
The daily life of Origin Being

Synopsis: A Man from a slightly weird world died, And found himself in the void, Boundary or something like that, as there is nothing there, and roamed in that place for an uncountable amount of time, maintaining his sanity was the only thing he could do, while also thinking about his life. After an uncountable amount of time, a flash of light appeared in front of him, and from that, an Old Man(?) came out, and gave him the choice, as to become strong by going to God Realm or to travel Various World. Of Course, the nearly insane man chooses the Second Option and goes on his journey to become, the STRONGEST, while also finding the truth about his own life, and traveling the infinite realms.

RapidOoze · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs

a new idea

Gods are benevolent, pray to them and your wish, your hope would be fulfilled.

Kyle heard that so many times that he had lost the count. Whether the people of his age, or adults, they always said that. 

And when he prayed, what result he got?

His Mother died.

His Father abused him.

His Sister went missing.

The one who showed him love died while visiting the God's shrine.

Should he not show them hate, then what should he show them?

[The Supreme Goddess is confused at your perception of God's.]

-Like hell I care about your views.

He said back.

Kyle was sitting in a chair in a blank space. The only source of light was the light that was falling onto him and the six beings covered in darkness that stood in the air.

He neither knew why he was here, nor how. But one thing he knew was that…

'It is not normal.'

There was no way for someone who was coming from his work to suddenly appear in a place like that.

'Who are they? Gods? Goddesses?'

He thought.

[The Supreme Goddess agreed, saying that she and others are the God's]

He looked at the screen in front of him, on which the words were written. 

Even though he tried to see the beings that were floating in the air but all he saw were the blobs of darkness, completely covering their bodies.

'If they have any in the first place…'

-Why am I here? And stop reading my mind.

He asked back. His eyes showed only dead look.

[Elemental God is baffled at your behaviour.]

This time, the screen was blue in colour. 

Kyle stared at the screen before him, and then ignored it.

-What do you want from me?

He asked, looking upward towards the mysterious beings.

-'Kyle, Gods are omnipotent. They know about everything. If you pray enough then your wish would be fulfilled.'

That was what his mother said, a week before she embarced her death.

[Supreme Goddess said, "We want your help. Repair the Tower that was destroyed."]

Kyle lowered his head, as the screen appeared in front of him.

A frown etched on his face.

-Why should I?

Kyle asked back.

He had neither a good memory related to Gods nor any reason to do work for them. 

A silence continued in the room. Neither Kyle spoke, not any weird screen appeared in front of him.

[The Wanderer says that you could ask anything as the compensation.]

Kyle's eyes shone. The statement said by [The Wanderer] was quite lucrative, even to him.

He had many things he want to do, but he had no power nor any knowledge to do that.

But what if it was done by a Supreme Being?


But Kyle asked, to confirm again.

[The Wanderer says that as long as it is not something that goes against the morals.]

'God's caring about morals?' 

Kyle thought internally.

Gods, the beings watching over billions of creatures. Why should they care about some petty morals?

But the confirmation was enough to give Kyle some hope.

-Even Reviving someone?

He asked while clenching his fists.

[Supreme Goddess agrees to your request.]

Kyle relaxed seeing that and released his clenched fingers.

-What do I have to do?

He asked.

Even though he hated Gods but if he could achieve his goal, then he would do anything.

And the thought of them lying and not completing their part of deal never occurred to him. He felt like at the bottom of a well when sitting there and he instinctively knew that they had no need to lie to him.

[Supreme Goddess says that you would know the objective when you reach the destination. Clear the Obstacles and Restore the Tower to its full glory.]

He nodded. 

A flash of light occurred and he vanished from that place.

"Was it all right to choose a mortal for the task?"

A childish voice asked in the black space.

"The arrow of Fate stopped on him. He will either be a light or be the darkness. The choice is on him. We can't do anything from now on."

Another voice that seemed to be of an old man said.

"All we could do is just wait and see. Whether he is a hope, or despair."

Kyle opened his eyes. He was laying on a grassland on the shore of a river, with the river in front of him and trees behind him.

He lifted his body but soon clenched his head in pain. Information continued to pour into his head giving him pain, but he clenched his teeth to stop himself from screaming out loud.

Seconds passed, minutes passed, and after 35 minutes, Kyle released his head and started to take deep breaths.


It took him another 3 to 4 minutes to calm himself. Even though his head was still hurting but it was way less than before.

Kyle then laid himself on the grass, and looked at the blue sky. Even though there was sunlight but there was no sun in the sky.


Kyle said.

A screen floated in front of his vision. There was golden carving on the corners of the screen while the interior was blue.


