
Chapter 11: A king's plea

Rylan's eyes pleaded with his brothers as he spoke, his voice laced with desperation. "What's happening to us? We're brothers, for crying out loud! Not enemies!"

Kael's annoyance was palpable as he stood up, his face reddening. "I believe Kaidrian has gone mad! Why on earth are we to swear on that damn Red Orb? Huh? We all know what it means to swear on the Red Orb!"

Lysander's expression was somber, his eyes filled with a deep sadness. "Yes, we do, Kael. But we have no choice. We'll all swear on the Red Orb tomorrow to prove our innocence."

Kael's skepticism was evident. "Innocence? You really think that's what this is about? Kaidrian's not thinking straight. He's blinded by grief and anger!"

Rylan's voice was laced with empathy. "I know we all are, Kael. But we need to support Kaidrian right now. He's our brother, and he's hurting. We have to be there for him, even if we don't agree with his methods."

Lysander's eyes locked onto Kael's, his gaze intense. "We owe it to Father and Brother to see this through. We need to stand together, as brothers, and support Kaidrian in his quest for justice."

The room was heavy with emotion, the weight of their brother's ultimatum hanging in the air like a dark cloud. Rylan's words hung in the silence, a poignant reminder of the bond that once united them.

Kaidrian strolled through the backyard, his mind still reeling from the heated exchange with his brothers. He felt a pang of guilt for lashing out at them, but his determination to uncover the truth remained unwavering.

"Sir?" A soft voice interrupted his thoughts.

He turned to face Butler Jenkins, their loyal butler. "Yes, how may I help you, Butler?"

Butler's expression was somber. "I have something to give you, sir. It's from your late father.

Kaidrian's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?

Butler Jenkins handed him a beautifully crafted paper. "I'm not sure what's inside, sire, but your father wanted Erian to have it a week after the ball."

Kaidrian's heart raced as he took the paper, his fingers tracing the intricate design. Butler Jenkins offered a sad smile before bowing his head and departing, leaving Kaidrian alone with the mysterious paper.

Dear Erian,

I write to you with a heavy heart, knowing that by the time you read these words, I will have departed this world. My demise is a consequence of my own mistakes, and for that, I am truly sorry.

As you know, our kingdom has been plagued by the dark arts, and I have reason to believe that my own life is in peril. I fear that I will not survive the upcoming ball, where the forces of darkness plan to strike.

My son, I implore you to take up the mantle of leadership and protect our kingdom from those who seek to destroy it. Your brother Kaidrian will be a valuable ally in this quest, and I entrust him to your care. Together, you must ensure that our kingdom does not fall prey to the evil forces that seek to consume it.

I also entrust to you the care of our mother and stepmothers. They will need your guidance and support in the difficult times ahead.

Furthermore, I charge you with the duty of uncovering the truth behind my demise. I suspect foul play, and it is crucial that you expose those responsible and bring them to justice.

Lastly, I wish to see our family's legacy continue through you. I desire that you make kaidrian marry Luna, the daughter of Thane Magnus, a union that will strengthen our kingdom's ties with the north within a month after my demise.

I know that this is a great burden to place upon your shoulders, my son, but I have faith in your abilities. You are the only one I trust to carry out my wishes and protect our kingdom.

May the gods be with you, Erian. May you succeed where I have failed.

Farewell, my son.

Your father,

Kaidrian's eyes scanned the letter again, his mind racing with questions. "Where's the rest of the letter, Father? How did you know you were going to die?" He felt a surge of frustration, his eyes welling up with tears.

He crumpled to the floor, the letter still clutched in his hand. "What's going on?" he whispered, his voice shaking.

With a heavy heart, Kaidrian rose and made his way to his mother's chambers. He knocked softly, and Lady Calantha's gentle voice bid him enter.

"Mother, how are you?" Kaidrian asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Calantha's eyes widened as she took in her son's distraught expression. "I should be asking you that, Kaidrian. What's wrong?"

Kaidrian's smile was a mere shadow of its usual self. He embraced his mother tightly, wanting to confide in her about the letter and the mysterious red orb. But he knew better than to trust anyone, not even his own mother.

As he held her, tears began to fall, and Kaidrian's body shook with sobs. He cried like a child, his mind reeling from the shock. Calantha held him close, her own tears falling as she stroked his hair kaidrian never cried even as a child.

For what felt like hours, Kaidrian cried, his body wracked with anguish. Finally, exhaustion took its toll, and he slumped against his mother, asleep.

Calantha gently laid him on the bed, covering him with a soft sheet. She brushed away her own tears, her eyes filled with sorrow. "Oh, my poor baby," she whispered. "I'm so sorry."