
Sister Dear

Astrid POV

A week has passed since the incident with Sloane and things have been rather strange. I noticed that Cohen and Sloane have been rather... distant. Well Cohen is usually more sweet and cozy but now he sends me smiles but they are no longer... genuine.

I was currently sprawled out on my bed scrolling through Instagram. Deciding I needed some fresh air I roll over standing up I pull my brown mane into a ponytail before sliding on my hearing aids. I put on my combat boots and make my way outside.

The hallways are quiet and not alot of students are around as it was rather late. I sit down on a nearby bench and gaze at the scenery. I start to feel a little homesick as I think about home and my cozy and empty room.

The moon is out and shines brightly in the midnight sky. A gentle breeze passes by and my hair flaps wildly around my face. I recall the past events of the strange siblings. Somehow or someway me and Azar are ... connected.. we might even be sisters!

I don't know how that could be possible but I'm lost in my thoughts until large hands cover my eyes. "Guess who sweetheart" a voice whispers near my ear and I instantly recognize Cohens cologne.

"Cohen stop playing games I know its you" I snap at him and he lightly chuckles. He joins me on the bench his large body now sitting next to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer.

"I've missed you" he mumbles as he sniffs my hair. I awkwardly clear my throat and send him a glare "well who's fault is that you've practically been ignoring me all week".

I pull myself put of his arms and cross my arms. "Darling I'm sorry... I've been stressed trying to help Sloane... I promise to make time for you my love" he says softly pushing a lock of my hair back. He's gazes at me in adoration and I roll my eyes as I slap his hand.

"I never said I cared... we aren't together so don't go getting any ideas" I sneer. Cohen doesn't answer as he suddenly seems distracted gazing at nothing in particular. "Cohen how is Sloane doing" I asked concerned.

Cohen sighs deeply " Sloane is fine... it seems that Azar has been rather persistent this past week. She demands to see this person she so desperately wants to protect. But it's hard to understand her... she becomes so violent that the only way to calm her is to drug her. I worry that Sloane's little body won't be able to take much more".

I watch as Cohen runs a hand through his hair. I start to see the bags underneath his eyes and I suddenly feel guilty. "Why don't I try to talk to her... I mean after all when I talked to her she didn't attack me" I say wanting desperately to help.

" Astrid... darling I won't risk you getting hurt... you don't know what Azar is capable of" Cohen argues back and I roll my eyes. "Just let me try... you can even stand guard just in case she... ya know rips my head off" I exaggerate watching Cohen start to think about it.

"Fine... but I am standing beside you just in case, I won't risk you getting hurt... I wouldn't be able to live with myself" he mutters softly grabbing my hand. I gently squeeze his hand in reassurance.

"Don't worry Cohen I'll be fine plus I'm practically a black belt in karate" I joke getting up to show him some combat moves. He chuckles watching me as I fight the air as if its attacking me.

"Astrid you truly are something else...

And I wouldn't have it any other way"


The next morning I meet Cohen by the nurses office. "Ok here is the plan, we go in and speak to Azar we need to stay five meters away from her as she tends to lash out" he says seriously. I roll my eyes nodding my head "just open the door already".

I push him aside and step inside the familiar nurses office. Apparently Azar had been ranting and raving for a while now."I told you to leave me alone or else I will slit your fucking throat" I hear Azars deep voice and a very scared Jane trying to calm her.

When she notices us she sighs in relief. "Thank god you guys are here... Cohen you try and console her" Jane says rushing out of the room. Azar glances at me and Cohen and she does something unexpected, she walks towards me and pulls me into a hug.

"Sister dear... how I have missed you... I am here now" Azar whispers stroking my dark hair. I pull back and stare at the white haired girl with striking vivid eyes that had a mix of purple and blue. I stare at her as I am taken aback by her striking features.

"Have you been treated well sister... who do I have kill... what is wrong with your ears"!! Azar screeches in horror before forcefully pulling out my hearing aids. Cohen pulls me back into him as Azar continues to exam my hearing aids.

Azar notices Cohen protecting me and her mood instantly changes.

"Step away from my sister you fool"!!