
The Death's Wolves

Mother and Father left him to die. Earth rejected him. Faith brought the trouble. Blood is his natural scent. The twin planet called Glow became his new home. His second chance. His second chance at happiness. However, the hurt doesn’t want to give him a break. His faith in the world dies, taking away that second chance, when he is banished from his new home and thrown back to Earth. However he didn't return one hundred percent alone. The Assassin, Wolf. Has traveled behind him, with one murderous agenda. One word. Execution. With the help of some new friends, can Colt survive his return to Earth? Or will he fall victim to the sharp teeth of the white haired wolf chasing him in the dark shadows.

Autumn_Ridgen · Urbain
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11 Chs


Glow dipped the old cloth in the buckle of soothing, yet cold water, as he did this, his fingertips stroked the top surface of the water, below him, as for a second, he stopped, to look at himself, in the near reflection. The reflection showed a person he was no longer familiar with. He'd removed his helmet just seconds before, to wipe all the blood from his face, hands, and chest. He started with his face, and had planned on working his way down to his chest, but sorta of liked the way he appeared. All covered with that man's blood, he looked terrifying and horrifying. Two words he enjoyed the tastes of very much, he wasn't sure of himself, whether or not the blood would look better washed away from his pale white skin.

He'd been hunting his prey every single night, since the day he'd been banished. Since the day he watched the person he hated the most in the entire galaxy, be banished to a safe planet. The council made sure he'd be safe, even though so much chaos had been his fault. Everything that had happened, everything that had led up to the point in time, where he'd take his home's name, and make it is own. Glow wasn't his real name. No matter how many times he tried to convince himself that it was. He shared a special connection with his home, just like his prey did. But it wasn't just because he loved the land, no, he sometimes hoped to himself, that was the only thing that made him care so deeply.

But it wasn't.

It couldn't have been.

His feelings were much to strong, for it just to be the magical land, he'd see every single day he woke up. It wasn't just the land, for for him, there was something much more important. Blue eyes, and light black hair. The brightest in all of Glow, her beauty made Glow look better.

Glow held his helmet firmly in both his hands, as he sat it down in front of his lap. Staring down upon the last present he'd ever receive from the lady he loved. The lady who'd been taken away from him, when parts of the sky had fallen apart. Because of the traitors actions, his lady had been caught in the fight. It was his fault, and no one else's. There was no one else to be blamed. No one else more deserving to die at his hands. Just when he thought he'd be finally freed-ed from the solid curse that had been put upon him, just went he'd no longer be seen as just some rock, or lonely gemstone, given human life, everything had shattered to pieces, right at his new given feet. He never could forget those long lonely nights he spent alone. Lost and alone in his gemstone form. He was the gemstone known as ''Wolf's Eye.'' But now, he felt more like a wolf on the inside, then the outside. Finally, he had the sharp teeth to prove it, and the taste for human's blood, to match his wolfs need for revenge.

Wolf was Glow

Glow was Wolf, now his entire world was different. Taken from underneath him, as the traitor he so badly wanted to see murdered, by his own hands. With the full knowledge of where he'd been banished, the urge to leave Glow, was nothing just as small. He killed that man late that night. Showed him no mercy, for what he had done to his youngest child. The man deserved his fate. His wolf would've agreed.....that he knew inside himself, he was no superhero, not to anybody. No ray for hope, no giver of peace, or happiness. He was a menace, a taker of hope and happiness. Truly deserving of the name he carried into the darkness, and the blood he spilled, almost every single night. And soon, very soon, he'd finally be able to sink his teeth into the neck, of the one he hunted, with no conscience for forgiveness...