


It was like my soul was trapped within a corpse. It was the most disturbing sensation I'd ever experienced. And now it was one more worry to my ever-growing list. Lou's dreams were messed up, but usually held a slither of accuracy.

I wasn't sure what baby we were supposed to save, whether he meant the literal kind or another weird creature like himself, or why she needed saving from the fire, but I had to force the image from my mind. I didn't want to scare my kid. I didn't want him to see just how much that creeped me out. So instead, I finished my story.

I told him of the way my father had slashed my feet to ribbons, layering them with salt so the healing process couldn't begin. I gave him a nicer version. I told him how scared I'd become because he'd left me further from home than ever before. Then I'd told him of when all hope seemed lost, I'd began to climb.