
On Hot Pursuit

In the grim confines of a dark dungeon where light barely entered, the scene was one of eerie atmosphere.

A young vampire, was suspended in the air, his naked body showing the brutal marks of torture. 

Chains bound his wrists tightly, and his feet dangled helplessly. Blood dripped steadily from his wounds, pooling on the floor beneath him, and the tools of his torment lay bloodied nearby.

As the dungeon door creaked open, Oberon flinched, his blurry vision struggling to focus. 

The sight of Rhygar entering the cell with a dark, menacing expression made Oberon's heart sink further. 

His eyes widened in fear, and he rattled his chains in a futile attempt to free himself, his strength drained from the relentless torture.

He felt like he had been trapped here for years under Rhygar's torture and had no idea if Asher's or Rhygar's torture was worse.