

Alette POV

Arion and I were waiting with baited breath as our Aunt and Uncle drew closer to us. I'm excited to finally be free of our stationary life. It took about 2 hours before we could see the van pull up. Aunt Lida looks the same as I remember and I wanted to weep. Ari knowing me took my roots in his for comfort like he always does and said "She is here at last Lette."

Aunt Lida stepped out of the car looking shaken and like she had just stepped out of the pits of hell. I couldn't help but laugh. Unfortunately for me as we are so used to sending our thoughts to Uncle that I projected them to the humans as well scaring them out of their wits. Arion found that utterly amusing.

Arion spoke first "It's good to see you again Aunty. Could you please unlock Dad's Blood Lock spell for us we would love to hug you after all these years."

"Who are you?" Aunt Lida said

I simply broke one of my roots through the soil and reached out to touch her own that were gracefully placed upon the earth.

She backed away at first but then came forward and we touched like we used to when I was a small child.

Her eyes widened and said "kin you are my kin?"

"Yes Aunty I am Alette your niece whom you love dearly I might add." I said chuckling.

Elida POV

After confirming that I am kin with these familiar strangers. I looked at my love Oliver and asked him to get the things that I need to undo a blood lock spell. He is back within seconds with the knife and ash from my and my brother Lysander's roots. How he had those I do not know but he did. This cemented my resolve to help my trapped kin. Weaving magic with the ash of the past and my blood of now I was able to unlock the seal that my brother and I had woven. 

My kin began to shrink into themselves shedding their bark layers and emerging as human shaped Dryads but also something more I can't seem to place. "What are you?" I questioned which got me curious looks from the humans and rolling laughter from my kin.

Arion POV

After Alette and I stopped our laughing we looked at our clueless aunt and I said "We are your family but it would be easier for you if we just undid your mind enchantment. Why you, father and mother chose to do it is understandable but also it saddens us greatly." Knowing why your family chose to forget you doesn't make the pain any easier. I know it hurts Alette deeply and as I am a good brother I must fix it for no one can hurt my sister but me. 

Alette and I walked forward grabbing the knife from Uncle. I sliced my own finger while Lette did the same for her own we placed the blood on Aunty head and chanted in unison for we are stronger together "MEMORIA RESTITUET" her eyes glazed over and we could sense the magic working. Uncle paced back and forth so we called him over and did the same to him as well. With two "people" now in a trance our guests were beginning to get anxious understandably but it was still funny. 

Alaric POV

We pulled up and Elida got out of the car. She freaked out the whole ride over calling the car an infernal and un-natural contraption. Oliver was smiling the whole way which was creepy who has that much to be happy about. Anyway we get out and Elida performs a spell after she touches the roots of a moving tree that starts to turn them into humans well more human looking creatures than Elida but not quite as human as myself or Dorian. They then proceeded to cut their own hands and place them on her head while chanting memory restore in Latin I couldn't help but think so trees speak Latin. They did the same to Oliver after watching him pace for a short while leaving both him and Elida in a trance. This caused Dorian and myself to put our guards up because we have no idea what is going on. The two Dryads came in front of us while pointing in the direction of a covered gazebo with all sorts of entertainment devices neatly stacked on shelves with a large TV facing where the two mystical tree people used to be.

"Ah is good to be able to stretch my legs again, isn't it sister?" The male said the girl just quietly nodded with a soft smile gracing her face as she looked at him while moving to sit on a plush couch right next to the man. It was under the eves of the gazebo which looking now reminds me of and outdoor living room add some walls and you would never know any different. 

Arion POV 

"you can sit down you know we won't bite. Even our vampire uncle doesn't kill humans." I said to the humans "My name is Arion and this is my sister Alette." I say pointing to my sister who is sitting next to me. "Oh how nice it is to sit on my own ass again" I say though the mind link with Lette who just rolls her eyes at me but still agrees with me silently. Turning to look at our guests she finally says "How can we help you gentlemen?" They look almost mesmerized by her voice and hear I thought my name meant melodious not hers I laugh internally. She chuckles with me at that thought we have been communicating this way for years and it will take a while before we stop doing it on instinct. 

"Let's start with introductions you already know our names. How about you share yours?" I say to the blond he looks at his friend nods then walks over to sit on the opposite couch.

"My name is Alaric and this is Dorian. I am the headmaster at a school for the supernaturally inclined while Dorian is our librarian of sorts."

Dorian then says "We are looking for information regarding a knife that has recently awoken and is calling monsters to it."

Alaric nodded and said "If you have any information we would be grateful. Your Aunt I presume is the only creature we have found after the knife that can speak. We are at a loss as to what is happening."


Sorry for the late and short chapter I had this in my drafts on Sunday but hadn't finished it. I started getting sick Sunday evening and haven't quite bounced back. I wanted to finish more of this chapter before publishing it but also didn't want to keep everyone wondering why I haven't updated. I should be back up and running in a few days but until then thank you for your patience. I hope you enjoyed the chapter even if it short.

Thank you for reading my story

littlenitacreators' thoughts