
The Dark-Lord Peverell Slytherin

Apathetic to the world around him, the Dark Lord Potter dominates the world around him. Overwhelming power and a ruined world leave him stuck reminiscing in the past, especially over 'that' incident. Having found a way to return to the past, albeit an alternate timeline, he decides to embrace his second chance... Dark Lord style. ALTERNATE TIMELINE. NO PARADOXES.

Ludovicus_IX · Livres et littérature
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50 Chs

They say you should just let sleeping Malfoys lie. But what if they're under oath? Pt.3

7th June 1993. Malfoy Manor. Ritual Chamber.

Ares was elated, although the same could not be said for his new servant.

Lucius was still in shock from what had occurred. He couldn't quite understand how he allowed himself to be tricked so quickly, especially considering his past as a paranoid psychopathic murderer.

Grinning from ear to ear, Ares gave his new servant their orders,

"Lucius, we have a lot to do in only a few months, so I want to meet your wife and son properly tomorrow. You are not to mention your current situation to anyone other than you are no longer a vassal to House Black. Finally, before I go, remember to give Narcissa this necklace. Tell her it was a gift for her and that I'd love it if she would wear it for me tomorrow. Good night."

Having acquired himself a new follower, the first in many years, the Dark Lord felt vigorous. He fished the necklace he had chosen from Vault 326 out of his magically enlarged pocket, dropped it on a nearby table and, patting Lucius on the shoulder, apparated back to his manor for a well-deserved rest.

Lucius Malfoy was annoyed, confused and happy all at the same time.

He was annoyed because he was now a slave, complicating his allegiance to he-who-must-not-be-named. But, on the other hand, he was happy because he was no longer a vassal to the house of Black, and he could serve his new master. But, most of all, he was confused about his mixed feelings.

However, he was a pragmatic psychopath. His current issue would be convincing the harpy he had made the mistake of calling his wife that it wasn't obscene and a breach of every little bit of etiquette she compulsively followed to meet a new guest so soon while wearing a gift from them.

Lucius found his mind drifting to a more positive note; no longer was he a vassal of her father and uncle, leaving her with no foundation for any superiority. In fact, he would enjoy talking to her for the first time in almost 30 years.

Lucius showered and cleaned himself up before making his way towards what had been Narcissa's room since Draco's birth.

Carefully and considerately knocking on her door, he found her reading under her covers in a thin linen dressing gown and silk lingerie.

Sitting down on the bed next to her, he smiled.

"Darling! What a pleasure it is to see you looking so radiant this evening. How was your day? Did you spend more of my money or use your own ill-gotten gains? I'm glad the villagers couldn't catch you with their torches and pitchforks." He remarked, the love and affection dripping from his silver tongue.

Narcissa, to his regret, only had a look of annoyance for a second before her features were schooled back into a deadpan expression.

"My heroic husband has blessed me with his presence; this is a day for celebration. Been outsmarted by any more twelve-year-olds since last time? You do make bullying children look so fetching!" She asked in a faux-sincere tone, not looking up.

"Alas, I have yet to master your ability to upset children merely by existing. So instead, I have undone that wretched little vassal oath your father made swear. Watch your step, my dear, you have such pretty little feet, and I'd hate for them to get hurt." Lucius retorted.

"I suppose I must thank your new friend who visited earlier. What did you say his name was at breakfast? Lord Peverell? What a frightfully ~helpful~ person he is. Will he be gracing our home again soon, or should I hold off packing my bags until after you've held your nuptials?" Narcissa responded sweetly, unrepentantly lacing her voice with sarcasm.

"My dear new friend will be, as you say, gracing us with his presence tomorrow. I have offered to make the introductions for you and Draco. Try not to be yourself, or he may turn to stone before he's made it through the front door. I trust you'll make sure Draco is ready and well-behaved, and you will be dressed immaculately. Perhaps wearing this necklace you have been so kindly gifted will stave off any less than savoury circumstances from which unfortunate and misbehaved witches suffer. After all, he is now a very dear ally, and we wouldn't want to disrespect him or lead him to believe we are anything but nobles of Pureblood." Lucius insinuated with a nasty smirk on his face.

While Lucius had been released from his position as a vassal to Narcissa's family, he still swore an unbreakable vow to treat her well and respect her consent to her father. As his dear wife hated him, their bedroom had been rather cold since Draco's birth, leaving him to seek comfort in the embrace of other women over the years. Hence a not unfounded fear on her part, despite her sarcasm, that he would kick her out and replace her with someone new relatively soon.

Lucius left her to her own thoughts, his words still reverberating around the room, his point emphasised by the graveness of her situation.

Meanwhile, Narcissa was panicking. Lucius had no reason to keep her in his house any longer. She would never sleep willingly with him again after understanding what he had subjected other women to in her place, leaving Draco an only child.

He was likely to kick her out and bring one of his whores in to fill the place of Lady Malfoy.

Draco would be safe as heir to the estate, but she was dispensable now without Lucius under the thumb of her uncle and father's oaths and orders.

Slipping between her covers, she silently prayed that something good would happen tomorrow.

Draco was happy, his father had been released from his servitude and had become a lot nicer to be around, and his mother had retired to bed early.

He couldn't wait to meet Lord Peverell as he was already beginning to see the man as his idol, swooping in to save pureblood lords; young Malfoy couldn't wait to see what he did next.
