

Ryan's pov————————-

The next day I talked to Hannah and she gave me advice about Mei. She told me how to approach her and how to get to know her closer. I'm thankful that Hannah and I are so close. People might get the wrong idea by our relationship, but there's nothing there romantically.

"Hey Hannah. Do you have any crushes?"

"Men are not my priorities. They try to suck you in using nice words and pick up lines, but like thats so original. Like come up with something that would amaze a girl, don't be like everyone else; that is lame."

"Hmm... not all men are bad... why don't you not trust men?"

"I don't know...how about you ask my father...oh wait, he's nowhere to be found."

She scowled angrily.

"I'm so sorry, Hannah. But not all men are bad, And I would never hurt you. I am a very loyal person, so I will not leave you. Your dad was probably just not ready for the responsibility.."

"....well he could have at least provided my mom with some kind of money or something. He left her when she needed him most. I will never forgive him!"


"Don't try and convince me of anything. My mind is made up...let me be who I wanna be. I don't need you or your silly act; so you can drop it."

"Hannah, I truly care. It's not an act. I was just trying to give your father the benefit of the doubt....I'm sorry...." my voice trailed off, but she seemed curious as to what I was going to say.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone off on you like that....can you forgive me?"

"I mean I can...but will I?...nah, I'm just messing with you. I forgive you. I get it... we all have our bad moments. What kind of person would I be if I judged you based on one incident?", " now come here."

I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a hug. Then I whispered," I'm always gonna be here for you; don't worry."

As if I tamed the beast, she blushed. She's not a beast, but it seemed like a good analogy.

"Now, go talk to Mei. Her mother got sick today... I think it was the flu, and she's been really sad lately. Go cheer her up."

Hannah said encouragingly.

"Will do. Thanks again, Hannah."

I looked around for Mei all over campus. She wasn't in the science lab, the history room, the front lawn, the locker rooms, the bathrooms, (according to the girls), the lunch room, or our home room. Where is she?

Finally, I sat down. Defeated, I decided to wait for her to find me... dumb decision on my part, but I've looked everywhere for her. What if she's in danger?! No... she can handle herself. She's got this. I'll give her a call; I'm so glad that Hannah gave me her phone number. I quickly dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

"H-hello? Who is this..." she asked a bit afraid.

"This is Ryan. From school..."

"Oh! Umm..hi Ryan! Why did you call? Did I worry the class?... oh my gosh... I'm so sorry! You see, my mom got really sick and I've been very worried about h-"

"Don't ever apologize for doing what you're doing. I know that you're worried. I hope that she will get better. Please tell her that I said that also. Are you coming to school today?"

"No...I'm sorry..I don't feel much up to it. I'm extremely worried and I'm kinda getting sick... sorry for worrying you thou-"

"I'm coming over! I'll take care of you and your mom for today. My dad is a doctor and my mom is a RN so I have a medical history basically. Please let me help."

"What about school? You might get in big trouble."

"That's okay. I can handle it. This is my first priority right now."

"Aww thank you so much, Ryan." What did I ever do to deserve this much kindness?"

I headed over to her house and rang the doorbell, which was surprisingly not annoying. Most doorbell chimes are really annoying. She opened the door to reveal her sick mother lying on the couch weakly. I've always been able to at least put a smile on someone's face... but can I simply take care of them? I can do this.

"My mom is on the couch over there, my dads at work, so make yourself at home... can I get you anything?"

"Umm...may I have some water?"

"Coming right up."

I pulled out my bag which has a lot of doctors supplies and some medication; my dad prepared me for any medical situation. Those years in jr doctor camp will finally pay off!

"Miss...what's your last name?"

"Robinson..." she mumbled weakly.

"Mrs. Robinson, can you turn over on your back for me and hold out your hand?"

She did as I commanded and I checked her vitals,temperature, and checked for other symptoms.

"The flu....you definitely need to watch out for this flu. This is dangerous so I want you to be careful. I'll have my dad take care of you on Friday if it hasn't got better."

"Thank you, Ryan."

"No problem."

" Mei, can you make three bowls of chicken soup and put some basil in it, please ?"


Mei made the soup and put the basil in; and then she handed it to me.

"Would you prefer I fed it to her.. or do you want to?"

"Umm... to be careful I'll let you do it."

"I can teach you how to feed her properly.

Come here."

Mei put her hand on the spoon,and I stood behind her and directed her hand. She was a little too close for comfort.

"Woah!! Are you getting sick to?! Your face is really red!" Mei exclaimed.

"No...I'm fine... it happens..."

"Let's get a heating blanket on her... I brought one...", " I'm also gonna need some water from the tap so she can take these medications. And does she take any special medicines every night? Like does she have any sicknesses that I should know about.?"

"Nope... but I'll be right back with the things you requested."

When she came back, I hurriedly put the things on her and made her take some medication.

"Now please drink tons of water... about a gallon and a half, and take these pills three times a day. Keep heat on her. And check her vitals every two hours."

"Anything else?"

"If I remember anything else.. I'll text you the information."

"How did you get my number?"

"Errrrmmm....ehhh... ummm.... h-Hannah gave it to me!"

"Okay... was that so hard to answer, mr. stutter.. hahah."
