
The daily life of Origin Being

Synopsis: A Man from a slightly weird world died, And found himself in the void, Boundary or something like that, as there is nothing there, and roamed in that place for an uncountable amount of time, maintaining his sanity was the only thing he could do, while also thinking about his life. After an uncountable amount of time, a flash of light appeared in front of him, and from that, an Old Man(?) came out, and gave him the choice, as to become strong by going to God Realm or to travel Various World. Of Course, the nearly insane man chooses the Second Option and goes on his journey to become, the STRONGEST, while also finding the truth about his own life, and traveling the infinite realms.

RapidOoze · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs


This Chapter may be deleted, I have posted it before.

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And this is, for now, I will make more, and I will update them every three days, so don't worry, and in the future, I may even continue it on Webnovel, but not for now.

And I am soon planning on writing all the R-18 chapters as my skills in writing it had increased.

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Kuroka looked at her change of behavior and sighed, as she knew that Anos have a pretty big image of himself in Yasaka's mind, and replied,

"Yes, Yasaka-sama, nya, but you have to do that yourself, nya, as I am here to take Shirone with me, nya, as I am staying with the master for today, nya."

Yasaka looked at Kuroka with a shocked face again, and then looks down with a sad look as she mutters,

"Why can't I be the one..."

Kuroka giggled hearing that, as Yasaka is always making her do the work, so seeing her like that makes her happy, but, immediately stops, as she sensed Yasaka looking at her with a glare, which sends chills down her spine, and Yasaka then spoke,

"When you came back, I am gonna increase your work, as it seems that you have way too much free time on you."

Kuroka immediately sweated and spoke, in a shaking voice,

"A-anno, Y-yasaka-sama, n-nya, y-you are j-joking.."

Yasaka just showed Kuroka a bright smile, which makes Kuroka even more sure, and she gritted her as she looked at the door and then at Yasaka and spoke in a loud voice,

"This is why Master hates you, Nya!!"

And immediately ran outside the door and closed it, and went away from it, and Yasaka in the room blankly stares at the place Kuroka was sitting and her eyes went cold, as pressure started to release from her, and the floor beside her started to crumble, and she vanished from her position.

Kuroka appeared in front of a room and found a little white kitten, sleeping in the shade of the sun, she immediately went towards the kitten and picked it up, and the kitten feeling the moment opened its eyes and looked in Kuroka's eyes and a human voice came from it,

"What happened Onee-chan?"

"We are going to meet Master, Nya, and I am here to take you, nya."

The kitten immediately jumped in surprise, but Kuroka held it, and the kitten spoke,

"Then, we should hurry, I also want to meet Anos onii-chan!"

Kuroka just smiled, but her face froze as she felt an aura approaching her, and immediately went out, in the direction of the portal, and upon reaching there, she looked back and saw Yasaka standing there, panting, and the kitten looked at Yasaka and ask,

"What happened, Yasaka-onee-sama?"

"Well, a kitty is in the need of punishment, but, worry not, it's not you."

Yasaka said calmly, way too calmly, and Kuroka hearing that felt her back drenched in a cold sweat, but she doesn't let it show on her face, and said,

"Well, goodbye, Yasaka-sama, nya, we are going now, nya, and I am sure that you will not be following us, nya, as you have to make preparations, nya."

"I just want to have a talk with you, so just stay with me for some time, then you could go.", Yasaka replied.

Kuroka ignored that and directly went inside the portal along with the kitten, and the portal, which showed due to her passing became visible and started to vanish.

Yasaka looked at that place, then towards the sky, and sighed as she slowly spoke,

"This time, this kitty is going to get spanks, hard one."

And went towards her room, while calling her aids, as she had to do the preparations for tomorrow.

Kuroka appeared in the room, along with the kitten in her arms, and saw Anos, along with Ophis and Grayfia, and the kitten jumped from Kuroka arms and glowed a bit and a white-haired girl, smaller than even Sona appeared and hugged Anos as she exclaimed,

"I miss you so much!! Anos-onii-chan, why would you leave like that!"

Anos mentally sighed and patted her head, and spoke,

"I am sorry, but I have some work to do, so I had to go, and I can't take you there."

"Then-then, promice me that you willll take me there with you nest tyme, Anos-onii-chann!!"

Anos made a troubled face as he looked at the other three for help, who calmly ignored him, and sweated, as he doesn't know how to calm children and sighed, but then remember that Shirone is planning on staying with them, so she would forget about it with enough time, and her mentality would also develop by that time, so he replied,

"I will see, but I can't promise, as it could be dangerous for you to travel with me."

