
The day I almost died

Let me tell you about the day I almost died. It was the year 1985, and Halloween was two days away. Aymeric, Francesco, Cole, Jessica, Samanta and I wanted to do something before halloween, something scary. Near Jessica's house there is an abandoned house, so we decided to go there.

" Are you sure we should do this, What if the clown that is killing people around the city lives here" Samanta said frightened.

"It's going to be okay Sam." Francesco said in a loving way.

Jessica and Cole decided to go downstairs and get some snacks and drinks, they packed to bags with different snacks and drinks, following along with flashlights. As we were packing, Samanta started shaking. Francesco went up to her and hugged her. Everyone in our friend group knows that Francesco and Samanta like each other, they both think were kidding when

we say that to them. Samanta slowly calmed down, letting out a sigh, and hugged him back.

"Don't they look good together." Aymeric said referring Samanta and Francesco. I nodded in agreement. Ever since i met Aymeric, I really liked him. He is such a beautiful caring boy. His personality is perfect. His looks are perfect. He is just perfect in general.

After we all finished packing I decided to change into something warm and cozy for the adventure. I put on black leggings with a plain, thick yellow shirt. As I walked out, i thought i saw Aymeric stare at me with a smirk. I looked away then back to him and saw that he was looking out of the window, I guess it's just my mind playing tricks on me. We got all our stuff and walked out of the house.

"Follow me." Jessica advised us.

"Okay." we all agreed.

When we got to the abandoned house, we ate a snack, grabbed our flashlights and went in. Samanta was hugging Francesco's arm while coming in. Francesco made her let go of his arm, he hugged her and made her hold his hand. She smiled shyly. Jessica looked at them and looked like she wanted that to happen to her. Cole hugs her from behind and it looked like it made her feel better. I turn to see that Aymeric was looking at me and feel myself blushing while looking back at him with a smile on my face, he quickly smiled back and blushed as well.

As we both finish looking at each other, I snap back to reality and say "turn on your flashlights everyone." When we all snapped back to reality, it smelled like sewer water. CREEK! The floor made the noise and we all jumped. We all look at each other and start laughing.

As we continued walking, it was still making that annoying noise, i put my flashlight to the wall and see fresh blood gushing down. I scream and Aymeric calmed me down. He just hugged me and he it helped. Everyone was as shocked as me. What if Samanta was right? What if the clown does live here? What if we die?

"Guys i'm scared" I manage to say. At this point I start shaking, Aymeric puts his hand around my stomach and makes my head rest on his shoulder. At this point everyone had a hand around their stomach.

When we all calmed down,we started to walk again. We had our flashlights looking all around. BOOM!

"AHHH" we all scream at the same time.This sound came from upstairs, we decide to be brave and go upstairs.

We all take a deep breath and start walking up the stairs. CREEEK CREEEK. Every step we took made that noise.

"Are you sure we should do this?" Jessica whispers, as we hit the last step of the stairs.

"If we see something we can run out of here. But if we find something or someone we can bring him or her to the police. We will be okay, I took some pocket knives with me.`` I hand out the pocket knives to everyone. "If we get caught we don't go to our house. We will meet at the market near Jessica's house." I say.

As we stepped on the second floor, we hear dragging noises. I stop moving and take a deep breath. Aymeric looks at me and give me a smile that gives me strength.

"I think we should partner up and split up. Maybe Jessica with Johnathon, Francesco can be with me and you can be with Aymeric." Francesco Requested.

"I think that's a good idea." Cole agrees.

"Maybe we should split up. Maybe Aymeric and Milena stay upstairs, Francesco and Samanta can go downstairs and Cole and me can go outside and look. Is that a good idea?" asked Jessica.

"That is a good idea. But lets say something happens, we will scream "everyone leave" and if we find something we will scream"we found something". Is that okay with everyone?" Samanta suggests.

"Yes." everyone agrees. I'm scared for them. What if something happens to them. It is going to be my fault if someone gets hurt. I'm the one that suggested this.

"Let's start going now." Aymeric says to everyone while grabbing my hand. Everyone separated ways.

"Which room should we go first?" I asked half calm and half scared.

"Maybe the 5th one?" he suggested. I nodded and we went to the bedroom. The bedroom was full of cobwebs, dry blood and fresh blood. It smelled strongly of liquor and smoke. There was an ashtray with fresh ashes. There was dust everywhere. There was a closet filled with boxes full of dirty items. We check to see what there is. There was clothes, wires, an unloaded gun and bullets. We decided to take the bun and bullets because they looked like they were used not to long ago.

When we finished looking in that room, we went to a smaller one. The smaller one was actually clean. It was used that's for sure.

