
The Job

—————6 months prior to the test—————

The sun peeked over the horizon of lunar city. Revealing countless structures to put Tower of Babel to shame. Through the few earlier morning rays of sun a young boy with crimson eyes and pitch black hair was already hard at work.

"Luck could you move those boxes out of the way, the new shipment will be arriving soon"

"Right away Boss"

Luck was only seven teen years old under normal circumstances he would be going to school and hanging out with friends, unfortunately life isn't always so fair.

"Whew finally done"

The boy's boss throws a mop in his direction.

"I see leaning when I should see cleaning"

"You know if I didn't need the money so bad I would quit"

"Go ahead, I'll just higher one of the other miscreants around"

Luck scowled out of frustration, he knew he right. "People like me are drop in a bucket, you lose one you get other",

Luck thought as he began moping the area.

Right as Luck finished sweeping the delivery appeared. The delivery driver and Luck unpacked the whole truck while the manger watched over them.

"Oh Luck"

The manager finally cut in

"That last box is actually a deliver. The address is on the box if you take it on your way out I'll give you a bonus".

"Sure, I'll drop it off on my way to my other job"

Luck grabbed the box and headed out the door. He sped off ducking and dipping through the alleys. Unfortunately Luck was in too much of a rush to be cautious about the potential danger. He is about to be reminded yet again of the cruelty of life.