

[ Quest successfully completed! ]

[ Rewards received -> 215 Rating Points, +2 Talent Points, +2 Skill Points ]

[ Difficulty bonus -> +107 Rating Points ]

[ Rating Increased : 0 -> 322 ]

[ Next level up at Rating : 688 ]

Asher had a satisfied smile upon seeing how he was almost halfway through level 8. He realized how it was easier than he expected to progress with his past life experience when any other person in his shoes wouldn't survive a quest of this difficulty.

In total, he gained this much by killing 3 Hunters while Merina killed the other two.

He then saw Merina giving him meek glances and asked, "What's up with you? Do you have anything to ask me?" At the same time he walked towards Kara's corpse and used his ring blade to cut off her dominant hand.