

In "The Curse of Azazel," a sassy librarian named Isabella unwittingly frees a grumpy demon named Azazel from a centuries-old curse. But things get even more complicated when Isabella realizes she's the only one who can help Azazel break the curse before he loses his powers and becomes a mere mortal. Join these unlikely allies as they navigate the world of cursed demons, snooty angels, and the occasional pesky mortal, all while trying to save Azazel's hide (and Isabella's sanity) in this witty, action-packed supernatural romp! "Help break the curse of Azazel and lift my spirits by commenting, voting, and sending power stones - I promise I won't curse you too!"

Redpen · Fantaisie
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34 Chs

Azazel's Trouble continues (2)

Just as the tension between Isabella and Azazel reached its peak, Sarah intervened, sensing the discord in the air. Her voice cut through the charged atmosphere, breaking the silence that had settled between them. "Are you two fighting?" she inquired, her gaze shifting between Isabella and Azazel.

Isabella's face lit up with a bright smile as she turned to Sarah, grateful for the interruption. "Oh, no! We were just having a little disagreement about a book, weren't we, sweetheart?" She turned her hopeful gaze towards Azazel, silently pleading for him to play along and diffuse the situation.

Azazel, however, remained immersed in his reading, paying no heed to Isabella's attempts to involve him in the conversation. His silence spoke volumes, a subtle indication of his disinterest in engaging with them.

Isabella, well aware of Azazel's disposition, held back her disappointment and quickly shifted her attention back to Sarah. She gently took her friend's arm, guiding her towards the library counter, a smile still plastered on her face.

"Why is Azazel so rude?" Sarah questioned, her tone filled with genuine concern. Isabella's heart sank, knowing she had to tread carefully with her response.

"Rude?" Isabella feigned innocence, her voice laced with feigned ignorance. "Oh, Sarah, I don't think he means to be rude. He's just... different. He has his own unique way of expressing himself."

Sarah's brow furrowed with disbelief. "I know this might be hard for you to hear, but your man is undeniably rude. How do you cope with his nasty attitude?"

Isabella's smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of vulnerability crossing her features. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before responding. "Sarah, Azazel has a complex past, and he carries burdens that not everyone can understand. It's not always easy, but I see beyond his exterior. Deep down, I believe there's more to him than meets the eye."

As they reached the counter, Isabella subtly changed the subject, hoping to steer the conversation away from Azazel's behaviour. As Isabella checked her watch and noticed that it was already noon, she realized that it was time for lunch. She turned to Sarah and suggested they grab a meal together. The two friends exchanged smiles, their excitement evident, and they quickly gathered their bags, ready to head out.

However, just as they were about to leave, Sarah halted abruptly and inquired, "Won't Azazel be joining us?" Isabella's mind raced, searching for a suitable excuse. She nervously ran her fingers through her hair, a sign that she was concocting a response. "No, he won't be coming with us," Isabella finally replied, trying to sound casual. "He doesn't eat outside. He's a bit of a neat freak, you know," she added, attempting to brush off the question with a chuckle.

Sarah laughed along, seemingly accepting the explanation. Both Isabella and Sarah took a step towards the door, eager to begin their lunchtime outing, when Azazel unexpectedly approached them. His presence halted their departure, his voice breaking the silence. "Where are you both going?" he inquired, his eyes scanning their expressions.

Sarah, with a friendly smile, responded, "We're going to have lunch." Isabella, realizing the situation could become complicated, swiftly moved to Azazel's side, her touch gentle as she pulled him aside for a moment.

"I don't think it's a great idea for you to come with us," Isabella whispered, concern lining her voice. Azazel raised an eyebrow inquisitively, prompting her to elaborate. "You're immortal, and I'm sure you don't eat mortal meals. It would be best if you stayed here," she explained, her eyes filled with a mixture of sincerity and caution.

But Azazel, being stubborn as ever, refused to heed her advice. He turned back to Sarah, a charming smile playing upon his lips. "Can we go then?" he asked, his gaze shifting between Isabella and Sarah. "It seems Isabella isn't feeling hungry today."

Sarah's brows furrowed in confusion, her eyes darting between Azazel and Isabella. The unexpected smile on Azazel's face struck her as peculiar, but she chose not to dwell on it for long. With a shrug, she nodded and said, "Alright then, let's go."

As they walked away, Isabella couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and curiosity. Azazel's behavior remained enigmatic, and she wondered what lay beneath his newfound charm towards Sarah.

As Azazel and Sarah prepared to leave for lunch, Isabella let out a resigned sigh. She couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered within her, knowing all too well what Azazel had in mind. Determined not to let him slip away, she quickly followed after them, her footsteps echoing with determination.

Reaching Sarah's car, Sarah courteously opened the doors, inviting both Azazel and Isabella to hop in. However, Azazel politely declined, asserting, "I will meet you both there." Isabella, fully aware of his intentions, swiftly intervened, her smile hiding her true intentions. She playfully pushed him into the car, urging him to join them. "Come on, sweetheart. Don't you remember that you didn't bring your car today?" she teased, her voice laced with a hint of mischief.

Azazel looked at her, a mix of confusion and curiosity in his eyes. Despite his perplexity, he chose to remain silent, sensing that Isabella had something up her sleeve. He leaned back in the car seat, watching the interaction between Isabella and Sarah with a hint of amusement.

The car engine roared to life as Sarah started the vehicle, pulling away from the curb and embarking on their journey to the chosen lunch spot. The car ride was quiet as Isabella could sense Azazel's frustration with the situation. She knew he didn't like feeling out of control and this was clearly one of those situations. She tried to make small talk with Sarah to ease the tension but she could tell that Sarah was still curious about Azazel's sudden change in behaviour.