
The cursed: Pre Mature Death.

When a 17 year old high school student, Guru finds himself caught up in a supernatural chain of events, he's plunged into a world of darkness and danger. Struggling to control his body and soul, he must fight for his life against an evil that seeks to consume him and the world around him.

isaiahLibrary002 · Romance
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16 Chs

Episode 003: Re-life.

Episode 003: ReLife.

 He was seen down stairs making his phone call as the police raided the place like robbers. Asking questions here and there, he was no mood to answer any one but the sight of the packages bodies, mother of Amber crying and The other kid's friend muttering, photo taking and some crying softly. He wasn't gonna stand here and watch this whole parade play out. He made a slight turn left into the southern alley and into the other street…his phone was still ranging underneath his pants. He reluctantly picked it up as he sort of speak to him in a place he wouldn't be heard.

"Hello…Marshal. He said in a feint voice.

"How did it go? The voice over at the other side replied.

"No so good…things got a bit out of hand with this one. He said and turned back at the noise of rumbling trash can sounds made by rats in the alleyway.

"How bad? The voice asked and he glupped…abit.

"bad bad…" he said and sighed.

"Best turn in for the night…Mr. Lucas Kazuki. I would have you report the case to new bureau leader". The voice said and listened for a response.

"New bureau master…when? Lucas asked rubbing his head to try and recall.

"Yeah…there are certain changes…best get down here". The voice said and snapped out on the other end. Lucas sniffed his nostrils, inhales and Exhales as felt a bit of pressure. He boards a taxi and head home as he feels a need to relax his body and mind.


The next day: Lucas made his way to the high hill building, bureau 13. As his role is instructed, the bureau was just the entire division of Visionaries that ran under the Tokyo board. Other bureau are located at different places, locations in Japan. He greeted the guards at the gate, workers in sight and brothers in Christ. Walking into the big room of Visionaries, all busy mouthing and talking. He made directly for the elevator heading up and then to the door down the hallway as more and more Visionaries were in sight.

 He tapped on the door and made inside after his request was accepted. "Hey Mei_san, How are you? He asked the secretary in the room as he took the sit next to her.

"Am good…how was work yesterday? She asked smiling at him.

"Not so good I guess…is the new bureau master in? He asked as he rolled up his leg upon the other. Trying to relax before the never after syndrome of talking.

"Yes and he wants to see you…the moment you walked in". She said and pointed to the door opposite her, that was his own. Lucas got up dusting his uniform and tipping the hat above his head. "Later…Mei San". He said and made for the door, waving at her.

 Mei San was a 20 year old girl, long dark hair, purple hair, cherry lips and always wearing her usually dark and white sweater verse, black tie and flair skirt of black with a white boot. She was as beautiful, cute and adorable like a goddess and the way she smirked her lips, waved her hair and smiled was worthy of a man's gaze. But she wasn't married , which meant she was single and probably in for a touch. He had always fascinated in his head, a love between the two of them and had always thought about marrying her. They did have a great moment together before she took this job and move on as the new bureau master's secretary.

 Lucas cracked the door opened after a brief moment of tapping softly. He slammed the door shut and locked it in, turning around to see no one in the office but looking up…he saw an man hanging upside down. He wore white borderline glasses, black trousers, dark collateral long sleeve shirt, with a golden buttons and on his top was a symbol of dark diamond, suggesting he was a higher authority personnel with great skill.


"its okay…Lucas Kazuki". The man in his early 20s snapped and threw himself down. Tapping his glasses I to place and offered Lucas a seat.

"Thank you sir…( accept the seat) I heard you wanted to see me sir".

"Me…? (Acts puzzled but remembers) Yes I remember, it's about your mission yesterday. He said and feint a smile at him. He exposed his red eyes and lips as he bent over, looking for the paper work.

"What about it Sir…? He asked boldly, still staying calm.

"Well…( itches his white shoulder length hair as he tries to dig up a memory) Do you have anything doing today? He asked still having his hand to head.

"Not exactly…I-

"Them that's settled…come with me". He said and got up immediately to leave. Grabbing a long bumper dark jacket as a coat to cover himself. He made out of the office and Lucas went with him.

"Where are we going? He asked but no response, except a nasty look and eye shot. "Mei san…take care, I'll be out for a while…Oh one more thing". He turned and looked at Lucas and Mei San, who stood aside.

"Are you two dating…? He asked in a pale face.


"No sir…

"I know…I know…just wanted to make conversation. Relax old man". He said and chuckled as he made for the elevator. Lucas followed him weirdly behind as he instructed but still kept his distance as he wondered the hell who he was exactly.

 They hopped into a Mercedes and drove off, all through the time he was quiet, pressing his phone and muttering to himself. He had this strange behavior that was absurd and the way he looked at Lucas…detailed that he was probably reading up on his profile.

The cab pulled over at a grave yard, where only two people were there visiting loved ones who passed. Lucas had himself off the cab and walked along strangely with his new boss and master. He kept his mouth shut even though the sight of a grave yard was not what he opted to see. He felt a knot in his stomach as they walked through it as though they were looking for someone.

