
Chapter 15: A night of unity

After the tumultuous events at Grey Wolf's residence, Kaidrian sought solace in the company of Elunned, Erian's wife. He made his way to his brother's chambers, his footsteps echoing through the silent corridors. A soft knock on the door, and a beautiful young maid answered, her eyes cast downward in respect. "My prince," she murmured, bowing gracefully.

Kaidrian's mischievous smile faltered for a moment as he gazed at the maid, her beauty and grace a stark contrast to the darkness that had befallen their kingdom. "Hello," he said, his voice low and smooth. "Is Elunned available?"

The maid's eyes flickered upward, and she nodded. "Yes, sir. Please, come in."

As Kaidrian entered, the maid directed him to a plush chair, then vanished into the adjacent room to announce his presence. Moments later, Elunned emerged, her radiant smile illuminating the space. "Kaid, dear," she said, her voice like music.

Kaidrian rose from his seat, his eyes locked on hers, and wrapped her in a warm embrace. "Hey, dear," he whispered, his breath caressing her hair. "How are you faring?"

Elunned's gaze sparkled with unshed tears. "Better, now that you're here." Her voice trembled, and Kaidrian's heart went out to her. He knew the weight of her sorrow, the ache of Erian's death.

As they sat together, Kaidrian shared his plans for the dinner gathering, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled. "I want you all to be there. Freya, too, if she's feeling well enough." Elunned's face lit up, her eyes shining with gratitude.

"Thank you, Kaid," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "That means more to me than you know."

As Kaidrian prepared to leave, he turned back to Elunned, his expression serious. "Remember, Elunned, Erian may not be here, but I am. And I'll do everything in my power to make you feel safe, to make you feel home." His voice was low, a promise etched in every word.

Elunned's tears spilled over, and she smiled, her lips trembling. "Thank you, Kaidrian.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the castle, the atmosphere in the great hall began to hum with anticipation. Mrs. White, the castle's esteemed housekeeper, oversaw the final preparations, her keen eye ensuring every detail was meticulously in place. The maids bustled about, their whispers and giggles filling the air as they set the table with fine linens, crystal glasses, and silverware that sparkled like diamonds.

"Today feels like a day of new beginnings," one of the maids said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Indeed, it does," Mrs. White replied, her expression stern but her eyes twinkling with warmth. "Let us hope this dinner marks the start of happier times."

Kaidrian, resplendent in his blue attire, stood before the mirror in his chambers, his reflection gazing back at him with a mix of sadness and determination. He took a deep breath, his shoulders squaring as he prepared to face the evening ahead. A knock at the door broke the silence, and he turned to greet Elunned, her beauty radiant as she entered with little Freya in tow.

"Ah, what a lovely surprise!" Kaidrian exclaimed, his face lighting up as he scooped up Freya and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "And look at you, little one! You've lost a tooth, I see!"

Freya's giggles filled the air as she showed off her missing tooth, and Kaidrian's heart swelled with affection. Elunned's eyes met his, and he sensed a shared understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the challenges they had faced and the strength they drew from each other.

As they made their way to the dining hall, the atmosphere shifted from anticipation to excitement. The entire family was already seated, their faces a blur of expectation and curiosity. Kaidrian's mother, his stepmothers, and his siblings all turned to gaze at him, their eyes lingering on the empty throne at the head of the table. But Kaidrian deliberately avoided it, instead taking his seat in Erian's chair, a subtle yet powerful statement of his intent to honor his brother's memory.

Lady Xanthe's eyes narrowed, her face twisted in disgust as she took in the sight of Elunned and Kaidrian entering together, their bond evident in the way they moved in sync. Her gaze lingered on Elunned, her expression dripping with venom, her mind no doubt racing with dark thoughts. She couldn't fathom why Kaidrian and Elluned would come to dinner together kaidrian noticed her stare

But Kaidrian didn't let her hatred dampen his spirit. He knew that Xanthe's animosity stemmed from her own insecurities, He ignored her scowl, instead focussing on his food

The meal was a sumptuous affair, with dishes upon dishes of roasted meats, steaming vegetables, and sweet pastries.

After dinner, the maids efficiently cleared the table, their soft chatter and clinking dishes filling the air as they worked. Kaidrian stood up, his eyes sweeping the room as he addressed his family in a calm, measured tone. "Shall we retire to the Solarium, dear family? I believe it's time we had a candid conversation, just us."

Calantha, his mother, nodded graciously, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Of course, dear Kaidrian. Let us go."

The Solarium, a spacious room filled with lush plants and comfortable seating, was a tranquil oasis in the heart of the palace. As they settled in, Kaidrian began to speak, his voice filled with conviction. "It's been weeks since Father and Erian's passing, and I know the grief has been overwhelming for all of us. But I want you to know that I care deeply about each and every one of you, and I want us to emerge from this darkness stronger and more united than ever. That's what Father would have wanted, and that's what Erian would have wished for us."

He paused, his eyes locking onto each face, seeking understanding and support. "In a few days, I will be crowned king, and I want to assure you that I will remain the same Kaidrian you've always known. Nothing will change, except that I will do my utmost to honor Father's legacy and make our kingdom prosper."

Kaidrian's gaze fell upon his mothers, and he smiled warmly. "I want you all to be my support, my guiding lights, as we navigate this new chapter in our lives. No more tears, my dear mothers. I want to see smiles, laughter, and joy return to our family."

Lyrik, his sister, stood up, her eyes shining with sincerity. "Kaidrian, I wish you all the best. I know you will be a greater ruler than Father was."

Vesper and Lyra echoed their support, their voices filled with conviction.

Xanthe stood up and said I have only one thing to say then, her gaze shifted to Elunned, and her voice took on a venomous tone. Don't you think Elluned has overstayed her welcome, Kaidrian?"

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