Race- Constellation

Job- Tower Creator

Alias- None

Lv. 1


Administrator's Authority (Lv.1/10)

Tower Creation (Lv1/10)

Creation (Lv.1/10)

World Travel

Infinite (Lv1/5)

Magic Control (Lv1/10)

Titles- Tower's Administrator, Tower Creator, The One Acknowledged by the Supreme Being.


Blessing of Supreme Goddess.

Blessing of The Wanderer.

Familiar- None.


-I see…

Kyle muttered seeing the status.

He already had all the information about all the skills that were in the status. 

Like the Administrator's Authority, it granted him the access to monitor everything in the tower and modify it as his own wish.

Tower Creation, it granted him the power to create anything as long as it was in the tower, no matter how absurd it could be. But it had the level restriction.

Creation, to create anything, even outside the tower.

World Travel, as the name implied, to travel between the worlds.



Lv1- Infinite Mana in the Tower.]

It granted him infinite Mana as long as he was in the tower.

Magic Control, gave him power to control the mana and use magic.

The titles, he ignored them.

And he only glanced at the blessing for a moment as he already had the general information on what those blessings were. 

Like, the first one granted him an ease to create something. Even if he lacked the imagination for that.

The second one made it safe for him to travel between the worlds and also granted him the skill <World Travel>

Kyle placed his hand on the ground and using it as the support, he stood up. 

Looking around, he founded nothing but the grassland. There was not a single sign of any other life other than the plants.

He closed his eyes, and used the skill <Administrator's Authority>. A blue colored map appeared floating in front of him.

[Floor 1]

That was written on the upper left corner indicating that he was already in the tower. 

In the map, it showed the grassland, rivers, and some blue and red dots in different corners, but nowhere near where he was.

-Red dots means danger, while the blue dots mean friendly…

Kyle said. 

Saying that, he started to walk towards his right where the blue dots were. 

Even though he could have teleported but he wanted to explore the place on his own. 

He was wearing the same clothes he was wearing when he appeared in the room, a black coat, white shirt, and black pants. Along with that were the black leather shoes.

His black hair continued to flew with the wind. His steps were steady.

Even though what he experienced was bizzare but he knows better than anyone that he needed to remain calm.

The path was straight, along the river. So, Kyle reached there in 10 minutes. 

In front of him was a wolf laying on the grass. There was a deep wound in the chest of the wolf which covered its white fur in blood. 

The wolf's eyes stared at Kyle showing pain. But it showed no hostility as it sensed no malice form Kyle.


The wolf whimpered.

Kyle stared at the Wolf.

[Great White Wolf

Race- White Wolf



Iron Fang       Fur Hardening

Fire Magic     Water Magic

Body Strengthening     Dash

Howl     Bite    

Titles- None.

State- Injured, Hopeful.



-What is a high ranking monster form 5th floor doing here?

Kyle pondered while rubbing his chin.

Great White Wolf was a monster that should be in 5th floor, not 1st floor. This showed just how much damaged the structure of Tower had become.


The wolf just howled in pain. But it's focus was still on Kyle.

-'Should I just kill it? It would help me level up and also solve the problem of the Floor 1…'

He thought. 

Killing a higher ranked monster or a person that yourself would make you stronger then killing the same ranked monster. So, killing the wolf was the best choice for Kyle.


-'But…wouldn't it be better to have it with me? And the wolf would be able to protect me as I have neither the magic nor any fighting skills. And I don't want to change the structure of the Tower as it may prove problematic as I still need to see the situation myself…'

Kyle thought.

He may have the knowledge about the necessary things but he still needs to see the situation himself to make any change in the floor's terrain as anything wrong could increase his problems.

Making his decision, Kyle lowered his body in front of the wolf's head and placed his right hand's index finger in mouth and bitted on it. Blood started to flow from his finger.

He took his finger out and pressed it on the wolf's forehead and then asked.

-Do you agree to be my follower?

As though the wolf understood Kyle's words, it nodded.


Kyle's finger shone and along with that was the wolf's body that shone too. Kyle closed his eyes to not to be blinded by the light.

In a minute or two, the light died down and Kyle was able to see the wolf whose injuries healed. 

The wolf's jumped from its position and landed in front of Kyle and started to kneel. 

A frown appeared on Kyle's face, as his eyes turned gloomy for a second before it vanished. He then stood up and looked down at the wolf. Even though it was subtle, but Kyle was able to feel a connection between the wolf and himself.

-From now on, you shall be called Azul, it means Blue, same as your eyes.

He said. 

The wolf, Azul looked up and howled and nodded.


Azul then stood up. Its height was around 7 meters length and 5 meters height, true to its name. 

-'It should also serve as a way of transport…'

Kyle nodded in satisfaction. 

He had made the Wolf into his familiar, but different from the normal familiar, his contract is way more brutal. The Beast and Master were tied in blood relationship. 

