
Do You Want Me To Let You Go?

"Then you will pay for it!" 

As Bernard lunged forward, his fist aimed with a precision born of years of combat experience, the crowd's collective breath hitched. 

It seemed an inevitable conclusion, a swift defeat for the brash and crippled newcomer challenging an established veteran. 

Yet, in a display of agility that belied his earlier casualness, Asher sidestepped with a fluid grace that rendered Bernard's attack not just ineffective but embarrassingly so. 

In the same motion, Asher's hand snapped out, applying a technique that targeted Bernard's balance and leverage points, twisting him into a vulnerable position.

"What the!!" Bernard cried out in shock, and before the audience could even gasp, Bernard found himself immobilized, his own momentum used against him, before his back was violently smashed against the floor by Asher.