


grim_reaper_4698 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


from the head I look down at my hand as the power surge through me the two royal guards were looking at me scared face came up to me putting a hand on my shoulder which instantly made me tense up slapping his hands away

GET THE FUCK OFF ME I shouted as I step back glaring at him as my head felt like a daze and red started to seep into my vision.

please at least listen this proves that you part of the prophecy the gods have chosen you he pleaded

''I don't care I don't want to be a part of this stupid prophecy, because of you and this prophecy now my mom is dead fuck you and this prophecy''' I shouted as my body shake with anger

I turn and walk away from the inn following the stone road further into the city when why did it have to be me he thought as he walked along anybody else could have taken his place he was so replaceable and yet the gods choose him and choose to make his life miserable he hit something solid pulling him out of his thought and he was suddenly lean forward and catch someone before they fell to the ground he look down and he saw a girl about his same age she had brown hair and skin like olive and deep a deep blush crept on her face as she quickly pushes herself up moving off him and brushes off her skirt

''thank you'' she said as she bows and walk in a peite voice which shocked me

no problem it was my fault anyways i quickly blurted out with a sad smile on my face

I turn and continue my walk as i felt her presence behind me and i walk down

further going out of to the town the town was empty as the moon rose in the in the

middle of the sky I followed the road that tore in between a forest showing a path

for merchants and probably people coming to visit I was walking down further lost

in thought when a chill went up my spine i look around as the wind howl and the

moonlight cast a ominious shadow over the forest it is probably nothing-- before he

could finish his thought something whisk past his ear and hit the tree I turn around

and saw a figure in a black cloak he rush at me with a cloak holding a dagger

jabbing at me i dodge a the dagger slash at my chest the figure took quick jabs at

me as I jump back to avoid the knife the figure thrust the knife at him he didn't

have time to dodge he got stab in the shoulder the the figure tried to pull it out I

head butted him and took out the knife and rush him stabbing him in the hand he

scream holding his shoulder he pin him down to the ground ripping the hoodie

cloak i was face to face with a man with black hair and brown eyes

who sent you here i asked hissing in pain

I-I-I can't the people would hire me if i told you he stutter out nervously

''they are not the ones you should be worried about right now cause i will kill you'' I spat at him pressing the bloody knife to his throat

please don't I was just following orders please don't kill me he begged as tears welling up in his eyes

I got up and punch him in the nose with enough force he fell back and his

breathing slow down grabbing his arm I put it on my shoulder my balance was off

for a few seconds i caught it and walk to the inn i stumble back to the inn where

scar face and the asshole with the scroll were waiting on me when they saw me

with a dead body and dried blood on me they rush to me or at least scar face did

the asshole who had the scroll just stood there idle and bored

what happen and why are you covered in blood he asked panic

gag him and make sure he doesn't get away I said in a firm voice dropping him to the ground

turning i went to the shower to wash the dirt, blood and grime off me after

shower i put on my cloth there was a hole where i had been stabbed but it was

okay i would sow it when i had the chance walking back to the room the two

guards were there waiting on me and the man from before was gagged an tied like

i had instructed we both stare at the man as his eyes look like a animal about to be killed

''so what happen and why were you covered in blood'' the scroll guuy asked breaking the silence with a annoyed voice

i went out for a walk and this asshole came out of the bushes and tried to kill me i pin him but he won't tell me who he works for or who sent him I explain

both men had gone dead silent they were in deep thought the scar face got up he

chanted something and his hand glow he touch the man's head both there bodies

arch as the light started to grow brighter causing me to avert my eyes when i look back the scar face eyes were glowing he collapse catching himself last minute he falls on one knee

what did you see i askedd as his face had a deep grimace on it and there was sweat beading down his forehead

t-t-they were the ones responsible for the death of your mother, i only saw flashes

but there was the crest they had barrels of gasoline and i saw them light your

house and watch as your mother burn before leaving he said in a tired voice before passing out and collapsing on the floor