If the Master encountered danger in the Tower, the beast would be sent there to protect the Master, even if it costed it its life. And if Master encountered any danger outside the Tower, then the beast would have its loyalty increased exponentially and enter the death mode to protect the Master.

If the Master died, the Best would die too. But the opposite was not true.

Azul lowered it's back indicating Kyle to climb on top of it. But Kyle ignored that. 

He waved his hand and a crack in the space appeared in front of his eyes. Kyle entered the crack and Azul lowered it's head in disappointment but followed Kyle and entered the crack. 

With both of them vanishing from there, the crack disappeared.

Kyle appeared in a room with a large screen floating in front of him. Behind that screen was a large crystal that was suspended in the air with countless wires connected to it.

That was the control room of the Tower.

The Tower that he had neither knew who created, nor why.

There were railings on the corner and the bottom was endless. 

Kyle walked in front of the screen, and in front of him were three structures like computers. The centre one had a hand print like setup, the left one had some buttons and a small screen, and the right one had several lights glowing on it. 

Azul sat on the floor beside the only chair that was in the room and started to sleep. Even though it had healed but it was still tired.

The walls around the room were made of metal, with several lines glowing on the top of it.

Kyle looked around the room for a minute before he placed his hand on the centre system and his hand glowed in a green grid as it scanned his hand.

A screen appeared over the centre machine.


[Identifying Complete.]

[Registration Complete]

[Welcome, Creator Kyle.]

Kyle reading that took his hand off. This was one of the reasons why he decided not to play with the structure of the Tower. 

Without registering, he could be seen as enemy by the tower but not now.

Kyle closed his eyes. Before, he could sense the Tower Floors but it was not that deep but now, he could feel the tower floors easily but his perception was only till 10th floor.

The level restricted him.

Soon, Kyle opened his eyes.


He muttered.

He then looked at the large screen that was showing a tower that was floating in the space. There were debris floating in the space around the tower. Stars were shining around the tower.

That was the Tower Kyle had become Master of. Even though it was quite damaged as there were holes in the tower.

[Assign a name to the Tower]

A new window appeared in front of Kyle. 

He fell into deep thoughts. 

-God's Abyss. 

-The Abyss that devoured those that looked at it…even the …..

He whispered the last part.

[Confirmed. The Tower, God's Abyss commenced in action!]

The large purple crystal that was floating before the large screen shown for a second before it died down. The lines that were on the walls started to shine a little with a pattern of water flowing, same colour as the large crystal.

Kyle nodded and walked back to the chair and sat down. 

Even though there was a lot of work pending for him to do, now he just wanted to rest.

-Kyle, remember it, no matter what happen, never harm someone. 

-You are my hope. 

-You are the only family I have.

5 year old Kyle nodded with a naïve look on his face.

-Yes Mother!

His mother, a woman in her twenties smiled hearing his declaration and hugged him.

They both were in a small apartment room.


Kyle slowly opened his eyes with a passing of grief in them before it vanished and sat straight on the seat.

-How long was I asleep for?

He asked.

[Master, you were sleeping for 6 hours.] 

A screen appeared in front of him. That was the Tower's will.

-Abyss, report me the status.

Kyle asked and started at the large screen.

[Yes, Master]

The picture on the large screen changed into that of a 10 floor tower, which was Kyle's limit right now.

-Show 1st floor first.

Kyle said.

The floors on the screen break down and only first floor remained which soon changed into the map of the first floor.

A description appeared too.

[<1st Floor- Grassland Type. Rank F monsters.>]

[Master, the 1st floor status is the worst right now. There were multiple dungeons that spawned there. Monsters from higher floors had entered the floor. Some terrain had changed too.]

Abyss reported.


Kyle stared at the map which was more detailed that the one he opened with his authority as he was not registered at that time. 

There were several signs on this map, showing dungeons, monster settlements, or monster territories. And there were also signs of treasures that should have spawned in the dungeon laying on the surface.

-'It is more problematic that I thought…The entire structure is a mess right now, and it's just 1st floor…' 

He thought while massaging his temples.

-Transfer all the treasures in the Treasury.

He ordered.

[Master, we have low balance right now…only 1000 TP's are left.] 

Abyss answered with a small drop appearing on the corner of the screen as though it sweated.


Kyle sighed seeing that report. 

TP- Tower Points. To control the Tower freely, he needed to spend TP. Else do the work himself.

-'Who the fuck made a broken system like this one…'

He cursed internally.

-What is the cost of transferring all the treasures?

He asked.

[Master, the cost is around 200 TP as there are many treasures from Normal to Epic Rank in the 1st Floor.] 

Abyss reported.