"Here we are…" The new bureau leader said and Lucas looked forward to a sight of the kid with the red hair's grave site. He looked at the bureau master in a bit of disgust as he wasn't a fan of grave yards either.

"Where are we here? He asked and looked at him.

"I believe…Guru Magma, is still alive and not sealed away like you all think". The bureau master said and tipped his glasses again.

"Why would you say that…besides his dead, I saw him fall off the behind". Lucas snapped back.

"But where you with him when he fell…?

"What…no! He-

"Transfusion between souls and demons can be performed even on the air…you know. Don't be so fooled, Lucas". The bureau master said as he pulled down for a squat.

"How can you tell? Lucas asked looking down at him in puzzled face.

"Its simple…I am not dumb as you( points to his head as he looked at him) I have reasons to believe so…

"No kidding… Lucas snapped as he looked around the graveyard…still wanting to leave this place immediately, with the thought of disbelief in his head.

"Picture this scenario in your head…you are a demon possessed, you run off to switch bodies with a norm. On a hot persistent chase by a visionary, you realize that your only chance is to get him in a high environment with lots of people…like a party. So you go to your new host to make contact but eventually, you've messed up the timing. (Goes behind him as he demonstrates his point) Falling of a sky craper with the new host…in the old host's body. You realize and picture your only chance of survival being 100/1…if you don't make this slight chance. Will fall and die or would you switch to the older kids body and preserve the soul, knowing that you might have a chance at survival and retrieve a dead man back…as a demon possessed". He said and looked at Lucas who couldn't believe his ears.

"Do you think that…?

"Yes…she dugged herself up again…after the mulling and tearful nonsense. The demon has possessed the dead body and I believe…someone have to clean that up, before things get outta hand". He said and looked at his cellphone to know the time.

"we have to clean this up". Lucas urged on.

"Whose we…? He stuttered

"Me and you…?

"This is your mistake…you clean it up. She is probably fixing up the body as the possession of a dead body takes forever…".

"Where could they be?

"over there. Best go at night…it would be safer and better". He said pointing at an abandoned church building.

"great…you a really help" Lucas muttered in disappointment to his bureau master as he was obviously in no mood to help.

"I trust you to do this on your own…if you ever need help just think about me and I would come. I would show up when a higher ups does". He muttered and turned to leave him as the cab was still waiting.

"I don't even know you…

"No kidding…(thinks again before looking at him) I am Denzel Kun. Your division's bureau master and also…I am gorgeous. He said and flicked his hair backwards as he turns to leave.

"Really…that's your introduction…? Lucas asked as he felt lame and had an awe look on his face.

"Don't die my little pigeon…" Denzel said and ventured on as he waved on to him.

Need to know: Denzel Kun…23 years old, wears glasses but can see without them naturally. Funny in nature but has the highest number of killed demons in the entire of Divine Visionary's history. He is regarded as a special grade Visionary with an indescribable ability. The bureau has barely enough information on him as he regarded as a ghost Visionary. With little information on his family background and origin…he has a ranking of being known as the chess board itself.

 How can a human, more or less a Visionary be that strong…over a thousand demon kills and barely doesn't partake in exorcising demons possessed. Is it even real? The Visionaries apparently have all their documents recorded at the bureau but a man with barely no information on his bio. Now that's just strange…

Lucas tossed his phone back into his pocket as he waited in a nearby fast food for night to cover. He decided to test the waters a bit further and call Mei San, his secretary. Surely, she would have a thing or two Information about him. He failed he number and it rang for the first time and then the second was picked.

"Hello…Lucas, I am a bit busy-

"I know… just wanna ask a few questions. He hissed in rudely.

"about? Mei San said in her usual soft voice.

"Denzel…our new bureau leader. What info do you have on him". Lucas asked as he felt hungry for answers.

"Really…Lucas? You are doubting him? Mei San hissed at him and he rolled his eyes.

"No…I just wanna be sure. Because the info box online said nothing much about him. A special ops and a man with the ranking of the chess board itself. But no origin or background…isn't that suspicious? He hissed back as though he didn't want to be heard.

"The same…information is also here. But I did hear I story about a boy". She said in a cold voice.

"what about him? He spoke in anxious.

"There was a story about a young boy who was found in the woods…after the apocalypse. Skinny looking, dirty and tried. They said he was surrounded by 3 demon bodies around him…all dead. I think that…

"Denzel is the little kid…He hipped in excitement as he felt he had proven his theory.

"No…you should clear your head and do what you got to do…not suspecting other people. Besides, you murder a young lad…yesterday-

"I get it…Mei San…(scoffs) I would hung up now. He caught a in rudely as he pulls the phone away from this ear.

 A young boy…why would the bureau hide Denzel's true identity for all of us. He could be a threat or something way worse…if he was exactly that strong at an early age then he could destroy the entire of Japan. "Denzel who exactly are you? Bureau master" he said as he stared at the bright sky and glares dirty at him.