
The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

[Not My Novel just Translating it] [There are some Dark parts in this story] “One more round of ten rounds! This time I must draw Professor McGonagall’s Animagus!” Draw a card! Cash out! Who is it? “I am the great astrologer – Trelawney!” 【Divination +1】 Excited tears welled up from the corners of Tom’s eyes. Facing the magnificent magical world, Tom deeply felt that the power of Muggles was limited, so he decided to shout out that sentence: I'm not a muggle anymore!

young_sunlight · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 16: The Ravenclaw House that Loves Math

Seeing the new students' expressions of understanding, Robert was very satisfied. As a Ravenclaw, he enjoyed the feeling of sharing knowledge.

"All right, everyone, let's eat."

Suddenly, their plates were piled high with food: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, steak, boiled potatoes, baked potatoes, crisps, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, tomato ketchup, and even peppermint humbugs.

While the preparation was simple—grill, smoke, marinate, and fry the various meats—it was considered quite a lavish feast in British cuisine.

Tom grabbed some roast beef, sausages, and bread, and he dug in. The other young wizards were equally hungry and eagerly helped themselves to the food. No matter how much they ate, the plates were always full, even if they were empty a second ago.

During the first half of the feast, there wasn't much conversation; everyone was focused on eating. Once they were all full, the remaining food disappeared from their plates—sometimes even if it had only been touched a few times. But no one ever wondered where the food came from or where it went.

The plates and forks were left as clean as if they'd just been washed. After a while, desserts arrived: ice creams of various flavors, apple pie, treacle tart, chocolate gateau, jam doughnuts, sherry trifle, strawberries, jelly, rice pudding...

At this point, conversation finally started.

"There's so much to learn, and I'm particularly interested in Transfiguration. You know, turning one thing into another should be quite challenging—"

"You should start with smaller things, like turning matches into needles—"

Hermione shared her insights on Transfiguration with her fellow students.

However, most people were discussing their family backgrounds.

"My parents are both Muggles. I was supposed to go to Eton College." Tom overheard a curly-haired boy from the adjacent Hufflepuff table speaking loudly.

Everyone chatted while eating, and friendships quickly formed.

Finally, when the desserts disappeared as well, Professor Dumbledore stood up again, and everyone quieted down to listen.

"While you're not yet too tired, I have a few important points to mention. First, I'd like to remind all first-year students that the Forbidden Forest is off-limits to students. Returning students should also keep this in mind. Second, Mr. Filch, our caretaker, asked me to remind you all that magic should not be used in the corridors during breaks. Quidditch tryouts for house teams will take place in the second week of this term. If you're interested, please contact Madam Hooch. Finally, I must tell you that if you don't want to suffer an unfortunate and painful death, do not enter the corridor on the fourth floor on the right."

Professor Dumbledore finished his remarks, then blinked and said loudly, "Before we retire to bed, let us sing the school song together!"

Upon hearing this, the other teachers' smiles froze. If there was anything Hogwarts couldn't compete with other schools on, it was their school song—although, of course, Beauxbatons did have better financial aid. Newt Scamander, a distinguished Hogwarts alumnus, had once been mocked by a pair of sisters from Beauxbatons in a dispute about school songs.

The song began with a strange melody:

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts!

Teach us

Give us knowledge, whether we are balding old men or children with scraped knees, our minds can accept some interesting things.

Because right now, our minds are empty, filled with nothing but air, dead flies, and chicken feathers.

Teach us some valuable knowledge, give back what we have forgotten.

All you need to do is give your best, the rest is up to us. We will study hard until we turn into dust.'

The lyrics were not bad, but the real issue was the accompaniment, as Professor Dumbledore had chosen 'The Funeral March'...

Judging from the reactions of everyone, it was clear that Hogwarts' young wizards were not particularly fond of their school song. Everyone sang at their own pace, and only the Weasley twins sang the entire song. Professor Dumbledore conducted for the twins throughout, emphasizing the idea that as long as he wasn't embarrassed, the embarrassment was on someone else.

Once the song ended, Professor Dumbledore announced that the start-of-term feast was over, and the heads of houses led the students back to their respective dormitories. Robert, who had just given the first-year students some introductory information, stepped forward and asked all the first-years to follow him to the Ravenclaw common room.

He didn't rush like Percy, the head of Gryffindor, who hurriedly gathered the first-years and pushed his way out of the Great Hall. Instead, he had the first-years form a line, making sure everyone was present before proceeding calmly through the now less crowded exit.

The Ravenclaw first-years followed Robert as they left the dining hall and ascended the marble staircase. They gazed in wonder at the portraits in the hallways, which whispered and pointed as they passed by. Robert, the head of Ravenclaw, clearly knew many of the secret passages and shortcuts in the castle. Often, what appeared to be ordinary tapestries and curtains would suddenly be moved aside by him, revealing doors behind them.

Finally, they arrived in a tower of the castle, and before them was a spiral staircase.

The staircase was incredibly steep, and as it twisted upwards, it made one feel dizzy. At last, the first-years were faced with a door, which had no handle, no keyhole, only a bronze door knocker shaped like an eagle.

Robert extended his left hand and gently knocked on the door. The eagle's beak on the door knocker immediately opened, and a gentle, musical voice emanated from it, 'Ravenclaw and Slytherin together have 98 students, Slytherin has 6 more students than Ravenclaw. How many students are there in each house?'

Tom: ??? This door knocker usually asks philosophical questions. Why is it suddenly delving into mathematics? Hermione had a thoughtful expression on her face.

Robert Hilliard flashed a bright smile. "Entering the Ravenclaw common room is quite simple. We never use passwords like the other houses; all you need to do is answer a question from the door knocker. As long as you can answer correctly, even students from other houses can enter."

"This is why Ravenclaw excels in critical thinking compared to the other three houses," he earnestly explained to the new students. "Try to answer this question; arithmetic is also important, especially for those who plan to take Arithmancy in their third year. It's also a test for you; if you can't answer it, you'll have to wait outside for someone to let you in."

"I think Slytherin has 52 people, and Ravenclaw has 46," Tom calculated the answer in his head.

"Correct," the voice replied, and the door opened.

Thanks to those who have supported with votes, including those from Douqi and Huama(^-^)o. If possible, I hope everyone can check out my book on Qidian. Muah~

Also, here's an update on the situation in Genshin Impact:

Good news: Version 2.1 has been released.

Bad news: I used the soft pity on Eula's banner.

Good news: I have enough Primogems left for the weapon banner.

Bad news: It went off-pity.

Good news: I got Amos' Bow!

Bad news: I already have one...

Good news: I'm a whale.

Bad news: I was forced to make another purchase.

Good news: This time, it didn't go off-pity!

Co-co-co-co-co-co-co-co (^-^)V!

(End of this chapter)"