
The Curse Of Freedom

What is freedom? Is it being free, being bondless, nothing stopping a us from doing whatever we want. Has humanity ever been free, it seem no matter how we try there is always something keeping us from what we truly want, be it family, friends, enemies or even the moral beliefs of the community or even the individual. Freedom is a farce, it doesn't exist, remember the saying as free as a bird. If birds are truly free why do they always return to their cages. Life itself is a cage, we are bound to existence, the only thing in a human body that is truly free is the mind. The mind isn't bound to anything, it's only limitation is the body, even with that said we aren't truly free. If freedom really existed what do we have to do to attain it and would we do with the new found freedom.

Abraham_Obaro · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
3 Chs


Xavier entered into the school. He made his way to his classroom. He noticed no one was there so he sat down on one of the chairs. His mind drifted to his brother, he hoped he was getting better .

After a few minutes he heard footsteps.

"I knew you would be in here. C'mon the party is on the roof" Emily said as she saw Xavier sitting alone in their classroom.

"Oh , hey Mil's" he said in a flat tone.

"What's wrong?" she asked looking concerned.

"Nothing" he said.

"I know you're worried about Al, trust me he's gonna be fine, he's a strong kid. Stronger than you of course" she said smiling at him.

Xavier laughed. " Your right, he's strong and he's gonna be just fine" he said trying to reassure himself.

"Ok, now let's party!!. You know Al will be really pissed if you didn't dance with me." she said stretching her hand out for him to hold.

" Ok lets dance" he said taking her hand.

They made their way to the roof, it was decorated beautifully with white and dark blue streamers, lights were hung all over the place making it look more beautiful. Xavier noticed people looking at him strangely. He tried to ignore it but it was getting too much. He started to get nervous as they made their way through the crowd.

"hey Mil's can u tell me why everyone is looking at me weirdly?" Xavier asked looking around nervously.

"Ooohh, I think it's the way your dressed" she looked at him from head to toe.

Xavier looked at himself all confused then he looked around and saw everyone dressed in bright colors like red, yellow and blue. He was dressed in all black. He wore a black leather jacket and black denim jeans and black Nike shoes. He basically looked like the grim reaper from a nineteen eighties movie.

"Oh c'mon Al, seriously. I knew I should have picked the other outfit, I look really dumb now" he said .

"Yeah you look really dumb but it's kinda cool you know. Your being you, I like that and besides all black suits you perfectly." she said smiling at him.

'damn I need to marry this girl' he said in his mind.

Xavier noticed what she was wearing. She wore a yellow and blue dress that stuck to her body nicely. The yellow complimented her hair the blue brought out her ocean blue eyes which made it sparkle. Emily always had a unique fashion sense, she didn't really dress flashy but what ever she wore always made her look breathtaking. Xavier always thought she looked beautiful maybe it's because of her blonde hair or her amazing ocean blue eyes but tonight there was something about her that took his breath away.

"Heyy!! Xavier, Mil's. Who's ready to paaarrtty!!"

A guy wearing a blue jacket and white jeans jumped on Xavier.

"oh Damion, don't scare me like that" Xavier said.

"Dude what are u wearing?. Didn't you hear the announcement, the dress code is primary colors. You look like your attending a funeral" Damion said laughing at Xavier's fashion sense.

Ignoring Damion, Xavier turned to Emily "would you like to dance"

Emily smiled brightly "I thought you would never ask".

They walked to the dance floor hand in hand, Xavier was so nervous he could hear his heart beating so fast. He wasn't a good dancer, he hoped Emily wouldn't notice. Xavier held Emily by the waist while she wrapped her arms around his neck and they started to dance. They moved perfectly with the rhythm of the song played by the Dj. Xavier eyes were locked on Emily's as they danced together, he noticed her heart was beating as fast as his.

"Hey Emily, I want to tell you something" Xavier said without breaking eye contact.

"Oh and what's that?" Emily said with a smile on her face. She looked so beautiful when she smiled Xavier thought.

"Well we've been friends for a long time and you know the way I feel about you, I was wondering, would u like to ..... " Xavier was interrupted by other students looking at the sky.

" woah that's amazing" Emily said pointing at the sky. Xavier looked up and saw the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his 16 years of living. It was a meteor shower, it made the sky look so beautiful.

It looked like all the stars in the sky has begun to fall make the sky look out spectacular. Xavier was so happy he could witness it with Emily. She held his hand tight and stared at the sky. Xavier was overwhelmed with a kind of feeling that he couldn't quite describe, at that moment all he wanted to do was kiss her.

He reached out his hand and touched her face, she looked at him and couldn't help being drawn into his eyes those black mysterious eyes that held something behind them something terrifying and yet she was drawn to it. Emily saw that Xavier was bringing his face closer to hers, her face immediately turned red and she closed her eyes expecting something his kiss but she felt nothing. She opened her eyes to look at him but he wasn't looking at her instead he looked at the sky with a worried expression.

"What is that thing" Damion came into view pointing at the sky.

It was an asteroid heading towards the town and it was huge. They could see it emitting smoke then a wave of wind pushed them back as it neared, before they knew it it crashed in the middle of town making a loud sound which was almost deafining. The students covered their ears but it was too loud, some of them started to fall to the ground unconscious.

Xavier looked around and found Emily already laying on the ground unconscious, he tried to wake her up but the noise was too much he could hold it anymore, darkness started to creep in. Just before Xavier lost consciousness he saw a figured standing in the mist of the students wearing all black but It didn't look quite human, it had long claws and something that looked like horns coming out of its head.

It's backed was turned against Xavier, it slowly turned revealing it face but I was too dark for Xavier to see anything, the only thing he saw was his eyes glowing like fire flies in the dark. It looked like the devil himself. In a matter if seconds it came closer to Xavier looking into his eyes. Xavier felt chills as this monster stared at him then he heard it it sounded like a normal man. It said to Xavier "the curse of freedom is now yours, use it wisely".

The darkness that was lingering in Xavier's eyes came at him with full force dragging him in to it's deep embrace.