
The Dark Pact

"Why are you late?" He questions, sounding exactly as I remember "You know, traffic." I apologize, making a turn to trudge to him majestically. "If you say so," he nods, the night preventing my view of his face "Thank you, Azazel," I mutter, my tone neither high nor low. "Why did you want to see me?" He polls, his voice resounding through the dark abandoned warehouse. "Yes Azazel," I smirk and try to hide the slight fear of reject nagging at the back of my head. "What is it about?" He implores his arm going to rub his prominent chin as he fixes a stare at me. "I want my soul back," I inform, matching his gaze with mine. "How do you plan on getting it back?" He quizzes, stepping a few inches my way into the light. "With a deal Azazel, or more specifically, a pact," I tell using all my energy to stop my feet from moving backward. "That is very difficult Xander, you sealed your vow with a drop of blood," he argues, the moonlight falling more on his face as he tilts his head upwards. "And I'm here to make and seal another," I converse awaiting a reply. "No, you got what you wanted, to be rich, famous, and loved, what else do you desire?" He asks, his supernatural blue eyes having a scary glint to them. "My soul," I repeat. "Plus I know you love making deals Azazel, no matter how you try to hide it, I see the excitement and mischief you try to conceal." "Same way I see the little fear of rejection bubbling within you, I detect it in your eyes, I hear it in your heartbeat, and the blood pumping through your veins," he sneers in response, squaring his wide shoulders to come off as intimidating. "Hence we understand each other well, we know you've got more to win than lose, and I've got more to lose than win," I confess. "You are right," he lets out in a husky tone, his red lips curving into a hint of a smile. "So what do you say demon, you in?" I invite, my eyebrow raised "I am," he gleams. "What's this pact about?"

FreshyGore · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
18 Chs

Chapter 5

<i><u>Playing:đŸŽ¶Perfect by Ed SheeranđŸŽ¶</u></i>

<b><i> -The Feisty One-</i></b>

<b>Xander's POV</b>

An invisible weight leaves my chest as I rise from my position on one of the long ass wooden sits where I've been kneeling for a minute or two doing the penance handed out to me by the priest.

I have no idea a smile is on my face as I walk down the pathway between the chairs and head towards the exit. I catch sight of a female who is currently doing the sign of the cross, probably finished praying or about to begin.

On reaching her location, I recognize who she is and turns out she is done praying as she hisses the second our eyes clash, unavoidably falling in step beside me.

"That's no way to behave in the presence of God," I smirk, slanting my body to the left a bit so she can hear me, discreetly inhaling her sweet vanilla scent, one I'm taking note of for the first time due to our proximity.

"I can't help my behaviour when I'm close to you," she scoffs, fastening her pace which puts a little distance between us.

I don't complain as I get mesmerized by the sexy view of her ass and hips hugged in the bodycon ankle-length yellow skirt she's donning below a black t-shirt with white polka dots.

I've always thought a woman attractive in skimpy clothes but damn, I can't help but feel my dick twitch. Oh Lord forgive me.

"Guess I should take it as a compliment then," I mutter, jogging lightly to catch up with her.

"Oh don't," she blurts, sensing my existence behind her as we both descend the flight of steps. "I'm simply restraining myself from whacking your cheek."

"As if you would. You are secretly wishing to have a rendezvous with me," I chuckle, but that gets wiped off as I view a palm heading towards my face, thankful for my fast reflexes I clasp the arm, tsking at it's owner. "You are a violent one."

"Guess you haven't had a female who hates your guts," she lifts an eyebrow, rubbing her wrist after I release it, her brown eyes melting a hole in my chest by it's intensity.

"You have no idea," I shake my head, anger finding it's way into my voice. I silently will myself to calm down before I end up punching a wall.

"Of course I don't," she snorts, not helping my temper, though that changes as she brings out her tongue and crosses her eyes, causing my mood to shift as I'm between turned on about what that tongue can do to my cock and choking out a laugh.

"Did you just make a silly face at me?" I implore as we reach my car.

"No I didn't," she replies hastily, her cute cheeks puffing in a blush.

"Don't be shy," I tilt my lips to the side as I tease her. "Your pink tongue only gave me ideas that's all."

"What ideas?" She queries peering at me in confusion.

"I don't think you'll want to know," I say in a smirk.

"Why?" She interrogates, crossing her arms to come off as angry, rather my eyes notice the significant bulge of her breasts as they get pushed up, I curse in my head at the conservative dress code she's in that hinders my view of the juicy flesh.

"Let's just say," I pause to clear my throat as it comes out hoarse. "It'll be inappropriate to say, thus we just exited God's house, significantly me who just completed my penance."

