Puddles splashed beneath my feet. My head was bowed against the worst of the downpour. I cleared the road in a series of easy strides. The door was a dingy, wooden thing. It was painted red, but the paint had peeled away in most areas. It set off a bell as I pushed it open, an over eager jingle that grated against my ears in a way that left the urge to claw them off.
Scents blended into an overwhelming aroma. Lavender hit hard and fast, followed by a vanilla undertone and hues of tropical rain and artificial grape. It was an odd combination and as I took an involuntary step back, I cursed humans and their watered down senses.
For a human, it may have been pleasant. For my sensitive nose, it was a full-fledged assault.
Shelves broke out into a swirling labyrinth. Dark colours struck up a theme, old browns and deep purples. The shelves were stocked with gimmicks and stupidity— crystals and herbs, candles and wishes for sale in a jar.