-'Hmm…The TP cost may seem less but I could do many more things with those 200 TP then spending it on collection like summoning something or even doing Gacha…so I have to collect the treasures myself…'

He thought.

TP's were the most essential currency in the Tower. With it, he could summon beings, use gacha, and other stuff even though he didn't understand the process on how it worked really.

Kyle then focused on the screen again. There were three dungeons on the 1st floor, which was a valid thing as the 1st floor was Newbie's Playground. 

1st floor should serve as a tutorial that helped other getting used to the world in the tower not to kill them.

-'Hmm…I didn't think I could clear the dungeons myself. Or if I knew Magic or something similar that used Mana, then I think I could do it…Wait..let's just summon someone, maybe luck will shine on me…'

He thought while rubbing his chin.

-Abyss, ready the summoning ritual. We are going to use summon first.

He ordered.

[Yes, Master.]

Kyle then waited in the room while staring at the screen while Azul woke up too but stayed quiet as not to disturb Kyle.

[Master, the preparations are ready.]

After a minute, Abyss reported.

Kyle nodded and stood up from the seat and walked out of the control room from the back gate. Walking out of the gate, he appeared in a corridor with many rooms. There were boards attached on the doors indicating what that room was for.

Azul followed behind him.

Soon, Kyle stopped in front of the room saying, [Summoning Room], and opened it and walked inside.

In the room, there was giant magic circle in the centre which was purple in colour. Some lanterns were attached on the walls lightening the room. The walls were glowing in a black shade.

Kyle walked in front of the summoning circle and a screen appeared in front of him.

[Mystery Summon- 100 TP

Common Summon- 100 TP

Rare Summon- 300 TP

Epic Summon- 500 TP

Legendry Summon- 1000 TP

Sage Summon- 5000 TP

God Summon- 10000 TP]


Seeing the list of the rarity of the summons, Kyle fell into deep thought. 

-'Should I summon a legendry? No…Mystery and Rare…Yes….that would be good…'

He thought.

He then clicked on the Rare Summon, and the next second, the circle started to shine in purple light and a window appeared beside him.

[-300 TP, Remaining TP = 700]

He glanced at that from the corner of his eyes, and then focused on the circle whose light started to died down.

After the light died down, there was a silver haired old man wearing a butler's uniform and square glasses kneeling on one knee.

-Did you summon me?

The old man asked lifting his head, his eyes were silver too.

Kyle nodded.

-Yes. Serve me.

Kyle said. 

A glint flashed through old man's eyes as he scanned Kyle and finding nothing special from Kyle, a mysterious pressure started to emit from his body.

-Prove me whether you are worthy to make me submit.

The old man said as the pressure on Kyle's body intensified. 

Kyle felt a mountain pressed on his body but he endured the pain and started to circulate the mana in his body. Controlling the Mana was something he learned automatically when he was given the skills so it was easy for him to control the mana.

A light blue layer started to cover Kyle's body protecting him from the pressure and lightening the weight on his body.

The old man became stunned for a moment before a smile appeared on his face and the pressure disappeared. 

The old man then lowered his head.

-Master, you may lower your Mana now. You are worthy to be my Master.

The old man said with a tint of respect in his tone.

Kyle nodded and started to restrict the flow of mana. As it was his first time using the Mana, it took him some minutes to completely control it.

After done with that, he looked at the old man.

-What is your name?

He asked. 

-Master, please bestow a new name to me.

The old man replied.

Kyle nodded and with a moment of hesitation, he replied.

-Sebastian. This will be your name from now on.

-Yes Master.

Sebastian said.

Sebastian then stood from the ground and stood behind Kyle. 

Kyle looked at Sebastian.


Race- High-rank Demon

Class- Butler, Assassin.



Demonic Control    Magic Control    Personal Storage

Fire Magic    Demonic Magic     Water Magic

Darkness Magic     Stealth    Presence Concealment 

Demonic Energy     Swordsmanship    Shadow Control

Steal    Night-vision   Management     Mind Control 

Titles- Earl, Shadow Demon, Demon Butler.

Master- Tower Creator, Kyle.


-'Hmm….Nice…with this, a problem of strength had been solved….'

Kyle thought.

He then looked at the screen again and clicked on the [Mystery Summon].

[-100 TP, Remaining TP= 600]

The circle shone in purple light again. And when the light died down, a woman was standing there wearing a black dress, with her hair shining like black pearls. Her eyes were dark, like the gaze of an abyss.

The moment the woman appeared, Sebastian appeared in front of Kyle with two short swords in his hands and took a defensive posture. He was staring at woman with caution and fear.

Azul also took a defensive stance and howled at the woman in light manner.


Kyle looked at the woman, even though it was subtle but he felt pure power oozing out of the woman. And the same feeling when he was in front of those six beings enveloped his heart.

