

"Mei, I'm really sorry that the teacher got the wrong idea during history class. I-ts not what y-you think."

Mei looked up at me and searched my eyes for any sign of attraction. When I acted nonchalantly, she seemed disappointed. Does she like me?! Why do I keep thinking that she does? She'll never like me in that way! This is embarrassing. Suddenly she bit her lip nervously, and I found myself not being able to look away from her lips. I just kept staring at them, longing to kiss them with a deep desire. Hopefully, she doesn't catch me. But before I got a chance to jerk myself away, she caught me. "W-w-w-at-is-I-is-the-re-some-s-one-thi-ing-on-my-l-ips?!" She said nervously.

"It-I-nothing." Was my only reply.

"We should head to lunch to meet up with the girls shouldn't we?"


We headed to lunch, and Mei ran to Lizzy and Hannah. "I missed you guys so much!" She squealed.

Does she have a problem with me? Will she think I'm weird for randomly staring at her lips?! It's not my fault that I get weird feelings suddenly.... I guess that's a clear sign that she isn't interested in me. I've decided that I'm not going to confess to her. If I do... I'll just end up being——I'll end up getting embarrassed and rejected. And then I'll lose her as a friend. And then we might not ever speak again... and then! No, I need to stop getting stressed over nothing!

After a few minutes, Hannah pulled me aside to talk to me in private.

"Did something happen between you two? She seems agitated...and nervous."

Nervous?! About what?

"Umm.... well....I got a sudden urge....and I started to stare at her lips. I eventually caught myself. But.....she's still nervous....she caught me....."

Hannah sat there with a flushed face; she didn't say a word. We sat in silence for a couple minutes. And then she said to me quietly," look. I know that you have a crush on her. Just learn to tone it back... make it an innocent thing... you know what I'm saying? She's innocent and naive... in the best way possible. Don't scare her, just treat her kindly and she'll fall for you for sure...trust me. I used to love this guy because of that same reason....he broke my heart and I never trusted love again....but look on the bright side....love is awesome...."

She plastered a fake smile on her face and then started to get red and cry. "I-I'm sorry.

I'm starting to remember...him. I'm really sorry for being a downer. I'm gonna go clean up in the bathro-"

"Here. Take this." I handed her a handkerchief and let her blow her nose.

"I know it hurts. But you're so awesome. They're will be other people out there for you. I promise. You'll find the one. And he'll treat you right. He will be kind, and chivalrous, and smart, and handsome, and caring, and everything you need....."

why did I say that? She'll think I'm a wie-

"Thank you." She said while smiling.

"I needed that. Thanks."

And then out of nowhere she hugged me. I gave her a little hug-back until Mei saw us. She seemed kinda upset. But then she smiled and yelled to us," You guys are so cute!"

She blushed, and then choked back a small tear.

When we got back to the table, Hannah explained what was going on without giving away the secret. Mei seemed satisfied with this answer. She tucked a piece of her silky,long brown hair behind her ear and then looked in my direction. I was talking with Lizzy and my friend Sawyer ; who Lizzy took interest in, when I caught her gazing at me. Her mouth was open and I looked at her lips. They were cute and soft-looking. STOP LOOKING THERE. "She's innocent and naive." Hannah's words played over in my head. Okay.


What is Mei gonna say?!

"Y-yes? Mei?"

"I respect you. You really are a good guy."

My face blew up in blush and I darted my face in another direction.

"W-hy did you say that so suddenly?! Give me a warning next time!....."

"I'm getting flustered...." I whispered the last part so that no one could hear me.

"I just felt like suddenly saying it. You know.......sudden urges...am I right?"

Is she calling me out?!

She giggled flirtatiously and then announced,"I'm going to the bathroom. Bye."

Why does she have to play this game....

"Why are you blushing so hard, Ryan?! That's so adorable." Sawyer teased.

Man, I love you so much Mei... more than life itself....