
The Dark Fallen Angel

What's happening!! Why can't I remember! Ahh!!!

Raveeshta_Satheesh · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

6. The Mysterious Box

School finished and Anna was ready to leave. She was walking towards her car still in a daze. She got startled when Eva stopped her through.

"Girl watcha thinking? I've been noticing you since history class. You physically are here but mentally above the clouds."

"What?" exclaimed Anna.

"Whoa girl your reaction shows me that you really were"

"No. I was just thinking about the - the Chapter! Yes, the chapter. Do you want me to drop you off?"

"No need, my dad's coming to pick me up." Said Eva.

"Oh, I see. I will call you later."

"Yeah bye."

From there Eva and Anna went on their separate roads.

When Anna reached home, the house was dead silent. No one was here. Her dad went to work. Her dad works in a REDINMENT CORPORATE as the general manager. His work hours are from 10 am to 9 pm.

Anne was feeling quite tired and directly went to her room to lie down. Who knew that lying down would become a small nap.

'I am shown injustice, let me go. I am Innocent. Let me go! LET ME GO!!!

A hypnic jerk caused me to wake up suddenly. And I was covered in sweat.

When I started to acknowledge my surroundings, I found myself sleeping on the couch. " How did I come here." Did I sleepwalk?

I often used to sleepwalk when I was young. But after a certain age, it had stopped."Did it start again?" When I looked out of the window, the sun was half set. So I went for the clock to look at the time. " Holy Crap! Is 6:30 in the evening already?? Why did I sleep so much? Oh, today it's my turn to cook dinner. Argh!

Time passed by quickly and suddenly the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw a parcel was lying right in front of the door, it was for me. I took it and went inside and kept it in my room.

A few minutes later I heard Dad's car parking in the parking lot. So I hurried back down.

Dad came in frowning "Who does she think she is? Huh?"

"What's wrong dad, work trouble?" "Or What else?" replied her father.

"Why are getting riled up on me? I just asked." "I know dear it's just that daddy is not in a good mood. I'll take a shower then let's have dinner."

Today he had to present the presentation to a very important client. He was already very stressed for the past few days now if something went wrong with the client, he would be very upset.

After dinner finished he went to do the usual, sitting on the couch and watching soccer. "Dad I'm going upstairs, the later I'd go to bed."

"Yeah." replied dad.

After I went to my room. I started unboxing the parcel and I wasn't expecting this!!