
The Cursed Alpha's Rejected Luna

Once burned, twice shy. Can Saige accept the help of the Alpha, who rejected and broke her heart? Not once, but twice. As if she had not learned her lesson. Right? Saige Callahan, a promising scientist, devoted her life to finding a cure for her mother's rare disease. Unfortunately, her mother died before she could complete the formula. Now, she faced mountains of debt, a dependent teenage brother, and a company on the verge of bankruptcy her parents left behind. Yeah! Desperate times called for desperate measures. But what if the only solution is her ex? Could she let bygones be bygones? The cursed Alpha Xavier Axel Lockwood is the youngest Alpha to lead the Blood Redwood Pack. His intelligence and bravery had earned him the respect of his fellow wolves while instilling fear in their enemies. Nobody dared to cross him, that was, until he crossed paths with a witch! Cursed, he must marry his mate and make her fall in love with him again! Will he be able to do so before it's too late? ***** "What is it?" He asked, wanting her to leave before he lost his control altogether. He knew he was hanging by a thin thread every second she stood before him. If she kept sending him mixed signals, she was asking for trouble. This time, he doubted if he could save her from himself. "Did you... Did we...?" But she stopped, seemingly embarrassed to ask her question. "I meant, did something happen between us last night?" Of course, she did not remember that part. But fortunately for her, there was nothing much to remember. "I don't need you high as a kite to claim your body. You already know that." After their two-year relationship, she should know by now what he was like. "And if something happened to us last night, you would know because you won't be able to stand up." He knew the distance between them was not enough to stop the impact of his words on her. He believed it was evident with her erratic pulse rate, her uneven breathing, and the scent she emitted when aroused. He concluded she remembered how good they were together. Now, she was as horny as him. "But I will not force you because I know you will come willingly to my bed on your own accord in time." He confidently reminded her. "And I promise. You will remember every detail of us together." Then, he turned away from her and walked into the closet to get some fresh clothes. But more than that, he just needed more space between them. "But I am not yours. Not anymore. Not ever." He could hear her whispering. "You have no right to claim me. No right at all." She continued. "And I will never come willingly back in your arms or your bed." She swore before he heard the door open and closed. "Never is a long time. But I can patiently wait." ***** [Warning: Mature steamy content, slight violence (in the later chapters), and some inappropriate language] COVER PHOTO - Credit to the owner.

bishop1275 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
29 Chs

Chapter 1


She had been grasping at straws, desperate to find hope in a seemingly hopeless situation.

"You can do this." Saige's finger tapped on the brown envelope lying flat on the bar surface. 

However, red flags seemed to be blaring inside her head the longer she sat on the stool and waited. She could feel the sweat that dripped down her back as her nerves grew restless.

But she knew she had no choice as she grew desperate. It was not as if many were lining up to diversify their funds in their company, particularly in her research.

"Just get his signature and then get out of there." Then, her fingers wrapped around her drink and shoved its red contents inside her mouth.

She did not drink much, finding alcohol did not mix well with her blood. A glass or two was her limit. More than that, she was afraid she might lose control of herself.

At that moment, she needed something to calm her nerves. But still, leave her with a clear head. 

"You don't have to do this." Her instincts warned her again as she stared at the unfamiliar place where she was meeting a possible investor.

But she knew she had to. After her mother died just recently, she became the new CEO of their family's business. She became responsible for thousands of lives, including her younger brother.

"You need to do this." Reminding herself that she had to save the company.

Regrettably, her mother's rare illness had become an all-consuming obsession for her, resulting in overwhelming expenses and plunging them into debt during years of relentless research to find a cure.

Sadly, despite her rigorous efforts, she failed her mother. She died before she could develop the treatment that could heal her mother's disease.

"But what if..." Of course, doubt and fear still entered the equation. Many things could still go wrong with this negotiation.

However, she should not let that stop her from presenting her proposal. After all, she believed that she was close to finding the cure.

She just needed someone to bail the company out of its financial situation and to continue to fund her research until its completion.

"Yeah, that is all I need to do." She convinced herself as she straightened in her seat with a new determination.

Then, she looked down at the dress that clung to her body like a second skin. Why did she let her friend pick out her outfit for tonight?

"No man could say no to your proposal if you wear that dress." Her friend insisted. Eventually, she conceded.


Now, she was regretting it.

It was too short as it displayed most of her long, lean legs, but she had to agree she looked stunning.

Nonetheless, that was not the point.

She was not here to impress anyone or someone, reminding herself that this was not a date. She was here to make a serious deal.

"This is business, nothing more." She repeated inside her head as she stared at her reflection in the mirror behind the bar.

She was on a mission, and no one and nothing could stop her. Besides, she believed she could not fail since everything depended on the success of this meeting.

Quickly, her eyes worked her way into the dark and crowded room, looking for the person she was supposed to meet. 

"Damn! Where could he be?" As her eyes searched the dimly lit place.

She believed it was like looking for a needle in a haystack in the middle of a moonless night. She could hardly see much, let alone identify the person's face with just the twinkling lights.

