
The Love Letter

It's already 7:00 AM. The alarm starts ringing loudly. Sue takes out his right hand from his blanket and turns off the alarm.

He took a quick peek at the time and muttered to himself in a tired voice.

"What? 7:00 AM already ?"

He sighed to himself then slowly got up from his bed.

Sue is an 18 years old boy. He has straight black hair and bangs down to his neck with black eyes. He is 170 cm tall, muscular, and has fair skin. He is the topper of his class. And he's always staying late at Night while doing some study. He is cold towards others and talks less to others. He is an introvert, in simple terms.

He went into his bathroom and brushed his teeth and took a bath then came out and looked towards his alarm clock while changing clothes and muttered to himself.

"7:10 AM....Hm...I still have 35 minutes left."

He wears his school uniform.

Dark Blue blazer and black shirt with black tie and dark blue colored full-length pants and black shoes. And at the heart, a batch of 'Silgen High School' is attached to his blazer.

He then hears some voices of footsteps from outside.

He takes a look towards the outside from his window.

He widens his eyes.

"Is She..."

He muttered to himself in amazement.

He sees an incredibly beautiful girl walking on the street.

That girl has long blonde hair that reaches down her waist in twin-tail format and has green shining eyes and she's 166 cm tall. Her body is slim and She's so charming. She has fair skin. She's also wearing the school uniform of the same school as Sue. Dark Blue blazer and black shirt with black tie and dark blue colored short skirt and black shoes. And at the heart, a batch of 'Silgen High School' is attached to her blazer.

"... Marie, isn't she ?"

Sue muttered to himself while peeping outside of his room's window.

Marie is the 2nd topper of his class. She is elegant and intelligent as well as charming.

Marie looks towards the window of his room.

Sue suddenly stepped back.

A girl comes from behind and greets her.

"Good Morning Marie. Where are you looking ?"

"Good Morning Hashibana... It's nothing. I just think that maybe someone's watching me."

Marie replied in her sweet voice.

"Huh !?"

Hashibana responded then looked around.

Hashibana is Marie's best friend and her classmate too. She has the same height as Marie and the same well-shaped as her. She has long orange hair that reaches down her waist and blue eyes. She's also wearing the same uniform as Marie.

"Maybe you just imagine it."

She replied with a smile.

"Hm...I think so."

Marie said in a confused voice.

"Well, let's go now."

Hashibana said with a gentle smile.


Marie responds in her charming voice with a heartwarming smile.

Then they walk towards the school.

Sue looked outside of the window again and muttered to himself while watching Marie.

"No One in this world is reliable...I don't need anyone to support me...They only support me because of my reputation as a topper of my class...No one is willing to help me but to my reputation...Then why...Why do I feel so strange whenever I see her?"

He sighed then went downstairs to eat some breakfast.

He was not only quiet at school but he also said too less even at home.

He enters his dining room and sits on a chair.

"Good Morning Sue."

His father said while reading the newspaper.

His dad is a 42 years old man and has black hair and black eyes. He is 179 cm tall, muscular, and has anti-gravity-type hairs. He is a good father.

"Good Morning Dad."

He responded.

"Good Morning Sue"

His Mother said while preparing the breakfast.

His mother is 40 years old and of average height [Approximately 162 cm tall] and has a slim body. Also has long brown colored hair that reaches down her waist and blue eyes. Her body is slim and she has fair skin. She is a good and caring mother.

"Yeah. Good Morning Mom."

He responded.

"Good Morning Big Brother."

His Little Sister Ema said with a charming smile.

His little sister Ema is 12 years old and has long black hair that reaches down her waist in twin-tail format and has blue shining eyes and she's of average height [ approximately 155 cm ], Her body is slim and She's so charming. She has fair skin. She is always so cheerful.

"Yeah. Good Morning my dear."

He responded with a little smile.

"It's almost time, Right ?"

His father asked while reading the newspaper.


He replied in an indifferent way as usual.

It's about time for graduation. After a week, he's going to graduate from High School.

"Here's your breakfast."

His mother said with a smile while giving him his breakfast.

"Hum. Thank You."

He said then started eating.

While his mother, father and little sister are talking and laughing and enjoying themselves while having breakfast. But He is eating his breakfast silently.

He looks at them and thinks.

'They only wanted to be with me because I'm relatively connected to them...They treated me nicely because... I'm their son and brother...But do they treat me the same if I'm nobody to them...?'

He completed his breakfast then got up while saying.

"Thanks for the food."

Then he went towards the door.

His mother and little sister came out from the dining room and said with a smile.

"Be careful on your way to school."


He responded coldly as usual.

He then walks his way to school.

"Look, our topper is here.

Sue is great.

You know he scores the whole 100 in his test.

He's a genius."

He hears the gossiping of his classmates on his way.

He closed his eyes for a second and muttered to himself while walking.

"People were created to be loved and things were created to be used...The reason why the world is in chaos is that...The things are being loved and... People are being used. But still, they never understand it."

Then he looks towards the sky and thinks again.

'It's true that everyone is going to hurt me one day...And It's better if I find one worth suffering for...But no one is reliable... Everyone is being honest in front of us but being a traitor behind our back. l always tries to be nice to everyone...But everyone annoys me because of their greedy thinking. That's why I don't trust anyone because sometimes even salts look like sugar...But there's someone who is a mystery to me...'

He then looks towards the school entrance and sees Marie standing there with Hashibana. They both are talking about something.

"Why do I feel so strange when I see her? It just looks like my heart starts beating faster. Why? Is it Love? If it is, then why ?"

He mutters to himself then he enters his school by ignoring others' sights. But Marie sees him and smiles a little.

"It's better for me to forget about my past self who once wanted to be friends with everyone and completely occupies my current self because I'm the only one whom I can rely on or no one else...No one."

He muttered to himself then he opened his shoe locker then became completely shocked by seeing that.

He sees a Love Letter inside his shoe locker.

Everyone's flattering him as always but It was the first time he got a love letter.

"L-Love Letter? F-For Me? B-But Why ?"

He muttered to himself in shock.