
Death Fifteen

It is nearly a candle later when Gregoire and Mistress Byerne join him. Lord Jerrath spent the majority of the time gazing upon the images he drew of Desolation.

He loves her, he is sure of it. How love can happen before the turning of the moons' tide, he cannot fathom. He thought love would take moons as experts proclaim. He knows it's love. He does not desire her body, nor her face, nor any physical aspect; nor was it because he found her physical aspects lacking. Dyus, she is certainly attractive. He craved her splendid mind and the feisty tongue hidden beneath a quiet demeanor.

Thinking about her tongue leads him to the memory of kissing, how she unabashedly kissed him with abandon. Even her quiet, shy side has passion. Dyu's how he craves more. His body betrays his love, it is in lust. He reins it in forcing his body to recognize that it wants all of her.