
Chapter 44


Chapter 44: This is Ruslan


Bluve's P.O.V

It has been 2 days since we have been activating our abilities, Hakun and I would take turns sometimes to let the other rest.

I was tired as hell, weary with the burden of long-closed eyes; I could of easily pulled off being a walking zombie, dead on the inside but subconsciously awake.

I swear it was exhausting but of course, we need to keep ourselves going. Ruslan is almost an hour away. Yes, almost there. Almost rest.

I looked at ther others and saw some were looking down, who wouldn't? it was a pretty view.

But I bet their little butts are itching to stand up and run free like a madman.

It is currently 3:28 pm, a time of peace and I swear to damn Emperia I'm literally about to murder Arcane.

While Hakun is still taking the control of the whole carpet. We asked Arcane to make us dinner while the others are also tired as hell.

"No!" The lazy ass screamed, knocking the ingredients out of the carpet leaving us all unable to eat dinner. I groaned unamusingly, ready to strangle the little shit.

Apparently, I have a temper.

Who fucking knew?!

I was about to copy Leo's ability when I jolted when someone steadily grabbed both my shoulders and pushed me down back to where I was sitting, I looked back and saw a guy with blue eyes and a blonde messy hair with a silver streak on it. Leo staring at me with an arched eyebrow while his face hinted with disappointment.

"I don't think it's a good idea to roast a bird in 3 pm at the top of all the clouds where as you didn't ask persmission to borrow the ability of your other friend and half of the others are having a nice siesta." He scolded.

I rolled my eyes and pointed at Arcane.

"Should we push that thing then?"

He heaved a sigh and sat down in front of me.

"I'm not taking part of your plan. But if you ask me, that's a nice idea."

He then faced the direction of the bird. Arcane's back was facing ours. He was taking selfies of himself and when he eventually noticed us, he pointed the camera's direction to ours and his. Fitting our faces to the frame.

"Say Cheese..!" He exclaimed. Leo just lifted his whole mouth looking like it was a forced smile while I only stared at the camera blanky. After that, Arcane started forgetting about us and continued on taking photos of himself.

Then the guy opened his social media account and posted our picture. I looked at the captions he was typing immediately.

'My hot boyfriends are probably exhausted. Was it because we did something naughty minutes ago? #boyfriends #hot #arcane'

Then without a single doubt, he posted the photo.

"Or you could just burn him. That'd be much more fantastic." Leo suggested.

I stood up, steadying my balance just in case I wouldn't fly in the wind if Hakun would flip this carpet. And without a single doubt I headed in Arcane's direction.

I was looking at him, waiting patiently if he just finished his whole drama. I looked at him intently and I shot up when I felt someone touched my legs.

I looked down and saw Chloe almost rolling away. I immediately sat and supported her sleeping state away from the ends of the carpet and placed her in the middle.

She had a kind of understated beauty, perhaps it was because she was so disarmingly unaware of her prettiness. Her clear skin was completely flawless. I doubt she used face masks or expensive products, that really wasn't her style.

She was all about simplicity, making things easy, helping those around her to relax and be happy with what they have. Perhaps that is why her skin glowed so, it was her inner beauty that lit her eyes and softened her features. When she smiled and laughed you couldn't help but smile along too, even if it was just on the inside. To be in her company was to feel that you too were someone, that you had been warmed in summer rays regardless of the season.

I looked down at her and stared for a moment and now pulling my gaze away as I headed back in Arcane's. Ready to push him or roast him, either is fine.

I was about to make my way when I suddenly heard Hakun.



"N-nandito na tayo..."

I turned my head in his direction and saw him looking pale.

I breathed in and out but air wouldn't enter my lungs. Starved for air, my heart raced at tremendous speeds, and my lungs shallowly rose and fell in time. I stood there for what felt like an eternity but was actually only five minutes. Satisfaction of security was nothing but a distant memory, and an invisible force crushed me from every possible direction. Each second submerged in fear made a permanent mark on my heart, and a vivid imagination made me wander whether it was just my mind playing tricks or reality.

From deep inside my chest, through every cell of my body, the warmth welcomed me like an enemy. But it was strange, because I never felt that way before. It kinda scared me, you know?

Feeling the heat slowly leaving my heart... All my life everything I once loved or cared about always fucked up and broke me, tearing apart my soul bit by bit.

Staring isn't quite the word for what I did, though I'd fit the dictionary definition to a tee. My eyes rest, not unblinking but slowed; yet the effect is soft and inviting instead of harsh. Perhaps it is my lips that give away my intention, not quite smiling but tilting as if they mean to.

It was pure silence as I woke up the others while Hakun was setting the carpet down.

Alpha looked like he was in pain about the city's state. Chummy on the otherhand was deeply frightened as she came to Chloe's aid. Arcane and Sergio went quiet. Hushy wasn't on his usual state and was fidgeting all the way and he looked like he was searching for someone. Leo's face was pale like he was about to barf, he was worried. Emerald was spacing out and Chippy---he looked like he was heart broken.

