
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · Fantaisie
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88 Chs

A moment of so called bliss

Wincing Adrian's hand raised but fell back down just as fast.

Eelerana's eyes practically sparkling as the hand that had pushed him now actively roamed.

"Looks like he agreed,what are you going to do now?''

"What use is a body like that if you don't make use of it.''

Chuckling Nigel agreed, taking in how Eelerana made slow work of every button, fingers pushing away the fine and expensive clothes.

Revealing the smooth skin underneath, free of any bite that had been placed there before.

Weakly gasping as fingertips grazed sensitive skin Adrian fully engulfed in his role.

Half lidded he stared down at her, licking his lips unintentionally.

"Someone is enjoying it.-"No sooner had Nigel said that he was in front of him, hand intertwined with his, voice slowly echoing in Adrian's ear.

Letting the system increase his temperature and such a light rose coloured blush quickly covered his cheek.

Satisfied Nigel's free hand slightly moved his face....left....right....again left.

"Are you done?"

"Come on Rana, that face... it's quite unbelievable he's just a small noble from who knows where."

"There are always diamonds among dirt.

Nonetheless he still dirt."

Offended Adrian clenched his jaw, huffing ridiculously as he once more grabbed a smile hidden knife and this time went for Eelerana.

"Ttt no you don't.-'' before he had even fully revealed his knife his wrist was grabbed by Nigel's hand. "-little kitty has to learn some new tricks."

Hissing as his free hand got twisted ,his other still intertwined, the knife dropped.

Metal clanged on the ground and Adrian's free hand was no longer free as Eelerana's hand now intertwined with his.

He keeps getting surprised by their teamwork or just general understanding of each other as both moved without bothering each other.

It wasn't long yet both silently minded their side, wet lips tracing up and down his neck and chest.

Throwing back his head Adrian groaned out, ghost of smiles on his skin.


Cyra is in your immediate surroundings.}


{Closing in}

{Aish, now of all times?

She's way too much like a dog.}

Drawing in a breath Adrian's briefly glanced down, small smile on Rana's face.


Turning in the direction of her voice he saw confused emerald eyes turn into frustrated ones. Anger sparking heavily within.


Calling out to her, the two aroused teenagers immediately sprung to action.

Both sets of teeth latching onto his neck and biting harshly.

Unable to keep looking at Cyra ,and her two rather flamboyant dresses companions, Adrian his head rose up once more.

Alleviating the pressure the two smaller teens caused, hand still closely intertwined, their free hand raking and pinching here and there.

Jolting in surprise, he felt his knees buckling, Eelerana's leg quickly finding her way between while Nigel's teeth drew his skin taut against his collarbones.

Digging his nails in both their hands Adrian softly panted.

It happened suddenly, both Eelerana and Nigel got ripped away.

Later even he got ripped away, familiar hand closed around his.

Swaying lightly by the sudden movement, he got pulled away and before he knew it he was gone from the scene.

While he had tremendous fun, slowly growing in his own patience and acting ability, he wondered who her companions where.


Rolling his eyes Adrian let himself be pulled away.

"Come on Cyra."

Echoing thuds behind him vanished from his perception, two pair of feets rushing over road, before said road turned into wet grass.

Droplets of rain still glistened on bushes and leaves alike.

The farther they went, the closer they came upon each other and soon they where practically surrounded with all greens.

On the way he had seen the spot where they had fought multiple times, a spot where he had almost died multiple times.

The bruises where still visible, one on his leg a particular huge purple one.

Not even mentioning the one on his wrist.

Blinking, he took in the way Cyra swiped something ,note to himself to find out what it was, on an unassuming tree.

The tree, wich literally had nothing special, not even a magical signature, had blue wisps slowly turning a full fletched portal.


He did not know there was a portal in his kingdom, how could he not know!?!

Getting pulled out of his growing sadness he felt himself get pulled into the gate instead.

Sensation of water crawling up and down his skin before gasping into normal air once more.

Coughing twice he straightened at the lack of another one coughing.

Embarrassed he gazed upon the stoic face.

"Where are we?"

Voice rough she answered "An island in the middle of nowhere."

"Alright...how useful."

"Care to tell me what that display was about?"


A tree splintered as her fist hit it head on.


"Next one will be for you."

"No need, no need. I think I'll pass, thanks."


"I do my best with all that I have."

''With your body?!?"

Despite the warm weather ,suitable for a vacation, the tension made neither in the mood for enjoying the weather.

Snarling he replied "It's not like you didn't take full advantage of it!"

Offended Cyra's eyebrows arched.

"You clearly returned my gestures."

"Yeah, after you blackmailed me.

You are no better then them."

"Well at least I did not let myself get taken advantage of by two fucking teenagers!"

Drawing back in dramatics Adrian turned away, silver low ponytail swished as he walked away.

"That was uncalled for."

One...two....three...and there it is.

He didn't even get to five.

Once more a hand upon his body as Adrian shrugged yet the hand stayed.

"I'm sorry, that was indeed uncalled for."

Staying silent, he stared ahead, ears picking up the splashing if waves miles ahead.

"Adrian... it's..I will tell my teacher alright. Will tell him to fight you...just don't sell yourself short.''

"Short like how?

Like continuing letting everyone walk over me? Sometimes you don't have any choices. Besides it's all I ever knew."

"Well it shouldn't be that way."

"Say that to my parents."

Past was left unsaid, unwilling to bring his first set of (awfull) parents in their conversation he quickly changed the subject.

"Who where your companions?"

"Don't change the subject."

"Does it matter?" Having turned around at her non answer of his question, Cyra's hand dropping back down, he stoicily looked her down. Walking towards her slowly.

This time she was backing away, until even she couldn't anymore.

"Does it?

Don't sell yourself short? For who?


Why? Don't want to share?''

"Is this how you're going to play it?"


You like it too, overpowering me, why don't you ask them to join in?"

"Where's the fun in that?"

"See? Don't bother denying."

Her whole temperament switched a one eighty as now she invaded his private space.

"You and me, babe."

Rolling his eyes, he moved back, Cyra's closely and challengingly following.

"You and me.

No need to think about those two teens, they will be dead before sunrise."
