
The Curse of Kelvin Stone

Kelvin, a charming successful 25 year old gospel minister who fell in love with the most beautiful woman every man aches for. However, things began to change when the truth about his past gradually unravels into a nightmare.

DaoistX22I5t · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter One: Awakening

The glorious sight of angels dancing and flapping their great wings as i, being filled with the Spirit, skillfully and sonorously sang my heart and soul out in the mist of great multitudes in an open city with great lights from above which filled the space in which we contained. There were unimaginable and supernatural miracles that took place as I worshipped such as eyes and ears have not seen or heard before. The great congregation, with their hands lifted up above the heavens, so filled with the power, that they all began to speak strange tongues from the depth of the Spirit as the whole arena was filled with smoke. The angels began to pour out of them diversed gifts and spiritual blessings. My back up singers were in utter tears and they were on the floor as they could not contain the glory in the room. Then I saw a mighty ship, taller than the one Noah built, sailing towards me on land and I looked again as I ministered and saw golden aircrafts flying to and fro in front of the great ship that was approaching me then it halted just immideately it got a little more closer. "Pastor K, two men are here to see you. You have only 4 minutes to talk with them" I opened my eyes and saw one of the police officer leaving the cell front gate. Then I heard some footsteps approaching and I could hear Bernard's voice through the wind in my ears. One of the police men who escorted them in, opened the cell gate and let them in. "you heard him, 4 minutes only" and left humming a popular country song. I stood up in my chains excitedly, and trodded to meet them and i fell. I had forgotten I had been chained hands and feet. "Easy there, brother." as they helped me get up. "Here, you have to eat. We brought you your favourite snack, burger and hotdog just the way you like it" Harry said. "And I also got you Fam Fresh, to cool you off" Bernard added. "Thanks guys, you're the best" I grabbed the food from them and I began to munch it voraciously as I was very hungry. "I have spoken to my lawyer, Dr Abigail who has promised to do her best to get you out of here in no time. Bernard said." "you've been here for too long. I can't watch you suffer like this" Harry pointed out. "How's my son? I asked, with the food stuffed in my face." Angel, oh he's fine. I just drove him off to school some minutes before we got here. He's doing great. " Harry said, looking at his wrist watch." I am really greatful for all you guys have been doing for me since the incident. Thank you so much you guys, l love you all" i said as a tear dropped down my left cheek. "We love you more. Don't you worry about a thing, you'll be fine. We will do our very best to get you out of here sooner than later" Harry said "It's a promise, and I sure will keep to it" Bernard quickly added.

"God will make a way, where there seems to be no way..." Bernard sang then Harry and I harmonised.; "He works In ways we cannot see,..." Then I alone voiced "He will make a way for me. He will be my guide, hold me closely to his side, with love and strength for each new day,..." Then together we chorused "He will make a way,.... He will make a way" as we held each other's hands tightly, i heard someone from behind saying "Time's up guys" then we heaved a sigh of relief. "we'll come check up on you again soon. It'll be alright" Bernard said. Then I gave them a warm hug as they, sadly left the cell gate. "You know pastor, you should've known God would make a way before you sexually assaulted that helpless young lad. It's a shame and only a matter of time before the state puts you out of your misery. The policeman scornfully lamented as he locks up the cell gate. On hearing that, I bowed my head in between my knees in guilt and shame.