The City was half destroyed and there were alot of Animalias that are limping, some bodies were even scattered all over the street.

As The carpet came plastered down, We all got off and scanned the city. In those streets few only have beating hearts, the only being of warm blood and flesh. The walls around us were doubtless home to many in the fairly recent past, yet now it was an unfamiliar maze to all. The light fell on the words that spoke to nobody, unaware that their audience had vanished, or that the streets lay silent beneath no boots at all, save ours.

Where once was smooth grey concrete, kept clean by the robotic street workers in orange jackets, are now cracks and pioneering weeds. The buildings are long overdue for a pressure wash. The city planted saplings have exploded in their pots, given more time they will either break their man-made prisons or die, root bound and weak.

The wind passes almost unhindered, passing down the streets faster than a freight train and howling just the same. In the plaza there are still the fashionable store signs for coffee shops and delis. How decadent life had become to offset the awfulness our stressful work-lives. To just get through those mind-destroying hours at a desk we had to pamper ourselves with everything high fat and sugar, keeping our tastebuds infantile and our waistlines saggy.

It was as if time had stopped, removed all the distractions so we could see it for real, see how it really was, what it really was. And in that moment all I wished for was to once retrive the beating heart in this destroyed city, another being of warm blood and flesh which are familiar to this place and once called it their home.

I looked around and saw some other Animalia, their clothes are ragged and some weren't even wearing one.

I steadily approached a brown haired boy that is slumped against the wall, his windswept locks matted and dull. His skin is so pale it has a waxy appearance and at first I thought he's dead. But as I approaches I could hear the rattle of the boy's breathing, his air passing over mucus lined bronchi.

I went near him and kneeled at his side.

"Excuse me....May I ask a question?" I asked, as If I was begging for forgiveness. I saw the little boy's eyes looked everywhere as his little body shivered.

"Please." I heard a voice behind me, and I could clearly tell that it was coming from Chummy.

The boy's eyes lit up when he saw her and he began talking.

"Yes, what is it?."

Chummy and I made Eye contact and I could tell that she was also thinking of the question that I wanted to ask. We both nodded in unison before she turned to the kid.

"Anong nangyari dito?" My little cousin asks.

The boy fidgeted his little fingers as he began replying.

"2 days ago, binombahan ang east side ng Ruslan." He whispered.

I looked at Chummy and she looked back with a sour-looking face. I can tell that she was upset.

"Kilala mo kung sino yung nag bomba dito?" Chummy soothed the little boy. The little boy only shook his head as an answer.

"It is probably Queen Stella, No doubt." Chloe suggested. We both looked at her like she was right as we turned back again to the little boy and thanked him.

After that we all walked at the central of the whole city, everything was in the state of ruins and the fountain was no longer working.

The others scanned the whole place and so did I, only few animalia was walking and others are heading to the same direction--the evacuation center of the City.

"I am actually going to check on something. I'll just catch up woth you guys later." I heard Leo's worried voice called.

We all looked at him, which made us ease the feeling for a moment as Chloe gave him permission and nodded.

"Don't worry, this is his hometown. He wouldn't get lost in the way." Emerald commented which made us all feel relieved.

Hushy, Sergio and Alpha also wanted to check on the other places to search for the others so we let them be.

And so, we headed to the evacuation center. As we headed inside, the sound of chatters filled up my ears as we saw Animalias on the steps or merely in the ground. There were so many with small pale spaces here and there, like the tips of grass struggling to show through the golden-brown leaves of fall.

The concrete steps were damp from the morning rain, but some sat right on them like it was summer. Already the frigid water was seeping in. Surely they must feel it. Their arms were wrapped tightly around their knees that jutted up sharply. I took in their faces for as long as I dared look, skeletal really. No-one's cheekbones should stick out so far.

Their faces had no trace of life other than not being blue. It was like they were breathing without really being alive.

I shuddered at the fact that some were recieving medical help openly as the Doctors stitched some of their opened wounds while blood ooze out.

"T-this isn't what I'd expect Ruslan to be." Hakun whimpered.

I looked at him and agreed.

"That's right, I thought It'll be a busy city like normal." We made our steps towards the lost and found stuff and I could see posters of lost childrens, pets or even things.

The Animalia who was assigned there was just eating bubblegum like nothing really happened. We approached her and looked at us with an arched eyebrow, she blowed her gum before asking us.

"Yes? Is there something you're looking for?" Wow, I didn't know that animalias from Ruslan are all fluent in speaking english.


"I'd like to ask if you've seen 2 girls. A panda and a nine tailed fox?" Chloe spoke.

The girl looked at us boredly after hearing what Chloe said, she chewed her gum and popped a ballon before turning away from us.

"Alright, be right back." She spoke before turning away.

I turned back to see the others looking disappointed. I sighed and look at the entrance of the whole evacuation center. Only to see some Animalia in there keeping steady to enter in the door while struggling to carry a stretcher.

I gave Hakun my shoulder bag and headed that way, I helped them carry the strecther. In the stretcher, I saw a guy with his Animalia as a Flamingo. His hair was light pink, he was also wearing a receptionist shirt.

