the moment and he showed a genuine smile to the princess.

after she finish serving him, she sat down beside Tian.

" do you want me to feed you also?". she asked with a smile on her face.

" I actually wont mind being serve by my maid" Tian reply, while throwing back the same smile.

"And what makes you think i'm reading to be your maid, and why did you want me as your maid?". the princess asked with a curious and confused tone.

When Tian noticed the princess's sincere behavior and realized she wasn't acting at all, he felt slightly bad for having used her as a bargaining chip. So, he gave the princess's cheeks a gentle, sincere rub, which the princess could feel for herself, while looking into her eyes with tenderness and pure affection.

" ever since i was born into this world, i dont have any family, nor anyone to call family, have been fighting to keep my life, but when i set my eye on you in the hall i knew you are someone i want to protect and have around me". Tian said to her with pure honesty.

the princess tremble a little, feeling the sadness in Tian tone, before she started feeding Tian, while he enjoy the warmth,and quiet atmosphere,because he knew that for the princess to appear here it means she has agreed to become his maid and he has to fulfil his end of the agreement from his side.

suddenly the princess asked a question, " but why maid?".

this question brought Tian out of his thought and she looked at her before he reply. "Because no woman deserve to be my wife in this lifetime of mine, but i will love any woman i accept in this life more than any other man could love her".

The princess did not reply; she just stared at Tian for a while and blushed before she continued feeding him, and after ten minutes, Tian was done eating, and a maid came in to pack the plates out.

the princess stand up and walked behind Tian, she started massaging his shoulder, while Tian close his eyes to enjoy the service, given to him by the princess.

"young master, i hope you don,t mind me asking, you look young and at the same time your demeanor is like that of an old man who have seen the vissitude of time, this confuse me alot?". the princess asked with a curious tone, while she did not stop giving her service.

"ohhh, my dear little Bao'er is quite thougtful, as you can guess i was born from a dragon egg of many era's before this, but my mind is just few thousand years old, while i was actually just born a year ago, so in short i'm just a one year old boy". Tian reply with a playful voice.

after two minutes he realize that he couldn't feel his maid's hand service anymore, and she was not talking, he turn his back a little and see how dumbfounded the princess was, it was like she was in shock by the information Tian dropped casually.

seeing the dumb look on the princess face, he chuckle before draging the princess to his embrace, she blushed , then Tian look into her eyes " don't resist my energy, i'm taking you somewhere magical". Tian said to the princess, before they both dissapeared from the room and appear in the soul world.

the princess was freak out, cause she suddenly found herself in a very beautiful magical world, but seeing the teasing smile on Tian face, she calm down and realize that she was dealing with a man full of mysteries, so she definitely need to brace herself for many miracle to come.

she took a deep breathe to relax her racing mind and started looking around the place.

"welcome to my home which will now become our home, and also you are the first woman to step inside this world of mine". Tian said to her , before he started walking toward the castle slowly, in order to allow the princess to take her time admiring the place.

The princess walk gracefully, while admiring every aspect of the world and her eyes was shining like the stars.

when they arrive in front of the castle the, princess was speechless to see such an endless, magical and majestical castle, because she has never seen such a huge castle before.

Tian open the door, and they walked in, the princess took her time to admire the beautiful garden filled with many ancient and beautiful flowers that cannot be found in any place of the mortal world.

so Tian and the princess took a whole day to explore every part of the castle.

Tian and the princess was sitting on a jade bench close to the huge garden, after they finished exploring the castle, and the princess choose a room for herself, they decided to rest here and enjoy there moment.

"do you like your new home" Tian asked while he was now resting his head on the princess laps, while the princess was feeding him fruit.

she nodded and blush.

Tian chuckle seeing her cute reaction. " dont worry, it won't be long before you have more companion, but only the best of the best woman in this universe deserve to my servant". he said with a proud tone.

but the princess only shake her in amusement, and she continue to feed Tian the fruit, she already learned alot in one day and she knows that Tian bloodline is what make him always act arrogant when it's needed but he was actually a nice young man, who desire a peaceful life but heaven won't give him such chance.

Tian fell asleep on the princess laps and she couldn't help but lost herslf watching the handsome devilish face of Tian, not until thirty minute later when Tian woke.

" it really is comfortable sleeping on a beautiful woman lap, how blissful that is". Tian muttered to himself with pleasure before he stand up and stretch his body a little, then he look at the princess.

" Bao'er" he called out gently.

"Yes, young master" the princess reply with he cute and shy face.

suddenly, Tian eye turned serious, which make the princess curious for the change of attitude. " if i remember correctly you have the celestial eclipse body constitution right?" he asked

"So it's known as the celestial eclipse body, I guess? The only thing I knew was that, ever since I was fifteen years old, I could control the power of both light and darkness at the same time; neither I nor my father or anybody else understood what it was called". the princess replied with a surprised expression before she explained to Tian.

"hmmm, i see, so no one knows about it, no wonder everything is wrong, actually you,ve been using the body wrongly, thats why you haven't been able to access the true power of the body, but luckily for you, you've met me so you dont have to worry again, leave all your worries to me". Tian said to her with his usual natural tone and air of arrogance.

"so what i'm i supposed to do young master?'. she asked with a worry expression. But Tian appear behind her and huge her from behind, "like i said leave it all to me, you dont have to worry about anything anymore, just serve me deligently". he whisper to her ear gently, which make the princess body tremble a little, she calmed down and her face turned red like a tomatoe.