-'What the fuck….'

Kyle thought.

-Master, please go away, I will take care of here.

Sebastian warned and was about to dash toward the woman but stopped as Kyle placed his hand on his shoulder.

-Sebastian, the Tower would have alerted if this woman was a hostile entity. So, stay calm.

Kyle said.

-Yes Master.

Sebastian nodded and stood beside Kyle but his eyes still showed caution.

The tower had an in-built function that would start if a hostile entity entered it. Even though the tower as broken but function was still working albiet not properly.

The woman stared at Kyle with a amused look on her face.

-Did you summon me, Ohh Ruler of Tower?

She asked.

-Yes. And the tower is now called God's Abyss.

Kyle nodded.


Hearing the name, the woman started to laugh loudly for several seconds and then returned to her usual demaour.

-What a peculiar child you are. 

The woman said and started walking toward Kyle, and reaching in front of him, she started to stroke his cheeks lightly. 

Kyle lifted his hand to stop Sebastian from attacking the woman and let the woman do whatever she wanted.

-Does thou not feel fear in front of thee?

She asked as she spotted no fear in Kyle's eyes.

Kyle smiled a little hearing that.

-What's the point of showing the fear in front of someone who could kill me with just a single thought? If you wanted to kill me, then you would have already done.

He said shrugging.

-Haha I like thou's thinking. So why had thou summoned thee?

She asked and backed off a little.

Kyle's tensed body relaxed, even though he showed no fear but his body's survival intincts were not like his brain.

-I just randomly summoned someone. And you were summoned because of that.

He answered. 

-I see…then maybe it is fate or destiny? Then I shall serve thou, but not as thou's servant, but as thou's vassel. Remember it, I am Pandora. 

She, Pandora said in a light tone, but Kyle knew that she had established her position already from her words.

Kyle then nodded.

-I have no problem with that. 

He added.

-And could you speak in a normal format?

Pandora nodded.

Pandora smiled, and then looked at Sebastian and Azul who were showing caution towards her. 

-Now Now, we are serving the same person, no need to show caution toward me.

She said.

Sebastian lowered his swords and made them vanished. But his eyes still stayed cautious. 

Azul showed no difference in its defensive stance.

Kyle shook his head and focused on Pandora for a moment to see her status but was instead shocked.

[Not Enough Authority!]

-Master, it's not good to look into the privacy of a maiden.

Pandora said with a dark smile.

Sweat drops appeared on Kyle's face as he felt his own death in front of him and nodded quickly.

-FuFun Good.

Pandora placed her hand on her lips and said seeing Kyle nodding. 

Gaining the confirmation, Kyle relaxed. He then looked at Sebastian and saw him trembling and Azul whimpering while lowering its head.

-'What the fuck did I summoned…?'

He thought. 

He wanted to ask Abyss about that but decided to put that on a later schedule when he was alone. 

-Let's go. We have work to do.

Kyle said and started to walk out of the room, towards the Control Room. Sebastian, Pandora, and Azul followed behind with Pandora looking around the corridor.

Sebastian occaisanly glanced behind looking at Pandora viligantly. 

-Old Man, I am not into old people. So, please stop looking at me like that.

Pandora said after being fed up with Sebasitan.

Sebastian stayed silent and focused on the front.

-'I need to make sure that she didn't try anything funny…Master is still naïve and from the looks of it, he didn't seem to know much. So, I have to make sure that he is safe…from this woman…'

He thought.

Soon, they reached the Control room and Kyle sat on the chair and waved his hand, two more chairs appeared beside him.

[-2 TP, Remaining TP= 598]

-Damn it…the consumption of TP is way too much…

Kyle complained seeing how it took 2 TP just to crate 2 chairs.

Pandora sat on the left seat and looked at the large screen showing the Tower suspended in the Space.

-What a mess this Tower had become…

She commented.

Kyle's attention turned toward her as he heard those words.

-You know about the Old Tower?

He asked. 

Pandora nodded. Meanwhile Sebastian stood behind Kyle and observed the surroundings.

-Yes, this Tower was quite glorious thing in the past. It had created many glorious warriors, Heroes, Valkries, and many other beings. 

She answered.

A hopeful look appeared in Kyle's eyes as he asked.

-Then, what happened to Tower?

-Greed. That was all I could answer you. More than this is harmful.

Pandora answered but then she started to look at the screen with a remincent look on her face.

-'Greed…I wonder…whose greed consumed the tower?'

Kyle thought but then discarded it. He knew that Pandora was right, there was no point in knowing anything if he neither have power nor have the authority.

-Sebastian, I want you to clear the First Floor. Remove any monster above the designated level of this Floor.

