
the curse- the red cloak of blood and greed

Today she was to get a new fiancé, someone she didn't know. When they arrived at the King's Hall and greeted all the guests, an unexpected man entered the hall. Once he was her ex fiancé, but today she should have been given to someone else. As if he had come straight from the battlefield to the festivity, he stood before the king and demanded an explanation. No explanation was given and the disaster overtook the festivity. Like death itselve, his Soldiers came into the hall and killed everyone in the way of their king. Everything ended in disaster, the king murdered and the princess forced to marry the man she once loved, but now killed her father. How could she ever forgive him, or even love him? And then there was the curse of her mother, which would send them both into despair far greater than expected.

ConnyPI · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
17 Chs

Chapter 6

Maren entered: " My queen, you are expected in the office." he bowed slightly and stretched his arm towards the door. The former queen straightened her back proudly. She may be a prisoner but she was still a noblewoman and born of a superior lineage. Her icy gaze fixed on the servant as she pushed her daughter lightly in the direction of the exit. "Go, I'm sure he wants to discuss tomorrow's coronation of both of you . I am sorry that I will not be able to attend the ceremony. As you know, a new royal couple can only be crowned after the old one passes away." Salena turned around abruptly at her last words: "...Wha..." before she could ask a guard called out "His Majesty King Alec."interrupting the young queen's question.

Alec entered the room, wearing only light clothing. His sword hanging at his side, with one hand Maren signalled he could withdraw. "My Queen, we still have our coronation to prepare." he held out a hand to his young bride. He gave his mother-in-law a slight nod. Salena's emotions flashed, fear swept over her. She staggered towards the exit, clutching the bundle in her arms. The few steps she took on her mother's room felt like a mile-long march. Her legs were heavy and numb. But there was no turning back for her, the young bride knew. That was why she forbade herself to see her mother one last time, she would not turn around. If she turned around, she would collapse and jump right out of the window. [No. I am destined to live. Yes, even with him as my king. My king. My cruel monster who keeps me alive for his amusement]. She brushed past the outstretched hand, out into the familiar corridors of her childhood home. Alec followed her out and the guard closed the door to the chamber.

Salena was overcome with nausea, black spots forming before her eyes. She tried to follow Alec into the study, but as soon as she lifted a foot she swayed and the package fell to the floor.

As if from a distance, she heard her name being called. But it was too late, darkness formed around her thoughts and everything disappeared. She no longer felt anything. Alec caught the falling queen, quickly lifting her up. Maren was only a few steps away when he heard his king scream "Maren, get a doctor for Salena! Now!"

Like the good soldier he was, Maren ran to the west wing of the castle. There were the healers and infirmary for everyone. As he was about to jump around the corner over the banister, he bumped into a young servant. "MAKE WAY, BOY !" he shouted to late. The collision made the young boy fall to the ground. "Sorry boy, I need the Queen's doctor!" Maren hurriedly lifted the young boy and set him back on his feet. "A..But ...d...the Doctor...is upstairs next to the..." stammered the little one.

Maren was halfway down the stairs when the boy did not bother to speak. Accustomed to being ignored, and suspecting the man had overheard him, he began to gather up the scattered towels. Just as he bent down, he heard a loud puffing behind him. Maren had rushed back up the stairs and was now standing behind him, puffing air. "Tell me, boy, where is the doctor, or even better, run and fetch him! He must go to the new queen's chambers at once! The little boy was startled and his big eyes flapped at the scattered towels on the floor and the soldier in front of him. "DON'T YOU HEAR ! GO!" Like a scalded cat, the boy sprinted away.

The royal court physician's chamber was, after all, just down the floor from the royal family's chambers. As fast as he could, the boy ran down the corridor, past the soldiers and only stopped at the last room. Out of breath, he knocked on the heavy wooden door: "M...Ma...Master! T..The Q..Queen..." he had barely stuttered his last word when the door swung open. An old man with a short beard and long combed-back white hair stood before him. "It's all right Erik, I see. It's urgent, I'm going to see the queen. She has probably killed herself because of grief for the king." Grumbling, the old man turned and searched for his bag. "n..no M..Master Pius. The y...y..young queen." stuttered Erik still gasping for breath. With raised eyebrows, but without saying anything, the royal court physician nodded at the young one. [Poor girl. No wonder, with the cruelty of the last few days] he thought and ran out of the room with his bag. He knew there was no time, the new king was unpredictable and he didn't seem to be the boy he was before the war.

As he approached the princess's chambers, the king's screams could already be heard: "Where is that damned doctor!!!" Erik was startled and stopped. But Master Pius did not hurry towards the chamber, as if he did not care to be exposed to the wrath of the new king. "My king, my old bones may not climb stairs as fast as yours," Master Pius spoke as he entered the room. Alec was just about to throw his consort's night dishes against a wall when he caught sight of the doctor. "Master Pius ?! You are still at this court?" Alec noted, pausing in his movement. The old doctor grimaced, "And you may be king, but still you seem to have no manners. Get out of the way and continue to refrain from having such outbursts in a patient's room." grumbled the old man. Alec carelessly put the dishes back on the dresser. Master Pius eyed the young queen who was bending over a bowl, gagging, as if she were going to throw up. "Everyone out of the chamber!" the doctor called firmly at the sight of the young woman. Maren and the two ladies-in-waiting, who pressed themselves anxiously against the side of their young mistress' bed, left the room. Master Pius turned to the king and waited "All right!" Alec exclaimed and stormed out of the room. He slammed the door behind him. Furious, he stomped off to the king's study without a word to anyone.

Maren sighed as he watched his young friend in his angry outburst. He knew he would not get any sleep again today. Maren lingered in place for a moment when he caught sight of Erik. "Come here, little one." he beckoned Erik to him. Shyly, the little boy came towards him, his eyes burning, he wanted to run away, but where to? He had no one left. A few steps before the man with the scar across his face, he stopped. "What's your name?" Maren asked him- " E...E...Erik." he cursed his stutter. "Thank you for your help, Erik. Can you stay here and tell the doctor to report to the study when he comes out?" asked Maren. "Y...yes, I..I will." puzzled and relieved, the boy stayed outside the room. He leaned against the wall at a safe distance from the guards and waited.