"Who would have thought you'll be found here," she pronounces ignoring my answer which is a smart move on her part and points at the edifice we just came out from. "Of all the places."

"And who would have thought a sexy beautiful young lady like you who works in a club where all sorts of atrocities are carried out will be seen praying in a corner in church," I assert, throwing her words back at her.

"We are even," she rolls her eyes and my only response is to grin. "See you later."

"Wait," I declare, stopping her in her tracks, and she swerves, causing the braids on her head to fly in the air for a moment before landing on her back.

"Anything, famous dude?" She inquires and I snort.

"Famous dude, really?" I taunt, biting the inside of my cheek to prevent a laugh.

"Fuck! I said that didn't I?" She facepalms blowing air from her lips in personal irritation.

"So you curse, who knew," I nod my head, letting a full blown smile stretch my mouth upwards.

"I have my moments," she shrugs, and adjusts the strap of the brown satchel on her right shoulder. "Why did you ask me to wait?"

"Oh yeah, when does your shift start?" I raise a question.

"By noon, again I ask, why?" She replies in a question of hers.

"Aren't you late? It's 12:13pm," I mumble, after producing my phone and glancing briefly at the digital clock on the lock screen.

"You aren't the boss of me," she scoffs, slanting her head to gaze up at me.

"We'll see," I murmur quietly not wanting her to heed my words.

"Sorry I didn't hear you, repeat please," she proposes instead I shake my head. "Your loss then."

"Would you mind if I drop you?" I suggest, crossing my fingers behind my back.

"Nope," she says bluntly and moves forward. In an instant I grab unto her hand shocking the both of us. "Don't touch me."

"Woaw, sorry," I apologize, lifting my palms in surrender, tingles running up my arms from our brief contact. "I didn't mean to."

"It's okay," she concedes, clenching and unclenching her fingers as I detect a flash of embarrassment in her irises which vanishes as soon as it came.

"Please, let me do the honors, my house is on the same path," I plead, not knowing why I'm keen on driving her.

"How do I know you won't take me down to the woods and kill me, leaving my flesh and bones for the vultures and wolves to feast on?" She argues, squinting her stare directed at me.

"Wow," I blurt, astounded. "It's either you have a colorful mind or you watch too many horror movies."

"Horror movies prepare you for the worst," she retorts. "And you still haven't offered me an answer."

"I promise I won't take you into the woods, kill you, and leave your corpse for animals to feast on," I announce, a palm flat on my chest.

"Okay let's go, people are beginning to stare," she informs, brushing past me to the passenger door, and knocks on the vehicle to pluck my attention towards her. "Come on!"

In astonishment I gape at her for a moment before snapping out of it and ambling to unlock the car. I briefly sight her yank open the door and slide in some seconds before I do same.

We both exhale as I shut the door and start the engine, the airconditioning automatically coming on and enveloping our skins with the cool air, different from the scorching sun outside.

"You've got a sweet set of wheels here," she comments as I steer us along the road, her vision admiring the interior of the vehicle.

"Did you just compliment me?" I fake a gasp as I step on the accelerator, causing us to swish past little shops, restaurants and other cars.

"I complimented your car not you," she disagrees.

"It's my car so you indirectly did," I beam, knowing she has no base to argue with me on that.

"You are impossible," she sneers, causing my grin to spread wider.

"Well that's a first," I confide. "I've been called hot, sexy, drool worthy,--

"Get to the point," she grits cutting me off.

"Patience they say is a virtue," I wink. "Anyway, back to what I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I've been called all that by the female folk but never, impossible."

"No wonder you are so cocky," she mocks, aiming to get me riled up, rather it boosts my ego.

"Thank you," I smile and I hear her utter something incorrigible in a language I haven't heard before. "What was that?"

"Oh," she snickers. "I was insulting you in my native language."

"Your boldness scares me," I confess, eying her.

"Then avoid me," she derides, giving me a sign to unlock the door as I stop in front of the club.

"That is going to be a difficult task," I notify, doing her bid.

"How?" She quizzes, lifting a brow.

"The universe has a different plan for us," I let out, meaning every syllable. "Before you go, I need a name."

"Helena," she throws over her shoulder as she exits.

"It's exactly what I imagined it to be," I disclose, giving her a sultry look as my eyes rake over her figure. "A beautiful name."

"Bye Xander," she bangs the door after that, the sound of my name through her lips doing things to my senses.


So well, our instincts are confirmed, the feisty lady at the club who gave Xander a piece of her mind is none other than our FL 'Helena'

What will happen from here? Find out in future chapters.

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