Apathetic to the world around him, the Dark Lord Potter dominates the world around him. Overwhelming power and a ruined world leave him stuck reminiscing in the past, especially over 'that' incident. Having found a way to return to the past, albeit an alternate timeline, he decides to embrace his second chance... Dark Lord style. ALTERNATE TIMELINE. NO PARADOXES.
21st June 1993. Wizengamot Chamber.
Ares walked in with Lucius Malfoy in tow, leaving him and making his way up to the balcony for those of a Most Ancient and Noble House. It was opposite the Ancient and Noble houses, so he could see Lucius as he sat down.
Looking elsewhere, he noticed the Parkinsons, Macmillans, Abbotts, Dowager Longbottom with her grandson, Avery, Burke, Crouch, Rosier, Rowle and finally, Greengrass.
The old bastard was sitting next to his son Cygnus, Lord Stefan Greengrass, easily the sneakiest and most manipulative man in the room except for maybe Dumbledore.
Happy now that he had identified the enemy, he leaned back in his chair and waited for the meeting to start.
Stefan couldn't help but shiver as he felt someone gazing at him. Looking around, he noticed a man apparently sleeping in one of the seats directly opposite them on the balcony for Most Ancient and Noble houses.
Turning to his son, he inquired,
"Who is the man sleeping in the chair over there?"
Cygnus turned, confused for a moment, before he found the mentioned person, then replied,
"I believe that may be the esteemed Lord Peverell, and the man makes a fine impression. I mean, people are known to nod off during the meetings, but not before them!" Chuckled Heir Greengrass.
Stefan focused more on the man and was pleased to conclude he did not seem to be a threat, merely a young man who returned with his son and was eager to re-immerse himself within his own society.
Just as Stefan was about to get up and introduce himself, Dumbledore appeared, and the 713th Wizengamot meeting began.
"My Lords and Ladies, I am pleased to announce our meeting today holds a special meaning. We will welcome a family back into our society; our first order of business is to welcome back the Most Ancient and Noble House of Peverell." Dumbledore proclaimed.
Ares stood up with a flourish, all signs of sleepiness[ gone and made a bow before opening his mouth and speaking,
"Good Morning, honourable lords and ladies, I thank Chief Warlock Dumbledore for his kind words, and I also wish to thank you all for accepting me back into your society; it is truly a privilege. I cannot wait for my son to attend school at Hogwarts as I wish I had the chance to!"
With that done, he sat down.
As Albus caught the young Lord's eye, he could have sworn they flashed with emerald flames for a second.
Ares couldn't help but feel angry when he saw the old bastard who dared to call himself a teacher.
Shaking himself from his thoughts, Chief Warlock Dumbledore moved on with the day's business.
After a gruelling few hours, Albus called for a break for lunch.
Deciding it would be polite to invite the newest Lord in the Wizengamot to have lunch with him, the headmaster looked around for him.
He almost had a heart attack when he saw the dear boy conversing with Lucius Malfoy.
He moved quickly to intercept them before he lost a possible pawn and ally.
Ares was chatting to Lucius about how they were going to win the upcoming vote when he saw the old man rushing at him as if half-crazed and made a motion for Lord Malfoy to leave.
He could almost see relief in the headmaster's eyes when he caught up to him.
Panting for barely a nanosecond, Dumbledore immediately brought out his most grandfatherly smile, and his eyes twinkled.
Ares felt nauseous from how sickeningly fake it was.
"My dear boy, how would you like to come to lunch with me?" Albus asked, somehow stretching his smile even more.
Ares was half tempted to flat-out turn him down just to see what the old man's face would do.
However, he politely accepted as he was curious how the manipulative old coot would try to persuade him.
Overjoyed with the encounter's outcome, Albus proceeded to mentally go through a list of places to take the young Lord.
"How long have you been back in England, my boy? I think perhaps I should introduce you to the best cuisine in Diagon Alley!" Albus asked, seemingly not concerned but, in truth, waiting with bated breath.
"Not long, Chief Warlock, not long enough to get to know the place at least. You will, of course, endeavour to help me get to know the place better." He responded. Playing the headmaster's game came first, for now, not giving anything away.
"Perfect! To the Leaky Cauldron, it is!" Albus said with a smile and a flourish as he threw powder into the floo and disappeared in a flash of green.
Ares followed him with little hesitation.
They arrived in Diagon Alley and made their way swiftly to the Leaky Cauldron as they only had an hour left for lunch.
"Tom, we'll have a table for two, please, and if I may, I'd like to order a pork roast now, and my friend will have..." Albus began looking towards Ares,
"A lamb stew, please." Ares finished.
Having ordered, they made their way over to a table and sat down.
"Can I offer you any advice as an old senior?" The headmaster offered.
"Yes, thank you, I would like to know what kinds of things you will be teaching my son, he has received an outstanding education from Durmstrang, and I hope that it will go on to be very well-rounded. Although, between you and me, I felt that Durmstrang was a little too dark regarding magic." The Dark Lord pretended to confide in his old mentor.
The headmaster was beyond elated; the young man before him seemed slightly averse to dark magic. But, with a bit of pushing, Albus was confident he could be shown the benefit of joining the light faction under him for the greater good.
"Of course, I understand your doubts about Durmstrang, Igor is a wonderful headmaster, but sometimes you can't escape your past. Your son will be educated on all the best light magic at Hogwarts and will be taught how to defend himself against any dark wizards in Defence against the Dark Arts. I'll let you in on a little secret, we have an excellent new DADA teacher this year. His name is Remus Lupin." Albus told Ares with a giant smile present on his face and eyes set at full twinkle.
Ares was having a hard time not laughing, Albus Dumbledore didn't realise it, but he had just said some powerful words, you can't escape your past, and Ares was a Dark Lord. He very much doubted anything they taught him at Hogwarts would change that.
Finishing up, they said their goodbyes promising to talk soon and made their way back to the Wizengamot chamber.