

Bob_blobs · Horreur
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5 Chs

Chapter 2-2

It was about two minutes since Samuel left and I'm just laying on the bed, bored. I get up and decide to find the kitchen where Samuel would be. I open the door and there's a hallway to goes straight and right, I go right. As I look around to find stairs to go down to the first floor, I noticed that there are maids and they're whispering about something while taking quick glances at me. I decide to find the stairs and to not disturb them. I keep walking down the hallway and the hallway turns left. I keep walking and find out that the hallway doesn't turn left, it's where the stairs are. I head down to a room that looks like the entrance that goes left and right. I hear some talk to the right side of the house and I'm guessing that's where the kitchen is. I head over to the sound to find the kitchen and Samuel arguing with his brother while making breakfast. "Hey!" I say happily. As soon as I greet them, Samuel immediately turns his head with a shocked Espresstion on his face. "Hey, did I scare you?" I ask. "No, it's just that, why are you not in your room?, I'll bring it up to you." He asked me. "I was bored so I came to find you. What are you making?" I asked. "Eggs, beacon, toast and grits but if you prefer oatmeal we have that too. " Samuel answer's back to me. My face lights up at the sound of oatmeal and I shout that I want it. While this is all happening Samuel's brother is just starring at me Awkwardly. "I don't think I properly introduced myself, hi I'm Blake Bennett." Samuel's brother said. So that's his name. "What can I call you?" Blake asked. "You can call me Alex." I answer him back. Samuel's glaring at Blake annoyed that he talking to me he he just  ignores him and continues to talk to me. "Breakfast is down." He interrupts the both of us talking and places our breakfasts in front of us than make's his. I thank him for the food and ask him a question "do you make all the food your self?". "Yes I do, how is it?" He asks me. "It's delicious" I answer back to him.