
The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

[Not My Novel just Translating it] [There are some Dark parts in this story] “One more round of ten rounds! This time I must draw Professor McGonagall’s Animagus!” Draw a card! Cash out! Who is it? “I am the great astrologer – Trelawney!” 【Divination +1】 Excited tears welled up from the corners of Tom’s eyes. Facing the magnificent magical world, Tom deeply felt that the power of Muggles was limited, so he decided to shout out that sentence: I'm not a muggle anymore!

young_sunlight · Livres et littérature
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144 Chs

Chapter 142: The Crazy Girl

Professor McGonagall stood up abruptly.

"No, Professor Lohart, Flitwick, I must leave. I have to patrol tonight."

Flitwick, looking at his imminent victory, hurriedly said, "Just a little longer, let's finish this game..."

"Duty calls," Professor McGonagall asserted, as if within a few minutes of not patrolling, Hogwarts Castle would be mortgaged to Gringotts.

"Give the kids some trust," Flitwick tried to argue, but at this moment, the office door was knocked on, and Fawley poked his head in.

"Professor Lohart, have you seen Professor McGonagall? Fred and George from Gryffindor—oh, Professor McGonagall, you're here."

"What have those two done again?" Professor McGonagall stood up from the chair, leaving no chance for Professor Flitwick to react.

Professor Flitwick looked at Tom, but Tom was fully focused on carving runes, completely ignoring the world, concentrating only on the runic compositions.

"I am an alchemist, and my alchemical skills are strong.

I want to make that puppet move more smoothly.

I carved transmission runes, the carving knife danced busily.

Oh dear, my little head, I lost a clump of hair.

That's Tom's portrayal.

Why is he so focused? It's all because Professor Flitwick is too strong! Tom had just glanced at the game between the two, and Professor McGonagall was completely defenseless against Professor Flitwick!

Professor Flitwick's micro-control was too exquisite, especially in the application of the bishop, which could be described as incredibly skilled. Tom felt that if he could get Professor Flitwick not to use the bishop, he might be evenly matched.

It was better to concentrate on carving!

Unable to find a game opponent, Professor Flitwick was a bit disappointed. After a while, he also left Professor Lohart's office.

Tom claimed that his head was almost bald from carving runes, just a jest, but for some people, it was true. At this moment, in the Ravenclaw first-year girls' dormitory, a little girl was complaining, "Victoire, you're losing too much hair! There's hair everywhere in the dormitory! Victoire, can you hear me?"

"She seems to have fallen asleep again..." a girl glanced at her and found that indeed, Victoire had fallen into a deep sleep.

She fiddled with her own hair a bit. "I heard that Professor Lohart bought a shampoo that can restore hair shine. I'll buy a bottle for Victoire one day."

"Is it the bird-snake egg yolk shampoo? I've heard of it!" Another girl started a lively discussion about this early invention by Professor Lohart. Unfortunately, this shampoo was extremely rare, and it was very expensive when it was sold. Now, with Professor Lohart's fame, it had become a highly collectible item with appreciating value. Its price was no longer affordable for a few first-year witches.

By the way, this shampoo, at least in terms of effectiveness, had no discounts. It really could "lock in the shine." Its only drawback was its high price. But was the high price of something a real drawback? Maybe, perhaps, probably... was it your drawback?

Nowadays, the existing Lohart shampoo had doubled or even tripled in price, highly sought after by some middle-aged witches. They even sent letters to Professor Lohart, expressing their willingness to pay a higher price for more of this shampoo. However, Tom looked at the small bird-snake in the cage next to him and categorically rejected these requests. Even if he could formulate this shampoo, he wouldn't make it—he still needed to collect feathers from the bird-snake!

"Her problem may not be something shampoo can solve," a calm voice came from the corner of the dormitory. A few young witches unconsciously touched their foreheads.

Speaking was Luna Lovegood, the girl they called the crazy one. She had finished grooming, changed into a light yellow nightgown, and removed the peculiar decorations, making Luna look much more normal now. Or rather, not normal, but more in line with popular aesthetics.

However, her dreamy and otherworldly tone remained unchanged.

"So, you think Victoire has encountered some problem?" another young witch, named Isabella Branch, rolled her eyes and said sarcastically. She was the one who mentioned Lohart's shampoo earlier, and she was also the closest friend of Victoire.

"Maybe she's been entangled by Nargles," Luna said sympathetically.


"Nargles, an invisible magical creature, floats into your ears and confuses your mind." She continued, "It seems that a Nargle flew into the dormitory a while ago and hovered around here."

Isabella Branch found it absurd. "So, do they have any natural enemies? Like the Crumple-Horned Snorkack you mentioned before..." she said in a mocking tone.

But Luna earnestly explained what the Crumple-Horned Snorkack was, its habits, and distribution areas, using it to prove that Nargles did not have it on their menu.

Isabella Branch felt it was ridiculous. "So, do they have any natural enemies? Like the Crumple-Horned Snorkack you mentioned before..." she said in a mocking tone.

But Luna earnestly explained what the Crumple-Horned Snorkack was, its habits, and distribution areas, using it to prove that Nargles did not have it on their menu.

Victoire's bed was opposite to Paige's. At this moment, Paige was half-lying on the bed, drawing the curtains. She leaned against a cushion with a book in her hands. She smiled as she listened to her roommates' conversation. When they mentioned Nargles, however, a trace of surprise flashed across her face.

But the subsequent content quickly made her lose interest in listening further, and she continued to lower her head to read her book.

Knowledge can change fate.

In the distant east, there is a historical allusion called "Zheng Bo Baidu in Yan," roughly meaning seeing someone committing a small wrongdoing but not stopping them, waiting silently for them to commit a major mistake.

Paige might not know about this allusion, but it did not prevent her from grasping the essence of self-taught learning.

She knew that Professor Lohart was looking for an infiltrator in the castle, namely the "Heir of the Chamber." At this moment, she found that Victoire seemed to have maintained a close connection with this heir.

Most ordinary girls would probably report Victoire and let her be scolded by the teachers. But Paige was different.

Report to the teacher? Wasn't that helping her? Paige felt that she would definitely not do such a foolish thing. Through observation, she found that this diary was definitely not something good. Victoire's symptoms seemed to be related to that diary.

Paige was wary of this diary but found through communication that the diary could bring her more knowledge! Knowledge that the teachers were unwilling to talk about in class. For example, the Avada Kedavra that could kill spiders without leaving any marks. Of course, Paige was not particularly interested in the Killing Curse; she was more obsessed with topics like immortality and resurrection—things that other professors rarely talked about.

Knowing that there's a tiger on the mountain but still leaning towards the tiger, this was the inner portrayal of Paige.

o(* ̄3 ̄)o

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(End of this chapter)

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