
The cursed: Pre Mature Death.

When a 17 year old high school student, Guru finds himself caught up in a supernatural chain of events, he's plunged into a world of darkness and danger. Struggling to control his body and soul, he must fight for his life against an evil that seeks to consume him and the world around him.

isaiahLibrary002 · Romance
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16 Chs

Episode 006: Wake up to reality.

Episode 006: Wake up to reality.

 Dusty, hot, sand all swept around the world around it. The ground was cracked…as hot as a volcano erupting and layers already decaying. The sand dancing around as though it was a desert or sandstorm. Foggy and misty air, thick and not safe to inhale. The sighting in center as everything evolved around a tall tower, looking like a watch tower. Cracked walls, creepy statues…bats flying around as red lightening rays dances in the sky repeatedly. This was just an ugly view of the underworld, rules by demons.

 Inside the tower were more demon statue and demons preying around. Not just low but higher ranked demons walking around. The building consisted of layers, room and steps. There was at the last floor, a bright burning laser beam fired from down to up into the darken sky. The underworld was a place where there was no morning, noon but just night and even outside the walls were crawling with night creatures that preyed on whoever that neared.

 At the mid section of the building was like a conference room for demons to meet and have long lasting meeting as an arena sitting. Others were room for different purpose. Just in one of the rooms were a cracking of firewood in a chimney. Round tables of demons feasting and drinking to their heart content. Somewhere in the hot room, a slow motionless theme music played from a stero box.

 Near the fire place was seated one demons on a large dark sofa, one upper ranked demon sitting opposite the second sofa. Looking as though all is lost, hope and everything as he had his elbow heaped on chair, resting his jaw on his hand for support. It was as though, he was drowning in thoughts as he didn't seem to hear the thudding of a footstep that dived into the second sofa opposite him. It was another demon, upper ranked and strong like him.

"So…Amon, how do you feel? The first asked as he relaxed on the sofa, glancing at him with a side eye.

"How do I feel? Amon replied and drawing an eye to him.

"Yes…I heard Abyzou beat the hell out of your puppet and burnt him down". He said and grasped at his own words.

"Quite being a fool. Because if your plan is to mock me then at least wake up to the fact that Lord Satoru would skin us all…Akaza". Amon snapped at him as he released his elbow off the arm of the sofa and looked at him.

"True…but he would spear me. Akaza giggled.

"why so?

"because I am quite important to his project than you…and I chooses him over the Visionaries…" Akaza said and chuckled at Amon who wasn't in any way annoyed by his words.

"We need to get her back…Lord Satoru is out in Shibuya. This is our chance…we get her back now and act as though nothing happened. Amon suggested as he looked on Akaza for support.

"A king for a queen…Any ideas in mind? He muttered as he widened for a smile at him.

"Not really? Amon replied as he pulled back in his sofa. The cracking sound of the fire, crushing the wood and the slow them that rhythm through the place was indeed getting the brighter of pictures. Amon glanced at Akaza who was itching his neck.

"Best have that looked at…" he said and Akaza stopped immediately as he glanced at him back.

"I love my tattered scars…best figure out how to get Abyzou back. Else we might have another hell her when Lord Satoru gets back. Akaza demanded as he got up to leave.

"Piss off…scumbag! Amon groaned as he was hated being ordered to do something, especially by younger Akaza.

 The two of them were amongst Lord Satoru's strongest of men. Akaza being playful, daring and annoying at most times. He is exactly like a moody swinging demon. Holding a skill of Blood Manipulation, he have the ability to wield from his own blood and form anything he wishes. The Visionaries have not much of an information on theses two danger men as they posses great potential. Akaza usually dressed in a black top, trousers and looks like an unkept child. Having bandages, scars and long stitches at his eyes, neck and tattered bandages on his hands.

 He is a slim, young man with blue eyes and messy, pale blue hair that he wears in a distinctive mohawk-like style. He has several burn scars on his face, neck, and hands, as well as on his torso and arms. The source of these scars is a mystery, but they give him a sinister and dangerous appearance. Dabi has a quiet, sarcastic personality, but he is also passionate about his cause.

 Amon, is older than Akaza and less stronger than him. Despite his playful nation, he is regarded as the second strongest and is known for finishing his battles quickly as well as playing with his opponents a little before death. Unlike him, Amon is hot tempered…barely talks, goes straight and direct when talking. He definitely has a unique and distinctive appearance. He is often seen wearing a black, military-style uniform, and he has bright red eyes and short, brown hair. He is also often seen with a wide, unsettling smile, which adds to his overall creepy aura of red. Known as the master of puppets, dolls and toys…he uses strings in battle as he can easily can control over humans easily using his puppet tricks…he has so far recorded high number of kills as most of them, even when he wasn't present.