Kyle ordered and waved his hand, a crack in space appeared behind Sebastian.

-Yes Master.

Sebastian nodded and walked inside the crack and vanished from there.

 -And Pandora…what are you good at?

Kyle asked. He knew nothing about Pandora as her status was not shown to him. 


Pandora answered with an unsure look on her face.


Kyle stared at her with a speechless look.

-From Killing, creating, destroying, annihilating, genocide, and anything else, I could do. 

Pandora explained seeing Kyle's speechless expression.

-Then teach me Magic.

Kyle said.

Pandora pondered for a moment before nodding.


She then waved her hand and both of them vanished from that place and appeared in a grassland. There were no trees in the surroundings or anything, only grass as far as a person could see.

-'Wait…isn't it the 2nd floor..why did it become like this?!'

Kyle thought.

-I have modified the structure of the floor and increase the spatial size of the grassland. It would return to normal once we are gone from here.

Pandora said.

Kyle nodded, but internally, he felt a little bit glad that Pandora was not an enemy. Someone who could turn the structure of Tower would be everything but weak.

And it also gave him a new perception of Pandora's strength.

-Child, mana is a fundamental unit that exists in every mortal. With their mental or spiritual power, they could command that magic to do the impossible feats. Like creating fire out of nothing, or even creating an artificial sun.

-But that is only for mortals. You are a Constellation. The Nature is your friend, the world is your friend, the universe acknowledged you as a separate individual. You are the one who write his own records. So, don't think from a Mortal's POV. Just imagine what you want to do and it will happen.

World would help you, Universe acknowledged you. Those words rang in Kyle's mind and heart as he closed his eyes and tried to understand those words. 

Pandora smiled seeing him like that and then looked at the terrain behind her. 

-'Nature helps me….World helps me….Universe acknowledged me…I am me…My imagination is reality…What I want will happen….'

After an hour or so, Kyle woke up from his enlightenment and extended his hand, and a fireball appeared in his hand.

-So this is magic….

Kyle muttered. 

To him, magic was a supernatural phenomena but with everything that had happened, he was immune to the surprise. 

-Good. This was what the Magic is, but you still need to use your spiritual or mental strength to make your imagination a reality. But that shouldn't be a problem for you considering that you could already do it, as a young constellation. 

Pandora said as she walked toward him.

-I understand. 

[Magic Creation Acquired!]

[Passive Mental Recovery Acquired!]

Looking at the two notifications, Kyle smiled. 

-And it looks like you already got the skills for that too. 

Pandora said.

Kyle nodded.

-Pandora, what is a constellation?

He asked, the question that was bugging him for a while now.

Pandora shook her head. 

-That is for you to find yourself.

Kyle nodded albiet a little disappointed.

-No, practice Magic. And you are not going to acquire any Elemental Skill or anything, remember that.

Pandora reminded. Kyle nodded and started to practice magic.

He first created Fire, then water, then wind, then earth, then light, then dark, then lightening. 

But after that, he acquired a bottleneck. He knew none element other than that as these elements were the common elements that he remembered from the game he had played.

-Pandora, what are other elements?

-What do you think? 

-Are life, death, space, time also included?


-And, is it necessary for someone to major in single element too?

-It depends, some become proficient in several, some in one, but for mortals, that is. A constellation could master several elements and at the same time major in only one.

-"But that is not the whole truth…" (whisper)

-I see…I think I understand somewhat…

Kyle muttered not hearing the last words said by Pandora.

-I think it's enough for today. You need to work on Tower too.

Pandora reminded. 

Kyle nodded, and along with Pandora, he returned to the Control Room. In the control room, there was Azul sitting beside the centre seat, sulking.

While there was not a sign of Sebastian.

-Did Sebastian finish the work?

Kyle asked seeing the number of signs on the map showing in the large screen decreased by a large number.

[Master, Sebastian had cleared around 80% area.]

[+370 TP, Total- 968 TP]

A surprised look appeared on Kyle's face reading the prompt of the increased number of TP.

-Why are TP increasing?

He asked.

[Master, the monsters killed will gave TP, so Sebastian killing the monsters is directly increasing TPs for us.] 


-By the way, what are the methods of increasing TP?

He asked as he remember not asking about it before.

Pandora also showed an interest in the talk and listened attentively. 

[Killing Monsters will increase the TPs.

Having the inhabitants from the outside world will increase the TPs.

Selling Treasures will increase the TPs.

Creating Civilization will increase the TPs.


A screen prompt appeared showing them the ways to increase the TPs. Kyle looked through the ways with a frown appearing on his face.

-Does familiar and the summoned beings not count as a way to increase the TPs?

He asked.

[No, Master.]

-I see…

-You need to hurry and start the tower functioning. I think you should start the first 10 floors first.

