
The darkness Within

In every movies the protagonist are always be the one who solves the problems but have you ever thought that what if the protagonist is the one who needed help? Beatrice Finley is a girl who is everything what you wished for, but she is a mysterious one. She’s a girl who is seen to have a happy go lucky life, but oh boy… how wrong they could be, they always said that someone who is always smiling is the one who had a hurting heart… well, when you really focused closely to Beatrice you could see that all of the emotion she expressed is all fake but behind those fake emotions had something dark hidden within and behind all those things is someone screaming for help. Will someone manage to help her before it’s too late or will Beatrice fall into darkness forever…

Yoku_Manimeian · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 21: The Angel and the Descendant of the fallen

Third POV

The two were at Crisanto's house, while Crisanto left Eric in the living room to get them something to eat and drink while they were going to discuss something.

As Crisanto walked back with a tray of desserts and tea, he handed Eric his tea for him to drink, but he only stared at it with a blank expression.

"You know, staring at the tea will only get you into no where as it will not give you any answers of what is going on." Crisanto calmly stated and drinked his own tea.

Eric look up and stared at Crisanto. "What are you exactly?" He asked him, Crisanto put down his tea and sighed.

"I suppose they didn't tell you, have they?" Crisanto replied, as Eric, who was clueless of what he is saying look at him in confusion.

"What are you getting at?" Eric responded with his brows furrowed. "Don't you get it? You're family had a history..." Crisanto press his lip together in a thin line.

"Though, it may be a huge secret of the Desmond's family origin but I'm sure your family may have given you something that they want you to take care of, am I right?" Crisanto stated as he stared at Eric's eyes looking for any hint of him lying.

But to his shock, he only saw a genuine confusion in his eyes. "They give me a book when I was around 10 year old, but I really didn't pay much attention so, I didn't read it." Eric honestly said, making Crisanto slap his own forehead.

"Oh my god. I didn't even know why the girls of the school even find you attractive." Mumbled Crisanto, as he drag his palm down to his face.

'I should probably tell him then, there's no point of hiding it when his parents give him that dumb book.' He thought, as he snapped his head towards Eric.

"Alright, I'm about to tell you something that you might not believe, but believe me, all of the things that I will say aren't false." Crisanto could see Eric's brows twitching in annoyance but nod anyway.

Eric's POV

I don't get about to why Crisanto know about my parents giving me a book, did he stalk me or something.

"Alright, I'm about to tell you something that you might not believe, but believe me, all of the things that I will say aren't false." Crisanto stated, my brows twitching in annoyance but nod anyway.

"The Desmond family are known to be the descendant of the fallen angel, they keep it a secret for a long time because people will threat them with violence if they will ever leak the information.

Most of the Desmond family had a blonde-hair and a charcoal eyes, though, as a male will turn into 10, they will give him a book to read as to they will understand what the Desmond families past is.

You might be wondering why the females of the family hadn't been given one are you?" He asked me, this got me confused as to why won't they also give the opposite gender of our family.

"Yeah, please tell me. I need to know as to why and I want to know our history, for... Beatrice." I replied, he nod, I'm not a dumb one though, I know that he had a genuine feelings for Beatrice but, for some reason I felt attracted to Beatrice.

"Alright then... the females hadn't been given one because it is only rare for a girl in the family to have a power like you boys possessed.

Usually, you may have experienced pain in your time when you were almost turning 10 right?" I shake my head from left to right as he look at me stunned with eyes widened.

Third POV

"WHAT?! HOW?!" Crisanto slammed his hands to the table as he hovered over Eric as he started shaking him.

"H-how could this happen?!"

Eric was about to poke out rainbows from dizziness, but he just hold it in.

"I- I don't know! Now stop shaking me you chicken angel!" Eric exclaimed as he flung Crisanto away from him.

"I ain't a chicken!" Crisanto exclaimed to where he had.

"Anyways! Since you have interrupted my discussion about your origin, I will not finish it all. read that book instead, so you could understand it properly." Crisanto said as he patted his pants to get rid of the dust and dirt that manage to stick on his uniform.

"Eh.... EHHHH?!!" Eric exclaimed in disbelief, he slumped on his chair while sulking, as much as he wanted to hear from it.

But if that was it, does that mean that. Eric shook his head, as he look at his palms. 'But why am I different from all of them.' Eric thought, he then later felt someone grabbed his palm and saw that the culprit is Crisanto who is smiling at him genuinely.

"I know that we aren't that close yet Eric but, I'm sure that you could get your own power, probably a late bloomer or something." He said to Eric, as Eric started to cry.

"Dammit, I blamed myself for Beatrice leaving and cut our ties from her. This is so unfair!!" Eric should just have listened to Beatrice but he only pulled out the house and start befriending her. He was even smart and could match.

As Eric walk back with a stumble, he woke up again but I wasn't that an early person so I woke up so easily in the middle of the night.

Beatrice POV

It was dark in this office, it felt nothing, this office of mine was so alone making me feel so uncomfortable.

I was still having my eyes open for any anyone or survivors, but, the fever took a tall on me and I eventually feel asleep making me going back to those slumber and collapsed on the bed, as my dark dreams, mostly my past kills which still haunts me.

I hadn't tell anyone since I don't trust them mostly, I still need to settle this nonsense that make me get into a crossfire between my family and the mafia, who is, fighting with nonsense.

I played the k-pop songs in my head because that's the only thing I could think about, as the dark pit in my dream then suddenly shattered...