 In a building, colorful bright painting of bright pink and a touch of light brown. Red cushions of two, TV set and bathroom in the corner. Kitchen sliding into the one bedroom apartment, a sliding glass door and a coffee table in center…steaming with a cup of hot cocoa on it. A bed large king sized bed…white bed spread with cute cat photos and fluffy white pillows. Rolling his head over as he finally stomped his eyes opened this beauty site. He got up and glanced around the room as though he's lost something. Clearly this wasn't what he remembered as of last night…he remembered trying to be killed and suddenly, tucked in this warm bed embrace. He eventually gave up trying to figure out where he was and shrugged off the bed as his throat was dry of taste. Picking up the hot coca and slipping it down immediately, he paused as he figured that a note was underneath the cup. He pulled it closer to his face and read;

"wake up to reality…Sleeping beauty! How did you sleep? Come meet me after showering obviously, at the retractor court". He itched head as he wondered who was the sender and what's a retractor court, where? And why should he meet him? Obviously, it was Denzel as the sender but why should he go there…maybe for a talk but still where was that place?

 As he turned the paper over and the sight of a map…was displayed. It wasn't too far at all, just a stone throw from here. He groaned as he dragged his tried legs to the shower to bath. Everything was already set, wardrobes, shower, toothpaste and brush as well as a cloth already set to wear. He slide into the blue trouser after bathing and wore the red sneakers, sliding up a yellow hoodie as he stared at the mirror. Guru groaned as he muttered about this being a bad idea to himself. Opening the door and shutting it behind him, he ventured down using the steps and out the building he went. It was like an apartment, filled with other people…talking, playing and walking around. He sighed as he spilled his hood over his head and dipped his hands to his pockets, heads down and walked to the direction of the retractor Court.

 As he arrived at the retractor Court, he realized it was an actual court…shaped like a large scaled circular arena. With high stands that raised up…it was like on of those wide stadium, you see at the Olympics. In center of it was Denzel, fiddling with his phone again. He looked up as he felt he was alone. Guru looked at him and then around the empty stadium.

"What are we doing here? Guru asked going straight to the point.

"well let's see…You are a demon! Denzel snapped as he dipped his phone into his right pocket.

"Yes and somehow…I wasn't exorcised, thought you were supposed to kill me? Guru asked looking at him, with boldness and confidence.

"indeed…but you possesses the demon called Abyzou. A higher grade demon with a license to kill or be killed. She holds the record in hell as the demon with the hottest of flames…(he said and walked around…left to right in repeatedly) Unfortunately, I was asked to let you live but on my terms…your life belongs to me now and you will do as I tell you…accept Abyzou, make a deal with her and become a cursed being! He said as he pulled out his favorite cocky smile.

"What…? Guru snapped rudely as he felt lost in the conversation.

"Demons love blood, body, soul…they crave life. Give her your soup and make her yours…you have already shown that you can subdue her urges to control you like others and what next…force her powers on yours! Become a Visionary like me and Lucas, get your revenge on those demons that led to your early demise". Denzel snapped waiting patiently for a reply.

"What…I don't want to. I-

"whatever you say… determines if you live or die! I won't hold back, Guru…" Denzel said and tipped his glasses again.

"No… I can't control her…I don't want to be a Visionary like you. People like you and Lucas led to my death…you had me innocently fall of a high building and couldn't save me. Tell that to the little girl who fell off the building and have her mother cry over her corpses…Tell me, Denzel…I should be a chaos like you. Fight demons and probably throw another girl of the roof top or another guy…did you even know what it's like to be cold, pale and have your body taken over by a demon! No! You don't…because all you do is kill, kill and kill. You don't even care to know how I feel…giving me a tough choice between my life and your terms. Go to hell men! No…no I won't join you! Guru snapped to the top of his voice and silenced crippled the entire building. Denzel was stiff with cold and expressionless, after a long while he moved up his head and tapped his glasses again.

" I hope you understand…"

"Huh? Guru grasped misunderstanding his words at the moment. Then a whoosh sound of hand streaming passed. Blood splashed as Denzel punched the sense out of Guru. Blowing him into the court stands and waited for him to crack out. He was panting as he didn't expect that…

"You don't get it do you...? You died by Lucas's awful mistake, I get that. Still for a man that doesn't believe in the supernatural…defile God and man, a teen destined to go to hell and burn, was instead giving a second chance at life and giving a demon to control. Pick a side…Guru or I would pick one for you and it stands! Denzel roared at him from the floor where he stood.

"I-I choose No…! He stuttered as he spoke but immediately had a quick answer by a hard punch by Denzel which too him up again to the stands.

"wrong answer Guru…am losing my patients. Denzel said as he tapped the floor with his feet.

"I…I…I chose( stuttering as his body hurts and the stress of dragging his body off the rocks. The sight of his own blood and the pressure of his cold beating heart. Had him shiver for a second…visions got blurry and an awful sight of himself smiling cripplingly. He staggered backwards as the dusty, didn't seem to clear as of yet, he had his body changed and the cracking sounds of his fingers enlarging…getting sharper, red eyes, dark aura and ruins around his body grew.

"This really was a waste of time…We would try again tomorrow". Denzel said and turned to leave.

 There was a crashing sound as the stands erupted and up in air was Guru…No! Abyzou, smiling widely at the sight of the whole of Tokyo city and back at the tiny looking man called Denzel. "Da_za_zo…I'll kill you! He roared at Denzel who turned his back slowly, exposing his red bright eyes, sliding down glass slowly from his body movements and an smirk emerged off his bright face. "Now we are talking…"



Keeping the fury vibe going as you read. Arugato(Thank you)

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