Pandora said with a suggestive smile on her face.

Kyle nodded as he had the same thought too. With first 10 floors, he would have a stable income source which would help him start the next floors.

Kyle then looked at the large screen.

-Show the fight that Sebastian is going through.

The screen changed and the figure of Sebastian started to show as he ran on the grassland. The view was eagle point view, showing everything clear. 

The destination that Sebastian was reaching for was where the boss monster of the 1st floor lived, [The Goblin Den]

The place that was the nest of goblins with the [Goblin King] as the main boss.

"Had he already cleared everything else?" Kyle asked, bewildered.

It had been no more than 2 hours, so Sebastian clearing everything else was a surprise for him. 

'Wait…Sebastian is around Lv.40 or Lv.45 so this should be easy for him…' He thought.

"He is clearly strong enough to clear till Floor 35, so don't worry." Pandora reassured him.

Kyle nodded, turning his direction back on the screen.

Soon, Sebastian reached the [Goblin Den], which was a village type stronghold. There were different types of goblins, from normal to fighters and even archers in the stronghold.

But Sebastian simply made his way through the stronghold by butchering the goblins. No matter what rank Goblin stood in front of him, it was simply killed under his swords.

Soon, he reached the central tent, from where a large goblin with a muscular build came out. The Goblin was around 3 meters in height and was wearing proper armour covering its body. It's eyes blood red in anger, staring at Sebastian.

-Bastard!!! What did my tribe do to you!!??

The Large Goblin yelled.

Sebastian lowered his sword and glanced at the Goblin.

-I was mearly serving the orders of My Lord. 

The Goblin boiled in anger hearing the answer.

-I will KILL YOU!!!!


It dashed at Sebastian who mearly dodged the cub attack by a breath, not even fazed by anything and slashed his sword downward, cutting the Goblin's body in half.

-Y…you!! This King curse yoU!!!!

The goblin, Goblin King cursed and took his last breaths.

-You were not a worthy opponent.

Sebastian muttered and slashed his sword in the air, cleaning off the blood from it. 

"Wasn't that anti-clamatic…?" Kyle muttered.

"Then, what are you expecting from a high level one?" Pandora asked with a blank look on her face.



Azul also spoke, but differently this time. And it also let Kyle know about it.

"Wait…you were here too…" Kyle said glancing at the wolf laying beside him.

"Owwooo…" Azul whimpered with a down-casted look.

"Don't you need to eat something?" Kyle asked ignoring the look that the wolf was showing him.

He had no need to eat anything as the Tower's Master, and also a Constellation, his hunger was already fulfilled.

"Abyss, purchase some high quality meat of your preference, except a wolf's and feed it to Azul." Kyle ordered. 

[Yes, Master]

The next moment, Azul vanished from there. Left in the room were only Kyle and Pandora.

[+100 TP, Total- 1068 TP]

The prompt appeared making Kyle show a smile. 

But the next moment, it turned into a frown.

[Master, the [Floor Key] didn't appeared!!] 

Abyss reported.

Kyle reading that started to massage his temple, knowing how important the [Floor Key] was.

After all, it was the main point that let the challengers, players and others in the Tower, who cleared a Floor to advance to the next floor. Every 10 floors would have a different key. 

And with the missing of the [Floor Key], the advancement to the next floor would be impossible.

'Damn it…fuck…this shit of a tower…' Kyle thought.

"You are cursing too much." Pandora said with her hands on her chins, and a bright smile etched on her face.

'And now…she is reading my mind…for fuck's sake…anything left now?' 

"What a rude thought. I am mearly glancing over what you are thinking, not reading." Pandora denied.

"Please stop. If you are enjoying seeing me suffering, then enjoy it, but also provide a solution to me." Kyle said with a tired face.

Pandora smiled brightly hearing that and clapped her hands.

"Sure. What do you want me to help with?" She asked.

Kyle ignored her and looked at the Abyss's window that had sweats appearing on it. 

"Did you find the location of the [Floor Key]?" He asked.

[Yes, Master! The [Floor Key] is in one of the worlds that were linked with the Tower in the past. But the key had too much power and it influenced the world, making it a unbalanced world.]

"What does that mean?" Kyle asked.

[Master, the world is now trapped in an everlasting loop of Space-Time. It is in the body of a girl that had become the centre of the loop, she would return back to her time when she was 15 years old. No matter what she did, she was never able to release herself from that loop.]

Sweats appear on Kyle's forehead. Just thinking about something like that is terrifying for him, who hadn't lived for more than 24 years.

"What's there to be surprise for? She is but a pitiful existence but there are millions of being suffering more than her." Pandora said, apatheically.

Kyle nodded. 

"Yes, you are right."

