
Chapter I: The Mortal World

The Wind Palace, Capital of Airania, 2008.

"Tell me Milady, can my curse be cured?"

"Of course dear child, the prophecy says it clear." she assured

"But...you must be forgetting something," she complained. "The prophecy also says that I could...die."

Her master's expression softened when she mentioned it. "It's still too early to tell what the whole prophecy really means."

"The four royal bloods," she looked hopefully in the sky. "Wonder who are they, and where they are."

"Don't worry my dear child, they would come soon," she said trying to cheer her up.

She clenched her fist.

"It's been 7 years! I've been waiting for it to happen for already 7 years milady!"

Her master fell into silent.

Then a final decision had made up on her mind.

"I'm going to go and find Zarthog master," she said with finality. "And I'm gonna bring my brother."

"What? Are you insane?! He could kill you both with no mercy!"

"But, there's no other choice," she said silently. "Please, just let us go." she pleaded in a low voice.

Her master did not answer, but she sighed.

"We're going to tomorrow at dawn," and she bowed to her master. "Thank you so much milady. For everything."

She ran off to her house.


Camden State University, London, 2019.

"Mr. Edmund?" called their history teacher.

"For the fifth time! Mr. Edmund!" cried the teacher desperately trying to get his attention.

But it seemed that his mind was way too far from their class. He stared blankly at the window. And then... Something was thrown at him that made his attention back to their class. He stood up immediately and said "Yes, Ma'am! Please repeat the question ma'am!"

Their whole class erupted into laughter the moment he said those words. His teacher sighed and said, "You're not paying attention at my class again Mr. Edmund."

"I'm so sorry, " he said. "But could you at least repeat the question? I'm willing to answer it." he added hopefully.

Their teacher looked at him as if reading his mind.

"Oh, okay. The question was 'What do you call a creature with the head and wings of an eagle and a body of a black panther?'"

"Uhm," he thought for a second. "Well that would be a gryphon, right?"

"Yes, very good Mr. Edmund, at least you are reading your book."

He smiled and went back to his seat. Several minutes later, their class ended. As he walk by to his locker, he remembered he forgot to introduce himself.

By the way, as you know earlier his name was 'Edmund' and his last name? Oh, nevermind that. It's not that important right now.

He's a twenty years old, junior student of CS University. Well, he has one older brother and a younger sister. They live nearby the university.

Most of the time he spents just a little attention during their class, as what you know again earlier. But for your information, he likes to read. Any kind of books, from fantasy to horror, to history to math. That's why even though he is not listening at their lesson, he never fails to answer the teacher's question.

Oh, do he really need to describe himself? Okay, fine. Well he's white, (obviously) 5'8 tall, has a dark brown wavy hair, has a medium built body (but mind you with 4 packs of abs) has an angelic face (as what his mother says), have have a pair of amber eyes, has a pink kissable lips (as what anybody says) and to sum those up you could say that he's pretty handsome right?

Okay, enough of that, we're already missing the point. Edmund opened his locker to put his stuffs and readying himself to go home. After closing the locker door, somebody appeared at his side, (well most of the time).

"Hi Eddie! Getting ready to go home?" she said sweetly.

He felt disgusted.

"Ah yeah, Liberty why?"

"Glad you asked! Uhm, are you available this weekend? You see, my family and I are planning to go camping. It's gonna be on 'our' favorite place."

"Liberty..." he sighed. "First of all, we already broke up. I always keep on reminding you of that, and you always forgot about it. And now, this."

Liberty pouted her lips.

"I clearly know that, you know. I hate it when you always remind me. And you also know that I was used to do that to you when we're still together." she said dramatically.

'Here we go again', Edmund thought.

"No, I can't come. I already got something to do this weekend."

"Oh c'mon! You're making excuses Eddie! The opening class had just started. I know that you're not that busy. You still need to enjoy this time, you know."

Edmund could've said something, but before he can respond a girl popped out at his back. And she was the one who can only make Liberty irritated.

He sighed in relief. He knew that girl can save him from Liberty's nagging.

"It's true that he has something to do this weekend. He will help me with my subjects because it's my first time and first year here at the university." she said, she looked at Edmund and smiled. He knew what she meant.

'I got this for you.'

And then Liberty was the one who looked disgusted.

"Duh? Georgie, what kind of a lame excuse was that? You've got Whilliam to do it for you. And you always come at a wrong time."

"Whilliam is busy at his tryout on baseball. Why? Got a problem with that?" Georgie replied.

And that was the time Edmund knew that Liberty will give up.

"Hmp. You're lucky cause you're Eddie's little sister. But if not, you're not gonna like on what I can do to you." she said.

And before she turns her back to walk away, she gave him first one of her seducing smile while she gave her best disgusted evil look to Georgie.

"Bye Eddie! I'll just see you around the next time." and she walked away.

"Urggh! I really hate that girl every time she calls me little! What was it this time Ed?"

"Sorry Gie, you know her she always barges everytime that I'm alone. She invited me to go camping with her family." replied Edmund feeling sorry for his sister.

"I promise, it won't happen again, Gie."

"You should be sure of that. If not," she gestured herself to follow Liberty acting to smack her.

"I understand clearly."

"Well that's good. C'mon let's go fetch Whilliam. I think he's already waiting for us," she grabbed Edmund's hand to follow her.

Several minutes later, they saw Whilliam waiting on the hallway of the campus, looking bored and tired of waiting.

"Phew! I thought I would wait for ages before you guys could arrive," he said when he saw them coming.

"Sorry we're late Whill, Ed just got some minor problem that took time to solve." she glared at Edmund.

"Ah yeah, but don't worry it's okay now." he said.

Whilliam just stared at them, for a second he understood what they meant.

"Oh... Okay. Let's go home guys it's getting late." Whilliam said.

As they walked home, Whilliam was trying to crack some jokes at them trying to make the mood happy. He kids at them about what if they were some sort of royal beings of the past era from a far faw away place, possessing such powers. With some magical creatures and things that they could only see in their wildest dreams and imagination.

Georgie laughs frantically, as if it was the stupidest and most impossible idea that Whilliam had ever said.

"Gosh, Whilliam! You're being a lunatic!"

But Edmund only managed to smile.

"What's wrong Ed? Is something bothering you?" Whilliam asked.

"It's nothing. I'm just a lil bit tired."

Whilliam just nodded.

After they arrived home, they helped their parents prepare the table for dinner. Despite of the delicious meal that was cooked by their mother, Edmund doesn't have that much appetite to eat. He doesn't want his parents to notice it so he pretended that he's hungry.

"Wow Mom! The pot roast is really good! I hope I can cook something this good too when I grow up." Georgie said.

Their mom smiled and said, "That would make you a fine housewife dear. Your husband will be really luck to have you."

Georgie smiled blushing a bit and looked at Edmund.

After the dinner, it was his turn to wash up the dishes. And yet still, his mind always kept thinking about his weird dream last few days ago.

It keeps on coming back from his mind that makes him stare blankly because of deep thinking. It was really disturbing, though he hadn't told anyone about it. Not even Whilliam or Georgie. After finishing the dishes, he said goodnight to his parents and siblings.

He was glad that there's no homework for that day. Meaning, he have plenty of time to think and rest. But that was his big mistake, right after closing his eyes he found himself back in that same place he'd seen before in his dream. But now different things are happening.