However, she could not shake the odd feeling that someone was watching her. She could not see it. But she felt eyes had been following her from the shadows as goosebumps crawled on her skin.

"Excuse me, but can I..." She turned to the tattooed bartender, hoping he might point her to the man she sought.

But she did not finish her sentence when someone interrupted her from behind. "The lady will have another red martini while I have my usual."

Suddenly, her back stiffened, her hands stilled, and her pulse quickened upon hearing that distinct, familiar tone. 

She wanted to believe it was just a coincidence, but when the man sat beside her, she automatically knew it was him, no doubt about it.

"Hello, Saige." The man greeted her, using the familiarity that they used to have.

But she knew better than to fall for his usual charm. She had already done that and looked at what it got her. Never again would she subject herself to his cruelty.

However, his manly scent wafted in her direction, reminding her of memories she did not wish to reminisce. But alas, as much as she hated it, she had no control over it.

"Are you following me?" But she doubted. It was probably a coincidence that they were in the same place tonight.


Once again, his dominating presence, without fail, made her body stand in attention, recognizing the only man who could make her fall to her knees with a mere stare.

"I don't need your free drink." She did not wait for his reply, believing she would not get an honest answer. 

She hated that, after all this time, this man still had this effect on her. "I am more than capable of buying my drink. So, go get your drink and leave me alone."

She did not even know why he was there. But undoubtedly, it was not because of her. If she remembered correctly, he ended anything that connected them five years ago.

"What if I say that I am here to see you?" The man grabbed his scotch and carefully swirled it in his glass while he turned to stare at her.

"Then, it is a bad joke that I don't want to hear." Of course, that was utter nonsense. "Anyway, I don't have time to play your games. I am here to meet someone, and you are in my way." 

She ignored the new drink but still dropped some bills on the counter, not wanting to accept anything from him. 

She stood and stepped away from the bar, hoping to escape him. Unfortunately, she did not get far as he quickly snatched her arms, pulling her back into him with a slight force. 

Seconds later, he had her cornered between him and the counter, staring into his burning ember eyes, trapped with no way out.

"What the hell! Let go of me." She vocally protested. But shamefully, deep inside, she wanted the opposite as his firm chest pressed hard against her supple and pliant body.

What the hell, indeed!

She could feel the familiar burning sensation starting at the pit of her stomach and spreading like wildfire all over her body. 

She was afraid if she did not put a stop to this onslaught on her senses immediately, her entire body would be blazing straight to hell.

"I will not until you listen." He insisted as he pushed his body even more, making her feel all his pent-up desires that he did not seem to bother to hide. "I heard about your situation. I am here to help you."

That sounded noble, but sadly, she did not trust him. As much as she needed help, she swore she would never accept anything from this man.

After he broke her heart, she loathed him with every fiber of her being. She cursed this man out of her life. 

"Why? Did your name suddenly change to Mr. Osborne? Because that is the man I came to see and not you." She countered as she pushed him with every strength she had.

But as she had expected, he did not even budge. But the rage in his eyes told her he did not appreciate her answer. 

He partially stepped back, giving her some breathing space. Though, he still held her trap.

"I am telling you. Peter Osborne is not the kind of man you want to get in bed with." He warned her, not with just his words but with the intensity of his gaze.

"I am not sleeping with him if that is what you think. I am just getting his investment." She did not like that he thought he could meddle with her affairs. "Now, would you let me go?"

She hated that he could still think he had a say in her life after what he did. No! He could not control her anymore. He lost that privilege when he ended their relationship.

"You might as well prepare yourself to sleep with him if you keep insisting on seeing him." He suddenly threateningly said. "Especially with that dress you are wearing."

"I am not sleeping with him." She insisted. "And what is wrong with my dress?" She thought it was still fairly decent compared to the other women who had barely had enough clothes to cover their private body parts.

His eyes raked her body from head to toe as if he were studying her every curve. "You are asking for trouble by waving a red flag at a raging bull." 

She did not know if he referred the bull to the other guy or him because it was clear to her that she still had the same effect on him.

"I think you are exaggerating. Besides, what I do with my life is none of your business. Now, let me go before I cry for help." She snatched her arm, but still, he did not let go of her.

"Don't say that I did not warn you." He leaned forward, brushing his lips just enough to skim the tip of her ears.

But that mere contact was enough to send shockwaves throughout her body. It was more than enough to remind her who she used to belong to.

"Thank you for your unwarranted advice. Goodbye, Mr. Xavier Lockwood." She hoped that would be the last time she would see him ever again.

Finally, he unclasped his fingers, setting her free. Then, without a second thought, she walked away without looking back. 

But his words and his touch had lingered on and on, haunting her even if she could not see him anymore.

A new book is calling to my readers.

Please give it a try.

Let me entertain you with Xavier and Saige's story.

Thanks again to those who already read some of my works.

Thank you also to those who would try to read my story for the first time.

Hope we both enjoy creating this wonderful story.

Just leaves your comments. I might not be able to respond to most of them but I enjoy reading them too.

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