
Will you ever love me....

"Mei! School is starting! Get up!"

My friend screamed over the phone.

"Cute girls like you need to wear the perfect outfits!"

What the heck is Hannah going on about?!

Hannah previously bought me some blue, skinny jeans and a really cute, white blouse.

"Wear the outfit today!.....Ryan will like it."

I immediately hung up the phone, and put on the outfit. I looked in the mirror and twirled a bit. I'll admit that I was cute in it, but it's just not my style. I quickly headed downstairs to grab my mom's straightener.

"Aren't you looking like a doll? Whose the lucky boy?" Mom teased.

"What year did they say 'looking like a doll' in?"

"....I'm not answering that."

"If you'll excuse me....I'm going to do my hair."

"Baby, you're hair is already gorgeous the way it is, why are you changing it?"


I looked at her sadly and faced my head down at the floor in shame.

" Don't you ever be ashamed of your wavy hair! You are so gorgeous! But looks don't matter sweetie! Ask your dad how I married him.....nevermind. Don't do that please. Heheheh. Anyways go get ready!"

As I went upstairs to get ready I heard my dad say to my mom," You're gonna have to tell her one day, Helen."

I did my hair and rushed out the door to catch up with Hannah, who was waiting for me outside my door. And guess who was with her...Ryan and Lizzy.

"You look so cute!" She gushed.

Lizzy and Ryan stood there with eyes as wide as saucers.

———————Ryan's Pov—————————

Mei looked so beautiful...that's one of the reasons I fell for her at first sight. But the more I got to know her personality the more I fell in love with her. I wanna be her boyfriend. I wanna be able to kiss her. I wanna be able to hold her hand..... She's so sweet, and funny, and smart. She's always there for her friends.

Just her personality alone is cute.

Just as we were about to head to school, and she was coming down her steps, her high heels got caught on the brick step and she came crashing down. Without thinking, I ran to catch her. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me, off of the steps. I lost my footing, and we both ended up falling. She fell on top of me. Her head was planted on my chest and my nose was on her shoulder. And my lips.... she smelled really good. In a non creepy way, I wanted to stay like that. After a few seconds, she lifted her head to reveal my bright red, blushing face.

"I really wanna kiss you...." I whispered without realizing that I said my thoughts out loud. She didn't hear it. I don't think she did.

I'm kinda disappointed. I wanted her to know how I felt about her. Because she's so cute....

I jumped up and extended my arms out to her for her to get up. She grabbed it nervously. And her hands lingered in mine, even after she got up. For a moment, we looked deep into each other's eyes. My heart beat pulled me out of my daze.

"T-t-Anks. Th-Anna. Thank-thank you!"

Why is she so flustered around only me?

Did I do something wrong? Is she mad at me?

Should I apologize? No. Maybe she's just nervous. Yeah, that must be it. After all, we barely know each other. But I wanna get to know her.