
The Darkest Kingdoms: Return of Low-Earth


TheSuccessor · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 1


All that Peter in his bed could think of at that moment.


Not the fact that it's been fifteen years since he used the Heather Eye. Or the fact that he had a brother who was a king that had two wonderful, but very interesting boys.

Or the fact that Xavier was now a general.

Or the fact that Ike was on the throne as a queen with Micah, Iris, who betrayed her country just to help theirs. Or the fact that Dr. Vicks moved his Passageway Building to a different location.

Or the fact that he was with Vienne, the beautiful woman that he married and loved.

Or the fact that Xavier's children, Anne and Jaxon, were training to be soldiers for the army, or even the fact they were friends with Micah's children, Blaine and Kade.

But mainly because of the perfect morning sunshine, with the light pouring inside of the room.

It was a good day for sure.

He was now a thirty-one year old man, who was in his bed—waking up nine o' clock in the morning, with his back feeling twisted.

He stretched and yawned, seeing the beautiful gold walls filled with very detailed paintings like an astronaut on the moon, with flower stems rolling around him.

He wasn't sure what the message of it was, but he liked the way it looked anyway. He got up from his sheets, putting his feet directly inside of his slippers.

He got his robe from his hanger, which was white with a bunch of gold strips around it, with the texture of a cat.

He smiled as he put it on, looking around and sighing in relaxation. This was a good life so far.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, startling Peter.

"Your highness!" the person yelled.

It was a similar voice that he heard before, and he walked up to the door, opening it.

He saw a man with tied brown hair, and with a red uniform that was almost like a suit, and with black pants and boots under.

He had a black strap around his chest and back, and he had a beard that started from the sides, all the way to the mouth—although Peter could tell it was shaved.

"Hello, Xavier," Peter said, as they both came in with a hug.

"So, it's a nice morning eh?" Xavier said, looking around the hall, then turning back to Peter.

"Well for me it was," Peter replied. "I'm not sure about King Micah."

"Do you always call him King Micah?" Xavier asked honestly. "I mean, he is your brother so you should acknowledge him as your brother."

"But I should also acknowledge him as my king."

"Very wise man," Xavier said. "Anyways, the Board of Elimor requests you. I've already got your limo ready."

"Thank you," Peter said. "Let me get into my clothes and I'll be right there."

He closed the door, and went towards the door on his left that contained the wardrobe. He opened it, where a whole community of clothes were stationed. The room was just wooden, but it was a separate room Peter wanted.

Once he got dressed, he walked out the door, surprised Xavier was still there waiting for him. He was on his phone, so he assumed he was probably talking to one of his soldiers or something.

"Okay, follow me," Xavier said, once realizing Peter's presence.

They walked through the red hall, where the walls and the floors—except the ceiling, were red. By the side was an elevator, with a gold outline.

Pressing the button, the elevator came after a good ten seconds, and then they walked through.

As the elevator went downwards, Peter asked, "Is it urgent?"

"I don't know, nowadays it's mostly about managing negotiations with other kingdoms. Or sometimes about the economy, although that rarely happens," Xavier said.

"Things here under Micah have been very peaceful," Peter said. "Sometimes I wonder if we are ever going to have a war."

"Because he tries his best to keep that from happening, although we could completely burn them to the ground," Xavier said. "Or so we thought."

"What do you mean?"

"Other countries have been trying to create their own Heather Eye of some sort," he said. "We were notified of that once he saw a threat of war between the Syndromians and the Kermiolites."

"Threat of war?"

"It was short lived."

"Was it King Micah?" Peter asked. Xavier nodded and said, "I tell you, no war is going to start with him as king. Let's hope it stays that way."

"For a fact," Peter said. "So how's your wife?"

"I'm guessing she's dropping off Jaxon and Anne to school," he said. Peter sighed. "Children, something I don't have."

"Don't worry, you're just thirty, it should be fine," Xavier said. "You still have time."

Then the door opened, and it led out to the bottom floor, where people who lived in the castle unified.

There was a breakfast center like in Hemor, and a pool outside the center as well, with a door that led outside the walls.

There was a black limo waiting outside, with the driver standing by it.

When they walked out the door, the driver quickly returned to the driver seat, as Xavier went to the front passenger seat. Peter went to the back, as he looked beside him, seeing a man with brown hair and a very thick beard around his mouth that was still somewhat contained.

"Hello your majesty," Peter said to Micah. He scoffed. "Stop with the nonsense."


Blaine was currently in the library, being a person who loved to read.

He had brown hair that was curved to the side. He usually wore a regular black long-sleeve shirt and some jeans, but usually a white cape would surround him.

There were four sections of books, and he'd go to the history books, to see what type of memoir of things happened back then.

As he was searching around, he heard someone come into the library, stopping him cold.

"Hello, Blaine."

It was Kade, his—technically—younger brother, who usually wore a solid-color shirt, with khaki pants. "Hello Kade," Blaine responded, walking towards him.

"So what are you searching for?"

"Just trying to read another book," Blaine said. Kade snickered. "You're already trying to learn how to become a king."

Blaine sighed. He's always been very cross about him not getting the throne, and he would always pursue and annoy him countless times, although he was desensitized to it.

"Is it bad to search up the history of this great kingdom?" Blaine asked honestly.

"A kingdom I should rule," Kade said. "By an hour, you suddenly get the throne. Sure, I may not be the smartest compared to you, but everyone knows I'm the brawn of the team."

"What team?"

"The Micah administration, of course," Kade said. "And you next to be king. I assure you, fate will make me king either way."

Blaine was almost boiling in anger, but he kept his cool.