
Are you thinking about her?.......

I told Hannah and Lizzy what was wrong. Well I tried. They knew me already and knew what was wrong with me. Why did I make my pain so obvious?!

Once I was calmed down, we walked back to Ryan. The girl was gone and Ryan plastered a smile on his face. Maybe, he liked her?.... I hope not. I'm so selfish.

Ryan and I walked to history class in silence.

None of us a said a word. He seemed distant and cold. Why is he upset? I hope it's not because of me?

——————Ryan's pov———————-

I think that Mei likes me... should I confess to her? I rejected that other girl too hard. I plainly said," nah, that's alright."

I could have been nicer about it! But I didn't want to lead her on.... I'm a jerk . Maybe?

I can't confess to her... I'm too nervous and plus... she'll never like me. Maybe we can be friends.... and then I'll support her no matter what. Of course I have to make sure her future mates are good enough.

While we were in class I passed her a note that read: I REJECTED HER, I DON'T LIKE HER. I HAVE SOMEONE ELSE IN MIND.

Maybe she'll be satisfied with that? I can't wait to be her friend! Should I get her an expensive gift? I don't know....

"Ryan! Are you passing notes to tour girlfriend?! If not why are you blushing so hard?! Why are you daydreaming?! I bet you're thinking about her....I'm not going into detail...heheheh" The teacher yelled. In front of everyone! She turned around and blushed brightly. What the heck man?! Why did you do that?!