
Chapter 14: All Witches Must Die


Christopher Dawson

We leave the ship in rowboats. General Hanson and I lead the charge with six other brave men. More witches stand on the beach, some wave appearing to be friendly. But we know what they really are. What a sight we must be, a shadow upon their land. Doing what needs to be done, shaded from what some have called, atrocities. ‘Blasphemy.’

I hop out when we are close to shore. Some of the other men help me drag the boat onto land. The rest of the men aren’t far behind. A man with a crown made of flowers approaches us. The man shakes through the mesh of metal that makes up my visor. He’s scared, as he should be.

Captain Hanson approaches the man. He opens his visor when he speaks,

“Do you renounce Satan and the sins you all have committed here on this hellish rock you call home?”