
A New Beginning!

"Cheng! Do you have any spare clothes? I don't have any! I really, really need to take a shower"

"Dear Xiu! Only now shall you come to realise the importance of heavens sending me to the Earth, and only now shall you be truly thankful to gods for sending me here to provide you assistance!"

Cheng folded her hands in deep (mock) reverence before a giggle escaped her mouth and Xiu also burst in laughter.

"Here! There's a T-shirt and jeans. I think it should fit you. We're almost the same size"

Xiu looked at her closely for the first time. She was around 18, a pretty round face with brown eyes and a small, cute nose. Her looks were refreshingly pure.

"You're very pretty!" Xiu blurted out unintentionally.

Cheng laughed before answering her.

"So are you sweety! Or have you never seen a mirror? By the way, you said that you had been allowed to study. What were you studying?"

"I'm a doctor, and was planning to join a hospital now," Xiu said feeling abashed.

"No way! You're joking, right?"

"No, I'm not"

"How old are you?"

"I would be 23 this June. I skipped some grades."

"But you look so young! It's really unfair," she pouted and then continued, " I am studying business in B city. I only return for vacations. Just your luck that my bus got delayed and I had to stay in the house for the night. Otherwise, I usually go straight to home."

"I am really glad that you had to stay. Otherwise, I can't bear to imagine what would have happened. But can you please tell me a little bit about your family?"

"Listen Xiu! Let's get ready first. We have to walk on foot for quite sometime to reach my house. We can talk as we walk, Ok?"


Soon they left the house and started their journey on foot. Xiu saw the whole area for the first time. It was a valley. All around, she could see huge mountains, covered with different shades of green.

"It's beautiful!" she said

"Yeah, it is. But be careful, it has different flora as well as fauna. That is why it is not safe to travel after dark."

"What does your family do?"

"My family owns a martial arts academy. It is pretty well known here. Our family has been training students for almost a century now. Our ancestors believed that away from the pollution and distraction of the cities, students can learn martial arts well, and their physique and health improves quickly, and many times fold."

Xiu could completely understand the logic. They had travelled quite some distance. They kept on walking on the spiral muddy track. Up, and up they went on the mountain.

"I have two brothers. Although all of us know martial arts, only the eldest took it as a profession. He now teaches here in the academy. His name is Ming Dong. The younger brother is Ming Dequan. He enlisted in army. He and I visit our family whenever we get holidays. I am the youngest in my family."

Xiu was quiet.

"Hey! Only I am talking. Why are you so quiet? What are you thinking?"

Xiu hesitated, but then said: "I was wondering if my husband Ming is someone from your academy?"

"Just relax. If you find him there, just let me know. We'll beat him to a pulp together, there and then. No questions asked!" and they both burst into laughter.

After some time…

"Cheng! I really can't go on! I'm so tired. Please stop for some time!" begged Xiu.

"We can't stay here for long. We need to get home before dark. Ok, let's take a break for ten minutes. Girl, you seriously need to train. What are you going to do with such sucking stamina!"

"I was thinking about the same"

"About training?"

"No, About what am I going to do now? I don't have any place to live, nor do I have any money. What would I do? I know, you'd say I have you, but I have my self-respect and dignity. I don't want to burden anyone with my problems."

"Relax Xiu. My parents would definitely help you to straighten up your life. Let's get there first. Up, up, and MOVE!"

By the time they reached the gates of the academy, it was past afternoon. The scene was picturesque. A huge ancient building spread across the entire crown of the mountain!

"Is it just an academy? It looks an entire ancient city enclosed in gates! Wow! You guys even have guards. Tell me, are your parents the emperor and empress?" Xiu was awestruck!

"Don't be silly! Of course as the academy was built almost a hundred years ago, the building looks ancient. No, we do not belong to the royal family, though our ancestors used to provide assistance to the military when required. It sure is huge. You'll love the gardens and training grounds. We even have a hot spring inside the academy"

"You guys are so lucky Cheng! I'm almost jealous!"

The guards saw Cheng and the opened the gates.

"Welcome Young Miss!"

"Welcome to Ming Martial Arts Academy Xiu! Let's head straight to my home otherwise I'll die of hunger!

And Xiu totally agreed with her!