"Where should we head?" I asked the others.

They pointed a certain spot next to the other patients so I nodded and headed that way.

"No, I don't want to leave..! There are still a few Animalia in the apartment...They're going to die..!" The guy in the stretcher trembled between sharp breaths.

Ah, the apartment he worked in must be destroyed by the bombing.

"Sir Udus, you need to calm down. The building was destroyed. The rescuers searched thoroughly in the building and they made sure there wasn't anybody alive left behind." The other guy said.

The man called Udus sobbed loudly upon hearing that. I felt my heart dropped at his reaction so I couldn't help but look down as we made our way to the destinated place.

"Thank you..." One of the rescue team bowed to me and I also bowed to them.

I immediately headed back to the lost and found stall and saw the others still standing in there.

Guess the bubble gum girl still haven't fimished what she's suppose to do.

I stood there with the others, minutes later the girl came back with a paper and a pen.

"Alrighty, kids. What are their names?" The girl asked with a raspy voice.

"Sky Vescho and Meadow Hjordis." Chippy answered with a worried expression.

The girl then wrote the names in the paper and headed back to the door where she went in. I impatiently played with my fingers while my eyes fell randomly in the evacuation center, waiting for the girl to give us the information we needed.

It took us 3 minutes before a woman wearing a hooded cloak stepped right beside us.

My eyes lingered on the lady as I can hear her breathing. Not only me but the others pinned their sight on the woman. Is she also searching for something in this lost and found section?

"A week." The woman mumbled.

I eyes darted at the others as they also have a knotted expression.

"What...?" Chloe asked.

The woman then faced our direction only revealing a familiar face.

"Mom?" Chloe flinched in state of shock.

The woman with her pretty green orbs, and smooth blonde hair peeked at us and gave us a weak smile.

The feeling of familiarity washed over me, but I don't know about Chloe's case. This is probably the first time in years she saw her mother.

She hugged her really tight, Moon flinched at her daughter's touch but after a few minutes of adjusting she hugged her tightly.

They were like two statues lost in time.

After the endearing hug, she looked at Chippy as Chippy's mouth was hanging wide open.

"Moon..?" He stuttered.

Moon laughed at him.

"Hello, Wilhelms." She greeted.

Chippy wasn't able to reply yet when Moon seriously looked at us.

"A week." She started. "Stella went on rampage 2 days ago and she will destroy Emperia within a week. She is now after her younger sister in this dimension. She will do everything to kill her." Then she paused for a breath and looked at us.

"Please Save Emperia." She looked down with a worried expression.

"You--The peculiars are the only one who kill her."

We were silent for a moment, and As I looked at the others they looked like they we're carrying a lot of problems.

I looked back at Moon's direction only to see her gone. I turned to see the others, of course. Arcane being confused but he was stil cooperative.

Chloe looked at Chippy with a determined expression. And Chippy nodded at her as well.

"Let's save Emperia." Chloe remarked which made us agree.

From a distance, I could see literally see the other peculiars heading in our direction. I've guessed they already have an idea of what's to happen. I've guessed they overheard the conversation.

"Alright, We must stop Stella." I heard Emerald commented.

"But we don't know where she is." Alpha quaked as he pulled Chummy close. Alright, that's PDA in the next level.

But Alpha do have a point though.

"Of course we will, You Stupid GPS relying royal." Hushy replied. Which made Alpha shot him a dirty look

We were at loss of hope when I heard a bunch of kids talking to a distance in the whole Evacuation Center, their voice too silent but loud enough for us to hear.

"Have you heard? The Queen is heading her way to destroy Pynka?" A little boy with a bulky figure pondered.

"No way! I thought she was heading to Pendilor?" His other friend belted.

"Yes, I have heard that she will stop by to Pendilor and Cambridge but I'm also pretty sure her last destination is Pynka." He said.

I looked at the others and all of them nodded. Right, then we must make full stop in Pendilor. Which is closest to The Ruslan.

"Then Pendilor it is, we must save the other two cities." Hushy stated. We all nodded but it seems like our energy is wasted.

It's late already. Too late.

We are too tired and the sun is setting down. I looked at the others and they also thought of the same thing.

Then Leo openly raised his hands which made us looked in his direction.

"We can sleep in my old house, It's only the half of Ruslan that is destoryed. My old house isn't damaged by the bombing. We can stay there overnight and by tommorow we can head to Pendilor." He volunteered.

We all nodded in agreement as we headed outside, we saw the sun setting.

With the setting sun came a sky of fire, the orange of every wintry hearth. It was the battle cry to the gathering night, that the only achievement of darkness is to show starlight all the more clearly.

We were all exhausted and unable to walk any faster.

"Don't worry, it's close to where we are right now." Leo assured.

"Alright then, where is it exactly?" Emerald asked his butler.

"It's right over there." He said then pointed a certain house.

"Alright, then. I'll cook dinner." Chummy volunteered.

"Oh no, It's fine. I insist." Leo laughed only again, to recieve a death glare from Alpha.

I shook my head with the deja vu going on.