"This was for sure used last night, i'll scream. WE FOUND SOMETHING" Aymeric said. Samanta, Francesco, Jessica and Cole came running.

"We found a gun that has been used not to long ago. And this room has been used recently. If you look at the 5th room and compare it to this one, this one is for sure used every night." I said describing it to everyone.

"We found something too. We found gardening tools that has dry blood on them. We found them in a sheed. There are also live animals over there. Someone is definitely living here." Jessica said as she showed us everything.

"We found used dishes in the kitchen and also fresh blood on the carpet. It looks like someone has been dragged on the carpet bleeding. There is also a blanket full of blood. I could take the gun and see if there are any fingerprints on it. And the sun is setting, we should come back tomorrow. We should all sleep at Jessica's house, and come back tomorrow." Samanta suggested.

We all agreed and started to go down the stairs. When I looked in the kitchen as we were going down the stairs, I could've sworn I saw a face lurking between the door. When i looked away and looked back there was nothing there. So I thought my mind was just playing with me.

When we got to Jessica's house, I didn't feel safe so I went to were Aymeric was staying.

"Can i stay with you please? I don't feel safe." I half begged and half asked.

"Sure but only if you lay down with me though." Aymeric says.

I nod and go lie down next to him. He puts his arm around me and kisses my forehead.

"Everything is going to be okay." he says calmly while pulling away from my forehead. I snuggle my head into his chest and fell asleep. I felt really safe with him. I really love him, like really love him.

Next morning, we were the first to wake up and we saw everyone cuddling. Cole and Jessica were cuddling and Samanta and Francesco were cuddling.

"Awwwwww!" We kind of screamed. Everyone woke up because of that.

"Hey we saw you cuddling with each other and we didn't wake you up when we said aww." said Francesco with a creaky voice. I started blushing really hard. Everyone started laughing. Aymeric hugged me.

"There's nothing to hide I love you and will always love you. Nothing will ever change the fact that I love you." Aymeric said.

"I love you too. And I always will." I said. I was supprised that somebody loved me. But im happy because i loved him since the day we met.

"Awwwwwww." everyone said.

We just hugged untill the phone rang. Jessica answered the phone and started crying.

"Mi-Mi-Milena, yo-you-your m-m-mom i-i-is de-dea-dead." she cried.

"WHAT!" I half screamed and half cried.

"Th-th-they s-s-said it wa-was t-t-the clo-clo-clown t-t-that d-d-did it." she continued.

Aymeric hugged me tight.

"My mom was the only family I had. I have no one to live with now." I started crying after i said this.

"You can live with me." Aymeric said hugging me tighter.

"I knew I saw something looking at me from the kitchen. I want to go back there and kill or catch that stupid clown. I loved my mom. Now this is payback. Can we please go back there.`` I said angrily.

"I'm going back there with Milena. I will stay by your side the whole time." Aymeric said.

"We will stay by your side. Everyone is coming with you because we love you and want to help you get payback." Samanta said.

"Yeah, this is going to be good. I will help you with anything because your my best friend. You are a best friend to all of us and we want to help." Francesco agreed.

When everyone else agreed, we packed our bags and started walking to the abandoned house. I was full of energy. Ready to attack anything that came at me.

"Are you sure you want to come with me?" I asked again.

"Yes we want to come because you have done everything for us and we want to give your love back to you. We will always love you. You are our best friend and will always be." Jessica said.

"Wellllll, she is my girlfriend from now on." Aymeric said "And I love her. I'm here to help her in any situation." I blushed like a red tomato.

"Thank you guys for being here with me. I love you all." I said.

"We love you too." everyone said.

When we arrived at the abandoned house, we stopped in front of the door. I took a deep breath and went in with my friends. The same smell filled my nose. The smell was so disgusting. The fresh blood from yesterday was now dry.

"I knew you would come back. You came back for sweet, sweet revenge. Didn't you?" We heard a voice talk when we walked in the house. I went to Aymeric and hugged him.

"Actually we came to get revenge because you hurt our friend. Now we are going to hurt you." Cole bravely said.

"And your house smells so bad by the way." Samanta added. We laughed for 3 seconds and then stopped.

"Why did you go after my mom? What did she ever do to you?" I ask.

"What did she ever do to me? Haha she never told you. She left me because she thought I was psycho. She took everything and everyone I loved and turned them against me, including you."

"What do you mean including me? Actually, let's just get rid of you. And you are psycho, you kill people no apparent reason. I don't believe what you said about my mom. You killed a five year old child! I think your really psycho." I say.

