
Chapter 1

Cedric's POV

"What should I do now", I wondered as I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. As I watched carefully the dark tinge on the ceiling, many weird thoughts raced through my mind as I wondered what would I do today.

Midterm Holidays were on the verge of getting over, yet I hadn't done any useful thing.

Only thoughts raced through my mind. I was obsessed with 'Game of Thrones' and had finished the whole 6 seasons during my holidays. Half of my day would pass wondering what was I doing in this fucking world and what would I do with my shit life.

All my friends had girls to roam out with, drugs and alcohol to get high with and fake ID's to party with .

Generally every teenager has this habit of looking at the ceiling and determining his/her place in the world and are kind of lost in their thoughts.

Sometimes,you receive the best philosophical advice from a teenager's mind. The thing about teenage is that you really don't come to know what are you doing with yourself and what is going to be the next step in your life.

I preferred being alone and would talk only when needed. I was a shy teen . I never talked to any girl until my tenth grade. It was only in the tenth grade that I made some female friends. Girls would find me weird.

I had joined college and started my higher studies. It was in the first year, I was obsessed with my classmate Zara.

Every boy in the class used to admire her and she very well knew about this and used boys for her benefit.

I obviously knew she would definitely ignore me and I was no match to her. Zara was literally the ultimate seductress. She was dating the class hunk 'Tyler' a top class athlete and was a party animal .

I definitely knew I wasn't going to be Zara's suitor and hence I stopped thinking about her.

"Fuck Zara" I muttered and got up from the bed, when my phone rang .

"Hey nigga, wassup, where are you idiot, I and Liam are waiting for you, come down quickly or else we're gonna become the laughing stock of Zara's party, if we end up late. Come fast !!! "

It was Trent , my best friend since tenth grade. Holy shit, how can even I stop thinking about Zara ...She's invited me to her party, I need this opportunity.

What about Tyler then, a voice sprung inside me "Fuck Tyler" I said a bit loud. "Bro, did you say something, " my sister gave me a weird look .

"Listen , I'm going out with Trent and Liam for a party , take care . " I wore a black shirt with blue denims and paired them with my sneakers . "Bro, you're going to a party , without me ? I hate You. Whose party by the way??" Stephanie asked .

"None of your business " I replied and closed the door.

" You rascal, what were you doing huh , jerking off ?? " Trent asked angrily .

"No dude , lets take a cab quickly and go to Zara's house." I replied.

"Fuck , do you even know how much patience I and Liam have been keeping , and you wasted a fucking 10 minutes , I am getting eager to meet hot chicks and get stoned, and you were chilling at Your house ." Trent kept muttering.

I caught a cab and along the ride, Liam was quite , but Trent was impatient and kept swearing at everyone .

That's the only thing about Trent that annoys me. I was kind of getting dizzy in his company , I was sitting in the backseat with Trent , so I had to bear all his nonsense, whereas Liam was observing us through the mirror.

I always wondered what was wrong with Liam , even I being an introvert used to talk more than him.

Though Liam had a girlfriend , he never talked much about her , I and Liam had been good friends since my childhood , but he was even quieter than me. He was dating Anabelle since the last year and I never even imagined in my wildest dreams that , Liam would end up with a girl.

Annabelle was a lovely and cheerful girl , and I had cordial relations with her and she was my only female friend whom I trusted the most .

" Hey Liam what are you thinking dude, Annabelle would have reached dude, I know You're getting impatient to meet her , so do you plan on making out with her ?? "

Tyler asked Liam.

"Will you please sit quietly , I don't know about Annabelle but I'm definitely gonna fuck your case once we reach there , so you better shut the fuck up!!Idiot ."

Trent was awestruck , Liam never sweared so much , and he couldn't bear a word about him and Anabelle , and probably that was the reason , he never bought Annabelle's topic .But inside , he loved her like his own life.

I definitely knew, Liam was hiding secrets and he had a dark and loomy life which he was hiding from us , but someday or the other, I would definitely find it out.

We reached Zara's place and surprisingly, Liam paid the fare. He just stepped down and then winked at us.

Zara and Tyler were there at the door and Zara welcomed us, I have to admit though , Zara and Tyler looked cool together, although I had a huge crush on Zara, I never had the guts to confess and faced the fear of rejection.

"Hi guys, you'll look dapper , enjoy yourselves", she greeted us and smiled at us. She looked at me cheekily and gave me that 'I'm in love with you ' look. Something was up.....