my whole body had gone stiff i felt anger radiating through me the rage of what

happen to my mother i blame myself and this was there fault i felt the anger

radiating in the pit of my stomach I slowly walk up to the man whose eyes were no

longer afraid instead there were that at of humor grabbing him by the throat I

flung him at the wall i heard something crack as he hit the ground his gag fell out

ahha haaa haa you really are a dumb kid your pathetic my lord will be resurrected and this world shall know his wrath he shouted with that he bit down there was a crunch as his eyes roll back and he began to froth at the mouth while convulse

i rush to him but it was too late as his entire body went slack and a permanent smile was sprain in his face this was dumb he was so close to getting the answers that he wanted they were right in my fingers and i let it slip away

FUCKING BITCH i shouted out kicking the body as it was sent sailing in the wall again

the scroll guy was there he was examining the body he dug his hand in his pocket and pull out a small bag that from the sounds of it was filed with coins i stare him giving him a dude really he just shrug his shoulder and smile at me

he don't need money where he going he said smiling misheviously

i got up and walk to the back downstairs everyone in the inn was sleeping so i

need to ge rid of this body i lift it up again on my shoulder and made my way

downstairs i went outside i look up and made my way outside i saw the pathway

from earlier passing through the now empty town i use the path and when i got to

the middle I drop the body i felt a a burning hatred inside me it wasn't gonna end

like this he felt the anger burn in the pit of his stomach it became so bad the heat

became so bad it was unbearable i drop to the ground he felt the power

radiating through me feeding his anger he look up at the sky the moon had now

gone to the left i felt the tears weld up and the roar of anger wanting to come out i look up at the sky and let out a gut wrenching shout

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! the shout was cut off as fire erupted outgoing fire feet into the sky like a dragon lighting the dim forest

the fire slowly died down as I fell down on my knees tears running down my face

as I laid there curling up in the fetal position the dead body only a few inches

away. I didn't even try and stop it I just let the tears fall when the tears stop and

the glands in my eye I got up I felt dehydrated and numb I didn't feel anything

getting up I made my way back to the inn the temperature drop and he felt a chill

up his spine, th sky started to get ominous and he saw what seem to be a black

a bolt of lightning falls from the sky he sprints toward the inn he saw a bird

circling around the head of there the guy held out his arm and the birds dive down

stopping inches away before landing on his arm the bird had a parchment in his

mouth the man took the parchment from the bird on closer look I saw that the

the bird was a crow and about the size of a hawk it stares at me its ruby eyes

studying me I felt a chill up my spine as it stare at me shifting from side to side and

not blinking the scarfaceman started to read the parchment and as he did his

smile slowly turn into that of a frown with a deep grimace before it drop to the

ground before it even touch the ground it melted in the shadow and disappear i

rush to them when the scarface saw me he look at me and there was a look of

pain and panic in his eyes

what the hell was that i asked in a deadpan voice the scarface man and the scroll guy look at me then look back at each other then the scar face open and close his mouth while staring off into space

The king was assassinated and the queen is calling for the warriors to come back to the capital at once he said in a cold tone

did you know him i asked hesitantly afraid to touch a nerve

the great gods you they take and they don't ask and yet you worship them i said sarcasm dripping from my voice

you little shit he, how dare you he grab my shirt lifting me up off the ground

i didn't say anything instead i just stared blankly at him he grunted and threw e

down to the ground so we have to leave the scarface man grunted and walk off he

went around to the side of the inn and and he came back holding the reigns of the horse pulling the carriage

''get in now'' he said less of a request and more of a demand

i climb in as the scroll man went at the front he whip the horse as it speed off and

we went of into the night the wind howling and the moonlight lit our path

hello I know you haven't seen me in a while I am back posting

weekly updates back again sorry I was gone for so long had a

a lot of school stuff to sort out but I am back so yeah hope you enjoy this chapter it was a little shorter than usual but I was kind of had a problem would you rather I write in first or third person let me know so enjoy this chapter and see yall next week

grim_reaper_4698creators' thoughts