"I hope you regret what you just said after i kill you and your friends." the clown angrily said. After he said that he moved his hands in front of him and mumbled words i didn't make out. Six creatures ran in front of him. They were all stitched up. They had different kinds of skin tones and different lengths of arms, legs, ears and fingers. They had different colour eyes, hand no mouth but had a nose. "Kill her friends but take her so she is not hurt!"

They ran to us. Francesco, Aymeric, Jessica, Samanta, Cole and I fought them. I kicked the creature that came to me in the face then tripped it. Then pulled the head of the brain that was attached to them wouldn't control them. My friends did the same because we took fighting classes together.

"Your going to have to do better than that to beat us." Aymeric said with a smirk on his face.

"GUYS LOOK OUT. BEHIND YOU!" Samanta screamed. There was like 100 hundred of the same creature. We started fighting i kicked and turned at the same time. Their heads fell off easily.

"GUYS AIM FOR THE HEAD" i screamed "There head is easy to fall off since there is no skeleton in their body." I screamed a little lower.

We were fighting separately until there was one left. But this one looked a lot stronger. When i tried to fight it, five weaker creatures started fighting my friends. I got distracted because the clown started going upstairs. The creature I was fighting took me and put me on it's shoulder.

"MILENA." Aymeric screamed. All my friends turned and saw what was happening. When the creature reached the stairs with me on its shoulders, eighteen creatures that were a little weaker.


The creature took me to one of the rooms upstairs. It tied me up to a metal pole with a thick rope. The creature sat on the bed as if it were waiting for someone. 5 seconds later, the clown walked in.

"Now where did I stop. Ahhh I remember. Your mother was everything to me. She used to love me." he said.

"Now thats hard to believe." I said.

"HEY, WATCH YOUR MOUTH." he screamed while slapping me in the face. I started bleeding from my mouth. I was starting to get scared.

"Now let me continue. Your mom heard that i was a psycho and believed it. She also heard that i stalk people. I was her best friend, her soul mate, your dad. You look so much like her it's unbelievable." He said while touching my face roughly.

"Now i will kill you first then your friends. I will kill you because you make me think of her. Your voice, your eyes, your looks and you personality are exactly like her." he took a knife from his pocket, twirling it in his hands.

"Your mom had a boyfriend right?" he asked. I stayed quiet. Still shocked that he is my dad. I thought my dad was dead. My mom said that he died in a fire. She probably didn't want me knowing that my dad was a psycho.

"ANSWER ME!" he screams while cutting my cheek.

"Yes, but she broke up with him." I say taking a deep breath almost crying.

There was a CREEK at the bottom of the stairs. The clown sent the creature to see what that was.

"Now let me finish the job." he leaned in close to me and put the knife to my neck. "Any last words?"

"Just please don't kill my friends." I said.

"You won't be able to stop me from doing that." he said while laughing. He began to move the knife to make another cut. It started bleeding and burning. I started crying.

"Goodbye, my sweet daughter!" he said. He put a knife to my neck again, but right before moving the knife. Aymeric came in with a Metal bar and hit the clown in the head. The clown fell on the floor uncoutiouse. He unties me. I jump into his arms and continue crying.

"Hey, hey it's going to be okay. Look at me, we will tie him to the metal pole and call the cops." Aymeric calmly says

"Wh-wh-where a-r-are the-the oth-oth-thers?" I ask.

"They went to get the police." he answers.

We tied the clown up to the metal pole.

"He-he said he wa-wa-was my d-d-dad." I say.

"I don't care if he's your dad or not. You are you and that's what I love about you." Aymeric says in a calming voice.

"I love y-you." I say.

"I love you too." he says. We hugged. But then he lifted up my head to face him, looked into my eyes and kissed me. When he saw the cuts he kissed them. I stopped crying and hugged him until I thought of an idea.

"Should we unmask him?" I ask.

"Yes we shall." Aymeric answers.

When we unmask, I realize that it is my dad. But his face was burnt. The police arrived as we unmasked him. We went back to Jessica's house.

"I guess im living with you Aymeric. Is that okay?" I ask.

"Of course it is ok." he says.

"Yay. I have to go get my stuff at my house though." I say.

"I already asked my sister. She put all of your stuff in my bedroom." he said.

"Ok." I say.

"We should hang out together everyday. Thank you guys for being here for me. I love you all so much.`` I say.

"We love you more and we will always help you with anything." Cole said.

"And I will always love you for who you are." Aymeric said kissing me on the forehead.

2 years later:

Ding, Ding, Ding. I wake up to my phone ringing. I check my phone to see who it was, it said

From Jessica: Cole has been kidnapped by The Clown. I know what your thinking, it's the same clown that killed your mother. I need your help and our whole friend group to help. Hurry up.

I thought to myself, wasn't he in jail….