
The emotional

It was an early morning but it wasn't like regular mornings. Becuz the morning is the first morning of 'Dushra' .. but still I was sleeping like any ordinary mornings.

Mahasami it's the first day of dushera and we celebrate it as a whole city's festival. I love dushera becuz it gives a long holiday of 10 days . I haven't any plan for this 'dushera' so I was sleeping till 9:am.

But when my mom eyes passed over me he shouted... Lucky!!! You're still on your bed you know it's 'mahastami' nah!!! with a rude expression as she do in every morning I stiil started shouting should I call your papa?? I wake up and say no thanks!! I have already waked up .I haven't any plan to go down from bed but still wake up ... And at first logged into my 'Facebook' account..

Wish happy birthday to some friends and started scrolling News feed and reacting memes .. suddenly I saw a post in a group which I was following for memes ...

But, the post is not like the other's post it isn't a memes or a joke or a trolling post as it was written it was a serious post ...

I want to ignore the post but as I have no plan for today and as i am just getting bored so I started reading it ...

The post was from a guy named Manoranjan as i checked his profle he might be 19-20 years old .. The post was like

Hay I'm MANORANJAN ROUT from kendrapara a district situated in odisha It's a Story about me and my girlfriend. She committed suicide in 201nths after her death, she messaged me on fb. Initially, I was very scared and even thought that this was some of her friends who was accessing her profile and fucking with me, So i changed the password numerous times but everytime the msg would come as usual. She would say that she is watching me and tell me the exact things that I would be doing at that time. She even gave me accurate details of what I had done throughout the day. I memorialized her account but nothing changed. Finally, I deactivated my fb page. Then, the messages turned into phone calls. I would receive calls from unknown nos and would hear her voice from the other side. She would ask me to do random things like give her a kiss, tell her a joke. The conversations lasted for a minute or so.After that, she would hang up and when I tried calling back, it would say "number is unavailable".Whenever I met or talked to a new girl, or had the slightest feeling of affection towards another girl, the phone calls would increase and I would hear either her weeping from the other side or her angry growls. No words were spoken during those calls. In the last 4 years, whenever I have had a date, I would unnaturally fall ill just before the date , too ill to even go out and thus would have to cancel the date. Then, after cancellation, I would receive her phone call and hear her laughing from the other side. The first 2 years were very difficult as such incidents have taken a deep toll on my life. I have visited numerous therapists but nothing helped. They called me delusional, said I had disassociative identity disorder, and that I was sending this msgs to myself and was imagining the calls out of shock.They refused to believe me even when I showed them proofs that the numbers were different and I had no such sims registered in my name. They asked me to track the sims but I had already attempted that and failed to locate the no.s . I have shared this with a couple pf my friends and all of them have cut off ties with me, thinking that I am either mad or a story-teller. Maybe, they were scred too.

Now, I have accepted this. I feel her presence all the time around me. All the time, whatever I do, I can feel her breath, hear her voice. When I am away from home, Her calls come regularly. I have accepted the fact that she has not been able to leave me even after dying and thus have decided to stay with me forever. I have no problem with that . I had already planned to marry her and would have been married by now had she not died. I am living with her everyday, I now talk to her, share my problems with her, eat with her, sleep with her. I dont know if she has the ability to show up in front of me in her full body, I am waiting for that day, then it would be more realistic.

You can judge me as much as you want. Call me crazy, mad, liar, attention-seeker. I have been called that numerous times already whenever I share my story with someone. But only I know how true this is, I am living this. No one else would understand. Earlier, I was a person strictly on the side of science and believed in nothing super-human. Today, I look at science and laugh at it. Indeed, there are a lot more discoveries to make, much more things to learn. I feel her presence, the presence of after-life right at this moment when I am writing the answer.Take that science, explain this with your theorems…:MANORANJAN