Shirone nodded her head, and remain in the same position, and Anos indicated others to follow them inside, as they went into the workshop.

Opening the door, the vision became like a futuristic lab, but there were runes here and there, glowing in different colored lights, and Kuroka and Shirone looked at all that with stars in their eyes. They may have a little trauma, as they stayed some time in the experimental place of the Neberious family, but they were saved before they experimented, so, they remain safe, and living till now without this type of worry had made them free from their trauma, so, now they are completely fine seeing things like labs and other things.

Anos then went deeper into the lab and came in front of a container, which had an egg floating in, and Anos pushed several buttons below the container, and mysterious symbols started to lit on the egg, along with the glass of the container, and everyone standing there felt strong life force coming from the egg.

Anos then looked at the egg for several minutes and pushed another button, and a weird green color liquid started to fill the container, and Anos then turned towards others and spoke,

"Let's go, it's going to take 3 years for it to have stabilized, so we could do other things during that time."

Everyone nodded their head, and Anos then went out of the room, along with others, and entered another room, with a giant furnace in the center, and blacksmithing instruments.

Anos went towards the furnace, but, before he looked at others and spoke,

"You are free to explore if you want, but don't touch something which has a warning written on it."

Kuroka and Shirone nodded their head, as they are curious about what could be possibly here in this lab, and Ophis and Grayfia already knew about everything here, but Grayfia still went with the other two, as she knew that there are several dangerous things in this workshop.

After the three left, Ophis looked at Anos and asked,

"Why would you not tell her the whole truth before?"

Anos looked at Ophis and went towards her, and made a sofa manifest and sit on it and place Ophis on his lap, as he put his head on her shoulder and answered,

"I don't know, it's just I don't want anyone else to know the real me, not even those I love, and I feel that..."

Anos wasn't able to continue, as Ophis turned her head and kissed him on the lips, stopping him from saying anything, as he enjoyed the kiss.

After some minutes, Ophis removed herself from Anos and licked her as she spoke in a loving but serious tone,

"You don't have to worry, as I know that Grayfia is not going to leave you, just because you are insane, or just because you love more women in your last life than you show, or because you want to kill the innocents, remember that I am here for you, no matter what happens, so start to open yourself more towards others, other than me."

Anos just stayed quiet for some minutes, and then smiled, as he kissed Ophis this time, and after some time, Anos removed himself, and spoke in a loving and affectionate voice,

"Yes, I will try to do that, and, have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you?"

"Yes, many times, that I lost the count."

Anos smiled as he put his head on Ophis's shoulder again and enjoyed the silence, as the silence is something which had accompanied him for an uncountable time, and he and Ophis had also spent most of their time in silence.

Ophis then asked,

"What are you planning on making this time?"

"No, hearing of my thoughts?", Anos asked back.

"No, as I want to hear everything from you, from now on."

"Well, good I guess, and I am planning on making 'Anywhere Door'."

Ophis had a deadpan expression as she heard the name, and Anos seeing that laughed, as he continued,

"Well, I am creating it as we have people from other universes with us, and they also need to go back to their world at some time, as they had their family there, so it would be good, as I don't want to do that work of taking and sending them."

Ophis nodded her head, as she understand how much it would be to take and send them again and again, and asked,

"And, what other features it will have?"

"Well, I am creating it using my own Origin powers as a base, which means, the 'Door' could travel anywhere in the cosmos, no matter the place, except some which I will block, and you could call the gate with a device, and it will manifest in front of the person."

"Is that all?", Ophis asked, while narrowing her eyes.

Anos smiled hearing that, as he continued,

"No Dear, I am never making something so simple, the 'Door' is connected with the Akashic Records, collecting the data of every world in terms of books, and the 'Door' could be called by those assigned by me through their will."

Ophis nodded her head and smiled, as there are really good features in it but something confused her, so she asked,

"Why not just connect the Akashic record with the world you want to have that world's knowledge in books through Origin?"

"My dear, we are not the only ones living here, and now that you have your own pieces, you are going to have your peerage, so, they would need something to became stronger, and making them travel to other world is the best choice for us, and with that, they could also have the knowledge, and became stronger easily."

Ophis nodded her head, as she knew that she wants to have a full peerage of her own, as its interesting, and said,

"Then, I fully support your Idea, but, don't add anything else in this 'Door', OKAY?"

Anos suddenly sweated and looked away while whistling, and Ophis seeing that narrowed her eyes as she asked,


Author's Note-

If you guys like this fan-fic, then you should try my Original Novel,

'Godly Ascension(Ruler)'




Author's Note-

If you guys like this fan-fic, then you should try my Original Novel,

'Godly Ascension(Ruler)'



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