"Abyss, create a record of that world, and pass it in my brain. I want the information related to that world."

[Master, there is not much information, and you would need to spend 800 TP to know everything related to that world.]

[Do you wish to spend 800 TP for the information?]

"No…" Kyle replied quickly.

Even though the number of TPs had increased but he still can't spend it like it's nothing at all.

"Give me the co-ordinates of that world. I will take that key myself." Kyle said. 

[Master, the co-ordinated are transferred to you.]

Kyle nodded as he had indeed received the co-ordinates in his brain.

"Are you sure you want to go? You are still weak." Pandora said with a serious look on her face.

"Yes, I can't just wait here and do nothing. While Sebastian cleared the floors, I will get the key and restart the first 10 floors." He simply replied.

"I see…then what should I do. Technically, you could order me right now." She replied.

A thoughtful look appeared on Kyle's face.

'What to make her do? …Do I even have anything for her as she had never told me about herself….then other than teaching magic, she have no other use…' 

Kyle's thinking stopped as his whole back got drenched in sweat seeing the smile on Pandora's face.

'Shit…I fucked up…'


Before Pandora could finish her words, Kyle interfered.

"Pandora, you have the important duty to manage the Tower in my stead. Make sure that everything is safe!!"

Saying that, Kyle vanished from his place. 

Pandora looking at the empty seat released a sigh.

"He is different from you…right?"

She asked, to no one. 

Kyle appeared in a forest, surrounded by large trees. As far as he saw, only trees were there. 

"Is this correct location?"

[Yes, Master]

"I see…but Man, this [World Travel] is really something else…I hadn't felt any single problem with that…" Kyle said. 

He used the skill he gained from [The Wanderer], [World Travel] to travel to this world. 

'But why is there this weird sense of discomfort?' 

Even though he appeared in this world, he felt a sense of rejection, as though something was trying to throw him out of the world.

But it was bearable. 

"What time of point we are in?" He asked.

The tower was in debris but it was still a miraculous creation, so it was easy for Abyss to spit itself into parts with one being with Kyle while the rest in the Tower.

[Master, we are at the starting point of this cycle.]



Just before Kyle appeared in this world, a blond haired girl riding a carriage opened her eyes. Her eyes were golden but the look in them was dead. The eyes showed no will to live.


She thought. 

In front of her was another girl, with slightly pointy ears wearing maid's dress. Her skin tone was dark, her eyes were deep blue.

"My Lady, are you alright?" The maid asked, worriedly.

The girl waved her indicating that there was nothing wrong.

"Sophia, everything is alright." The girl said.

But her eyes showed the same dead look. She then started to look out of the window.

The maid, Sophia relaxed a little.

'Haa…which cycle is this one? 10th? 100th?1000th?10000th? I don't remember…neither I want to remember…I just want peace…eternal peace…please…' 


Kyle walked out of the forest and in front of him was a grassland, beyond that was a city. He started to walk toward the direction of city.

'I should have learned more about magic but alas…nothing could be done now…'

He now regretted not learning magic more in depth. With his bottomless Mana, he could do un-imaginable feats, but he can't now as his knowledge lacked.

"Maybe I could learn Magic here…" He muttered.

In around half and hour, he reached in front of the city gate where many travens, merchants, adventures and others were going. Some were entering the city while some were exiting the city. 

It was an endless loop. Beside the city walls, there were several people laid on the ground wearing tatters, not knowing whether they were alive or dead. Some children were wearing rags and begging others for food or money.


-Scum of the city!

-Lord should kill these bastards!

Those words rang in Kyle's ears. 

But, did he feel bad? Maybe a little.

But, was he going to help them? No, definitely No.

He just walked toward the city gate where a guard stopped him. The guard was similar height as him, around 180 to 185 cm, and was wearing a metal armour.

"ID?" The guard asked.

"I was attacked on my way here, and lost my belongings." Kyle said.

A look of suspicion flashed across guard's face as he sized Kyle from head to toe. There was not a single sign of Kyle being injured, or his clothes being slashed from somewhere.

"Mr. Guard, A kind village helped me, because of that, my clothes are like this now." Kyle said after seeing the guard's reaction.

"I see…then it would cost around 3 silver coins to pass through from here. Then you need to register yourself in any of the guild to receive a new ID." The guard instructed. 

This type of situations, where people got attacked was nothing new for them. They were already quite used to it.

"I understand." 

Kyle then placed his hands in his pocket and a gold ingot appeared there. It was from his other skill, [Creation], but the things he created would always be temporary. Lest he increased the level.

He then took the gold ingot out and placed it in the hands of the guard in a secretive manner, who took it without any other thought but when the guard saw the gold ingot, a look of horror appeared on his face. 
