
The daily life of Origin Being

Synopsis: A Man from a slightly weird world died, And found himself in the void, Boundary or something like that, as there is nothing there, and roamed in that place for an uncountable amount of time, maintaining his sanity was the only thing he could do, while also thinking about his life. After an uncountable amount of time, a flash of light appeared in front of him, and from that, an Old Man(?) came out, and gave him the choice, as to become strong by going to God Realm or to travel Various World. Of Course, the nearly insane man chooses the Second Option and goes on his journey to become, the STRONGEST, while also finding the truth about his own life, and traveling the infinite realms.

RapidOoze · Anime et bandes dessinées
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A Quote, which shows everyone how they are living their life nowadays, how fucked up it is, how much stress they take, how much difficult it is to stand, again and again, only to fall again, and never getting any motivation, only fucking hopes of others, you want to end your own life, but fucking can't, the fucking pressure and hopes can't even let you find peace.

[I don't think anyone really understands how tiring it is to ACT OKAY and ALWAYS BE STRONG when in reality you are close to the edge.]

A perfect Quote, representing those, always putting on a mask on their face, showing others how happy they are, or how good they are feeling, when they are fucked up on the inside, for those, who always act okay, no matter what happens to them, as they knew that they had no one to help them, stand again if they lose, those who always try to make themselves appear strong, as they knew they had someone to take care of, they can't let them see their weak side, no matter how fucked you are on inside.

[It's Sucks







And nothing I do

Ever seems

To be enough

In everything

I DO!!]

A Quote, for those who never found something they want to do with their passion, something they are talented at, or they never got the opportunity to explore their passion, for those, who live their life like losers, never finding something to do, those who never had someone to help in their passion, those who always struggle to do something, but finding themselves unable to, this is for those, who, in pressure and hope of their parents and friends, never found their passion, and became a machine of life, living and dying at the same time, but never finding peace for yourself.

[Sometimes I feel like no matter

how hard I try, no matter how

much I give, I will never be good

enough for anyone]

A Quote, for those, who never got recognization from anyone in your whole life, whether you do the thing in a good way or bad way, you were never recognized for that, never given any praise, advice or anything like that, only criticism, for those, who, despite being good at something, never got the reward you deserve for that, never got any recognization, for those, who, trying hard their whole life, to become a joke in the end. Making yourself, like someone, who will eventually lose own self, never found again.

[My life was fucked up or maybe I fucked it up, some people pretended to make it better, but they fucked it even more, and here I am now, all fucked up at the end.]

An Ironic Quote, for those, who made their life worse, or by others, but still choose to believe in others again, only to get fucked up again, the life is a cold truth, which shows itself many times, and show us that what you are living right now is just the beginning, for those who feel the betrayal of others way too many times, only to choose it again, for those, who became someone, used to the feeling of Betrayal, and never get affected by it, as they are already at their END, laughing at their past self, for being foolish, and living and Dying of regrets.


Sorry, that you had to read all that(haha, that is if you read it), So I was saying that I may not be able to post any chapter for a week or so, really, and sometimes I wonder, whether someone is watching our life, and laughing at that, watching us gaining happiness, and laugh at our grief and sadness of losing it, seeing us believing in someone, only to get the betrayal in the worst way.

So, no chapters for a week or so.


